Sunday, July 31, 2011

Correction to truth about stolen medical records

I wrote my medical records were disappearing in 1998 or 1999 but I was wrong. They started disappearing in 2002. Which was when I was in the middle of litigation and when I lived on Hemlock St. in Portland, Oregon.

I had the CT (for migraine, on my head) done in something like 1998 or 1999, and in 2001 I had a really odd medical finding once which turned out to be totally incorrect. I had been told I had cancer precursers and they were going to go in and do a major biopsy and then it turned out that the entire thing was false. The weird thing, was that I somehow intuivitely thought it was false and I refused to have it done and then discovered and had it confirmed over and over, it was false. It was really good that I got second and third opinions because otherwise I would be missing part of my body. Seriously. It was an invasive kind of biopsy that this woman wanted to do and something, to me, wasn't adding up. There was never any real precancer either, just an idea that something could turn to that. It was of "disputed significance". So instead of having a biopsy that could have been a hack shack operation, I had this feeling something was questionable.

Then, it wasn't until 2004 that I started collecting and rounding up my records. I had everything, my whole history, except for the documentation from the first OBGYN I ever went to (as a virgin, in my 20s), who documented I said I was a virgin (this was in 1997 bc I still lived at my house in St. Johns, in Portland, and I was 23 years old and a documented, confirmed virgin) and then did an exam where I bled (which is why I say I lost my virginity to the speculum maybe). I even remember the weather. It was the summer of 1997. Spring or summer. Actually, it might have been late summer going into fall because I remember some rain and gray days then. I remember the office, the magazines, everything. I tried going to an elderly man first, who was an OBGYN and he sat me down and said if you are a virgin, you don't need one and he wouldn't do it. I had other OBGYNS turn me down, saying, if you're a virgin, you don't need an exam. But I thought everyone had them, and then someone said, "no, even if you're a virgin you could have other issues." ??? what, I don't know, but I went in on the safe side. So she was the one who officially documented it was not possible or a good idea for me to deliver the regular way because my pelvis was too narrow in one way. I don't remember what it was, but like, fine for width in one direction but not for the other side or back and forth but not side to side, can't remember. She said, "You can get pregnant and carrying will be fine, but you're an automatic C-section." So I didn't have this in my collected records (I mean, my own personal stack of medical records which I was compiling) and I also attempted to get a copy of my CT in 2004 and they told me it was "missing." Which was really odd. First someone refused to give it to me, saying they couldn't release it to me and then when I said I had a Dr. for them to give it to, they said it wasn't "there". Like it had never existed. I went to the lab where they held the records and everything. It was an x-ray, CT diagnostics lab. This was the first extremely strange "disappearance" of my medical records. Like, my entire CT films AND the report were "gone"? vanished into thin air?

I remember the location, because it was a radiology clinic that was next to where I had ended up living, when I moved to Hemlock St. I still remember how to drive to it. It was right next door to a little shopping area and medical clinic area that I later found out Raul Bujanda had been living next to. I didn't know this, at the time. I didn't know I lived near him and hadn't met him yet, but it was close to this one golf course. In that area, there was this golf course, and then to the side further down, I think some kind of large electronics store. And then on the other side of this road, which had curves, there were a lot of medical offices and complexes. That's where this radiologist place was that "lost" or "couldn't find" my first CT scan.

So, strange enough, my CT went "missing" or disappeared. They said yes, they should still have a copy bc it wasn't that old. But someone took it. Or, they just said they couldn't find it.

Then, my stack of medical records was stolen. The entire thing. And it had all of my records except for the OBGYN report at a different clinic, which was my first OBGYN (and I'm quite sure the other man who I tried to go to first would remember me, because I remember hiim and it's not everyday you met an attractive 23 year old coming into your office saying she's a virgin and wants an exam. I remember very well. He even blushed or turned bright red and said he couldn't do it. Wouldn't do it, and I did not need it. I remember where his offices are in fact and it was an old fashioned bungalow house.)

So then someone stole all my records from ME. I was taking them to lawyers, to discuss my knee injury from being wrecked by a hit and run, but I just brought the whole stack. If you want a stack of something approximately "8 inches high", there was never any sexually explicit writings from me to anyone ever. What WAS about "8 inches high" was the stack of my medical records.

This was stolen from me in 2004. Wait. No, I guess it was in 2002. It was stolen the same week I visited a lawyer who did some case work for the Abbey and Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. When he didn't file my case as he said he would, I had to rush to file it on my own, and that was in 2002.

So....My medical records were stolen in 2002.

And I asked for my CT before that, so I guess it was in 2002.

Yes, and then I think after I knew where Bujanda lived, in 2004, I went to the radiology place again and just noted the proximity but I'm not saying I ever though there was any correlation. I just remember it was the same area.

And then what's strange, is that I moved all the way to Washington state and even my dental records showed up missing.

I remember I got a copy of the OBGYN notes, the one I first went to, but I didn't have them in the stack that was eventually stolen (I don't think). I remember I looked them over at one point, and it was documented.

I even remember the weather on the days that I went to see the male OBGYN (who said I didn't need it) and then her. It was raining and a gray day when I saw him. When I saw her, the sun was shining and I remember what I was wearing as well. I just remembered hearing other women talking about their "pap exams" and "gyn appointments" and I guess I started thinking I was maybe supposed to do something or have one, to make sure everything was fine. I didn't have any problems. I had very regular periods. Clockwork. No problems. But, what if there was something no one could see? could I get cancer and not even know it? I kept thinking all these things so I went in to fit in and feel like the rest of the women my age. I thought maybe the older man I'd first gone to was old-fashioned or not up to date on things. I didn't know.

And then I was raped a year later.

And then, I had lawyers and insurance companies and others, lying about me to Oregon's "Willamette Week" and trying to portray me as a demented, immoral seductress of monks, who wrote sexually explicit email (right. I hardly had any idea of what sex was about), and was unstable.

One lie leads to another lie, and the next thing you know, they are torturing me and my son. Just to keep on top of the lies and to make the defamation look like it wasn't really a big deal and didn't ruin my life at all.

What I should have done, if I had had a decent lawyer in Canada, when I was being hauled in for immigration "violations" I didn't commit, was when I saw that copy of the Willamette Week on the opposing attorney's desk (the attorney for B.C.) I should have slapped down a copy of my medical documentation of my virginity in 1997, and then said, "I'll raise ya."

I went from having zero attempts at character assasination, and have almost zero experience of intimacy, to being called a criminal, demented, and an immoral slut. I had enough character witnesses to win the lotto and Take Vegas all on my own, for proving I was grossly defamed. So what to do when they realize this?

How about torture, and making it difficult to prove so she reeaaally sounds mentally ill?

I swear that all of the above is true, and I am willing to testify in a court of law to it's truth, and I would be willing to be questioned under penalty for perjury. It is all true.

Is it possible to go from being a naive virgin with no criminal history or mental health problems, to a raving lunatic who is a seductress overnight? What's even better, is that from the time of my medically documented virginity, at age 23, to the time that I was first being defamed, inbetween this time I had counseling and this further documented my state of mind. There was nothing wrong with me except for being devastated by being raped as a virgin. So, lets get a jury to believe this...a woman who has been a virgin her whole life, no criminal record, lots of friends, who goes to a counselor and everywhere wearing modest clothing, who is greiving being raped when she was "waiting until marriage"...this woman went to a monastery and turned into a criminal and wanted to sexually entice men there who were monks? wrote sexually explicit email when she never watched even R rated movies? and had had 1 small and short relationship that was intimate which she resolved was a reaction to being raped and confessed to this in counseling? So then breaks up to wait until marriage again but LO! those MONKS, just were TOOOOO tempting! Yeah, imagine some woman who just discussed, in counseling, how she was breaking up with someone because she felt she had gone to him as a reaction to being raped. Confessed to feeling worthless and like I wasn't "worthy" of a good person because I didn't have my virginity to offer. So out of PTSD reaction, went with a nice bf and cried every single time, and then finally broke up with HIM, just so I could go up to Mt. Angel Abbey and "get it on" with monks. All of my feelings were documented in counseling. There was never any idea of mental illness. Ever. And I was the one to say, well, I guess I can go back to being a virgin, sort of.

Then I ended up being accused of trying to seduce a MONK and writing explicit email when no such thing ever happened. They were so worked up that I wanted to know instead, what monks were supposed to do or not do because something weird was going on (I thought), that they allowed people to RUIN my life over it.

Then, I got by for another couple of years, refuting claims I was nuts, by trying to be out in the public eye more, and filed my lawsuits, and went to college, and proved I wasn't nuts.

Until I was forced to quit college. Suddenly, someone decides that maybe I am a threat.

Who knows. It might have even been something else too. For all I know, the fact that I had been a virgin was a threat all on its own. Or maybe that's just where jealousy comes in. When someone has almost everything, and morals too, and it's too much to take.

How better to really destroy the threat for once and all, than to torture someone.

And try to permanently ruin their life by false accusations of mental illness and crime. Throw in a little alcohol and distress to demoralize the person more, and try to make the "end product" match up with the lies that they told and the crimes that THEY committed.

Again, I am fully willing and ready to testify to all of this in any court of law. And I still happen to have some documentation and character witnesses as well. And for the last time, I want my son back. No, actually, it won't be the last time I say this.

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