Saturday, February 5, 2011

this morning: The Minnesota Cuke & Search for Samson's Hairbrush

I got up early and then studied a few things outside in the cold while waiting for a store to open to get some groceries.

Then I got to the Y, picked out a scripture verse and it was Isaiah (will mention which one) and then I clicked to Veggie Tales, "The Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush":

When you passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Isaiah 43:2

I just watched the whole Samson and Hairbrush episode. It has 4 parts and you can find them all with the same youtube user name: daylight2416
Then I found this trailer for "The Pirates Who Did Nothing"...

I have been thinking about my son since this morning which is why I thought about playing Veggie Tales. I knew he would be watching cartoons today.

What We Gonna Do?
Today I sort of felt there were some who wanted to just "game" but it was a decent day anyway. What I didn't like was that a couple of small things happened when I was at work, technology stuff, and I really didn't appreciate it when the purpose is not even near God's will.

So when my enemies feel they have triumphed over me, in any way, even small, or forced me to do something because of something they did first, that is illegal, I have to listen to a song like the one above and believe it.

Because number 1, I am the one who has integrity.

I'm not pulling weird stuff on others, or making predictions, or trying to cast spells, or harming anyone with technology of any kind, or doing anything that is illegal to manipulate the actions of others.

I did have a good day, I was just surprised that a couple of things even happened at all today, which was shocking, and I hope that this kind of thing quits.

At any rate, I'm very happy to have work and got a few things done that I wanted to do. I am hoping to study more and get more done, in general.

Yo Ho Hero:

The Wicked and Wiley Wascal Willy: This made me laugh out loud.

Minnesota Cuke and The Search for Noah's Umbrella:

The Bisquit of Zazzamarandabo:

(this one made me laugh out loud too...really funny)

I have to listen to more Veggie Tales and laugh more.

I then went to a place I haven't been to before and they were playing callie colbait and then Bryan Adams. Bryan Adams always makes me think of my childhood. I got slightly distracted for a minute, listening to all this romantic music and sort of a good energy somewhere. I think it's another Bryan Adams song. It was some song about "the one" and then "don't let go" with a duet with a woman. Now it's some saxophone solo. But somewhere there feels like good energy.

It probably has nothing to do with this place...but someone praying somewhere.

I had this feeling again in some chapels recently. The last one, last night, I think some of it was prayers of others and then at one point I thought maybe it was really even my own prayers a tiny bit. Because I prayed for something at one point and then I literally felt it getting stronger so I thought, "I think part of it is even my own prayers! it's working!" (not to say they don't work if you don't "feel" something, but that was there too and it wasn't "technology" either.

I know my family was happy I'd been able to find work too.

Now the song is "It Will All Get Better In Time" which is a depressing song, I think, but nothing really gets past this feeling right now.

Time for more Veggie Tales and then I'll have to wrap up for the night and study again for tomorrow.

Now it's this "Wherever You Go" by callie again.

Anyway, something around here feels pretty strong and positive. So interesting.

What is also weird WEIRD! is that I saw the clip for the Wicked and Wiley Wascal Willy and the redhaired woman is wearing a coat that I OWN. I have that coat. It's the one I have with the fur trim. I thought this was very funny. I am a cartoon. I never knew. (no, just kidding, but it has a resemblance)

Anyway, now it feels slightly sad again. It's 5:21 p.m. but it was really strong around 5:00-until a few minutes ago and then sort of sad.

I tried to play a Veggie Tales polka song but then I found one at this other place that I decided to play. I know it's a worship song and not funny, but I played it:

I Can Only Imagine:
I'll have to listen to more funny Veggie Tales tomorrow.

Right now I have to get back.

Mercy Me's "I Can Only Imagine":

Another video for MercyMe's "I Can Only Imagine":

I like the kid version best tonight. makes me think of my son.

The music here has been good too. I've listened to some of it with one ear and then the other music with the other ear.

I'm trying to become ambiaudiotres. ;)

I'm going to work on ambidexterity and also ambiaudiority.

At any rate, I had a pretty good day today...very happy to work and I think it will be great. I was just a little annoyed by a couple of small things that were really NOT bad, but still bothered me.

I really hope that my son can be with me very soon.

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