Sunday, February 6, 2011

this morning: it's not too late

Woke up early and stayed in bed to think first and pray small, before getting out of bed. Well, pray for a short amount of time, that is.

Then I got up, dressed, and grabbed things to study and went to a place with wifi.

Last night's chapel was definitely interesting. I sat down and I was praying and then opened up my Bible to the part where Jesus tells Simon Peter, "Feed my sheep". Earlier, I opened to Eccl. before I sat down and it made me think of Jr. High days when I had to type out the "time for everything" passage over and over.

But I was on "Do you love me?"
"Yes, I love you"
"Then feed my sheep"

So I was meditating on "feed my sheep". Focusing on this and what it means and how to be generous or different things.

and the woman got up to speak and read Psalm 23, "The Lord Is My Shepherd"

Then someone read something about doing the thing you had planned to do a long time ago but hadn't carried out, and about generosity.

And then the message of the night was "It's Not Too Late"

The woman said she was new and didn't know anyone there but that she felt the message was that it is not too late and that all things are possible with God, if it the will of God, nothing can come in between it and to start "talking back" and reminding "satan" or opposition that it is not too late.

I felt a good presence again too, and prayed before, sort of during as well.

The passage for feed my sheep and take care of my lambs comes right after the miraculous catch of fish, at the end of the book of John 21 at v. 15.

I also then turned to Samuel, to the part about a victorious battle where the leader sets up a stone to remember what happened and then stopped at the part where Israel asks for a king.

Then the woman got up and read from Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd

And then right after that, from 2 Corinthians 8:10, "And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so. Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have."

And then the next woman gave a message called "It's not too late" and believing in the things God wants to do.

I felt it was interesting how everything sort of flowed and then too, before her message, I had prayed that God would open up my heart to receive what He wanted to say to me, whether I liked it what it was or not, to be open to it and to try to know what His will was for me.

So then when she started reading the Psalm 23 and we were supposed to read it together, out loud, I had to stop because I couldn't stop tears (silent ones). Everything was this kind of confirmation but I confess that I still don't completely understand what it all means.

I thought about my son and how I am supposed to do certain things and I think there is more that I don't know about, even myself, at least not yet.

I prayed for myself and for others last night too, those who have cared about me and my son, those who love God and also for more to come into the "fold" and know the power of God in their own lives even more and even for new supporters or friends for myself and my son too.

This morning then I got up and while it was still dark said a getting up prayer which was just very short and simple and then I played Veggie Tales Silly Song about "The Pirates Who Do Nothing" which is very cute, and then want to watch a few more of these and study too.

Pirates Who Do Nothing (easy chair song):

I watched a few more of these and then went to worship while I studied and this one stood out, with good energy. I thought it was one song but it was something different and yet I really liked the vibe with it:

In His Presence/He is Able:

By Grace Alone:

Be Thou My Vision:
My goodness. I think I will not do that again. Pull the Joseph Technicolor Coat gig where I'm talking about good things happening.

My luck is almost better when I'm talking about being bound and detained and shot up with Haldol in a nuthouse.

I just wrote about things because I thought it was a good testimony or something sort of good. But right after I wrote about it, someone was doing the burning thing with my laptop. It took about a half hour for someone to round up or size up what they were going to do in response before I went to work.

At any rate, feed my sheep, in my reflections, had to do with ideas I've had in the past of ways to help others and give. So it resounded with me.


Others can try to make anything into something else and try to minimize. That's what pigs do with pearls. Just the saying about don't give your "pearls" to swine (or wisdom or insights to those who don't care and are bent to ruin things) lest they be trod upon.

I thought I was giving some inspiring thoughts, but I guess someone or some group didn't like it at all.

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