Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smith Wigglesworth

Last night I had felt a sadness or heaviness until I made my post about asparagus and coughing up blood. I don't know why, but I felt better as soon as I was looking it up. It must be for someone, but it wasn't for me. Then, I was trying to post and I had so much interference it was unbelievable. My laptop kept shutting down, redirecting connect, deleting what I had written and I had to start over, on and on. I also read that the asparagus is from the lily family and I had just placed a giant asiatic (oh, just found out it's not asiatic, but I don't know what kind yet...okay, found it. My mom saved the info on it. It's called "Pink Heaven" and it's extremely fragrant--one lily fills the whole house) lily at the head of my bed, on a shelf that was just above. My mom planted a bunch and I had it in the kitchen but then I decided to put it above my pillow, on this narrow shelf at the headboard. After I did this, I tore up the shirt, read from the Bible, looked up asparagus and coughing up blood and I ended the night by making a post and then reading about hemophilia when it came to mind after all that. First I was looking through all these nutritional homeopathic books trying to find something in the index for bleeding, or coughing and when I saw the word hemophilia after not finding anything else, I read about this. I then fell asleep. I watched the movie Doc Hollywood before all this (earlier in the evening) and laughed a lot. I don't remember it being so funny. I laughed first right at the beginning as soon as he had cut through the construction by driving along the side, passing everyone, and then he's gunning it, getting ahead of everyone and as he's passing this big truck he doesn't realize he's missed his exit for Hollywood and ends up in the sticks. With that song he's playing. And then he's at a gas station with guys in overalls and says, "Where are we now?" I watched this until sometime after 9 p.m. and then got ready for bed and reading. I took my laptop to bed with me and looked things up there after I put a lily on the headboard (so then I was reading about this asparagus and looking back at the lily thinking, "that's weird" and trying to imagine how it's in the same group as an asparagus).

I think I dreamed but I don't remember what about. I woke this morning and looked up Oswald Chambers' devotional, and then a quote on youtube by Smith Wigglesworth,, and then a sermon by him called "The Secret Place", (I like the part about the drummer boy refusing to sound a retreat).

I think what I want to do now is share what I read from the Bible last night and my thoughts about it.
It's about 10 minutes to 11 a.m. and for the last hour I am noticing the Holy Spirit where I'm shaky but I don't know why. I took the dog for a walk (and cat) and then cleaned inside a little and then some things out of the garden and then I went back and was making soup and realized I was almost shaking, my legs were all shaky and I knew it was the Holy Spirit but still don't know why. So I went to the computer while the soup is cooking and every time I got up to stir it, my legs were still trembly.

(update on this...I guess it lasted from about 9:30 a.m.-11:30, but I would say possibly 9:00 am to 12 even. It was for a long time, the whole time I was cooking and I went from making the beans to making strawberry preserves. It was the same thing that happened when I was in church not this last Sunday but the one before. I didn't laugh, just noticed somethings. I guess I said a few words to God but I wasn't on my knees praying or anything, it happened right after I put some things in the garbage, took garbage out, cleaned some things out of the garden and went back to my place and I felt it. I noticed it when I was back at my place. I guess I was putting some things on the table with God, so to speak, but it was only a couple of words and a thought about faith and that was it so I think it was someone else, or some other group, praying, or maybe just the H.S. on its own)

I wasn't in the middle of deep prayer or anything. I did a few things, and with purpose to God, but it suprised me so I think it must be other people praying.

Had to check on my "soup". I guess it's not soup. It's flavorful black beans. ? I soaked black beans for a couple of days and then combined it with carrots from a tupperware where I had cabbage and carrots chopped up for soups and cooking. There were maybe a couple wisps of cabbage but not much and I combined it with the black beans and then it had a covering of water just to the top. I let it simmer and then added a touch of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and then sweet pickle juice (bread and butter chips), and a little salt. It's done now and it's more like black beans and carrots but very flavorful. Oh, and I had about 1 1/2 onions cut into the mix which soaked with the beans. I realized there isn't any water for it to be a soup and it's just good black beans and carrots and I put it on a plate and squeezed fresh lime over it. Then I gave some to the dog too, and the dog loves it!

While I had this simmering, I decided to clean up a section of the garden. I pulled out a few bits of plastic, black mulch plastic, and I don't know why I have left this one glass jar in a section of the yard but I decided to get rid of it. It was a kerr mason jar but I didn't throw it away, just put it near the garbage where someone else can decide whether to use it or not. Last night my Dad was talking about someone who uses voodoo to put needles into others, or he made an analogy, and guess what I found buried in this little section I worked on? a wrapper that was plastic and said needles 3/9. I also found a petunia midnight dreams indicator that identifies plants, in plastic, and this and about 4 different tiny and different shards or pieces of glass were retrieved. along with 2 metal plates, one which was bent. Two metal plates that look like something that might go into my neck. A couple of white blocks. Well, I have plates in my neck and I got all these things out from near the rhodadendron bush. One piece was clear turquoise, another was white crystal and had rainbows in it from the glass, and a couple of clear pieces. I also saw an orange and green gardening glove and I picked it up along with another thing of plastic. You couldn't really see any of these things unless you were knee level, and I went to knee level to clean it up.

I first tore up some things and put them in the trash and then I said a prayer to God and threw these things out and then decided to clean out this small section of the garden, after I smelled a new lily that came up, that's white and scented I moved to the pink ones and sniffed and then I decided to clean up this section and the rhodadendren bush was there.

I guess it was good I looked back there because I think the glove was newly missing. So I picked it out and the weird thing was that I knew there was something behind the bush but I didn't look or find it until I first cleaned out under it.

6 months and then add 3, makes 9. What happened was wrong.

So anyway, I then was in my place and picked up all these papers that had blown by the wind the other day. I had asked God another question about something else the other day and made papers with different religions and some politics on it and wondered if God might show me anything through it. If not, fine, but only with prayer or things to think about. So then I took this one rose and it was almost faded so I scattered the petals outside and they fluttered all about the porch. Then I had these papers on the kitchen counter and later in the day I opened the windows for fresh air. This wind came up and blew the bits of paper all over, and it went the same way as the petals from the rose. I left it there until today, gathered them up and just tossed them onto the counter and it fell out like a line.

Made me think of a line. Maybe a line referring to the line of new birth that Smith Wigglesworth speaks of. The other line that came to mind was a line of cocaine. At the top of the line was this paper "English UK govt". Not all the papers were turned over. Just a few and then french on the side. The ones in the line that were turned over I can mention in a minute.

I told my Dad the other day, about a week ago when I was cleaning out my pantry and the powdered mashed potato package tipped over and some of the powder fell out, I had straightened it up and there was this powder white line and it had happened just as I was thinking and asking God why Wenatchee was only good to me when I was with my Ex from Colombia. My Ex had nothing to do with drugs at all, but it came to my mind that part of Wenatchees corruption problem, and with me, has to do with drugs. Some of the corrupt officials did things they did based on some kind of criminal mix with refusing to honor the truth and more to do with whatever might satisfy their personal appetites. Even if my Ex had nothing at all to do with drugs, which he didn't, that doesn't mean that I wasn't suddenly treated with respect because of some idea linked to this. How gross, that the U.S. govt supports such slave trade negotiations. I am going to say it again, and get this clear: RETURN MY SON.

So I was saying to my Dad, laughing, "What kind of a Sherlock Holmes am I? huh?...and you see Sir, that it was at the moment the mashed potato powder fell into a line that EUREKA! I discovered the nature of the crime!"

I laughed and laughed about this.

So today I put these papers on the counter and I thought they'd be in a pile but they fell out like a line. Not all the papers were turned over. Only these ones: English UK govt., then christian/catholic liberal, then muslim liberal and indian were side by side, one on the right side one on the left, then russian, then liberal jewish. French was on the side, on it's own not in the line but turned over and then voodoo also figured in to the side. I don't think it means anything at all and I had no question with it at all. I didn't ask God any questions. And I don't imagine that it has any significance at all. However, as sometimes things stir my curiosity I then typed in a search for "use of cocaine for politics, mi5, mi6" and I clicked on this link (from April 2007):

Which is about a guy whose Dad worked for MI6 and how he testifies there is international trafficking of drugs for politics involving the UK govt, the CIA., Mossad, Rome, and other countries. Supposedly some kind of international cooperation with the IRA as well. Potato powder anyone?

So this is the first time I've ever even looked up such an idea. I've never once thought about it. But it's kind of interesting. Might have to check out the lobster magazine and some related things.

Yeah, and I want my son back.

So moving on, as you figure things out amongst yourselves...

Someone just broke through my radio just now (I am listening to "The Effect" which is christian alternative) and it sounded like someone cut through with a CB or something, like how things stop and then you can say something...anyway, a man just said "It's Jen." It kind of sounded like "It's Jim" but I thought it sounded like Jen. I don't know why this just cut through my radio but it did. It sounded like "It's Jim" but then I thought maybe he said "It's Jen".

The Bible passage I read last night was with a question I had about what kind of man Joe Biden was, and what did God think? but then I read what I came to, in context, and I thought it really applies to a lot of corruption that involves more than one person.

What I randomly turned to was this, when I said, "God, what do you think of Joe Biden?"

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord."

I read above this and it really speaks about things I have witnessed:

"Again the word of the Lord came to me. "son of man, say to the land, 'You are a land that has had no rain or showers in the day of wrath.' There is a conspiracy of her princes within her like a roaring lion tearing its prey; they devour people, take treasures and precious things and make many widows within her. Her priests do violence to any law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Her officials within her are like wolves tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill people to make unjust gain. Her PROPHETS whitewash these deeds for them by false visions and lying divinations. They say, 'This is what the Lord says'--when the Lord has not spoken. The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice."

Ezekiel 22:23-31.

I had torn the shirt and then prayed and read some scriptures and thought if anything, this describes the kind of climate my son and I have been contending with. Then I went to my laptop and prayed and thought what should I look up and out of the blue, "coughing up blood. asparagus." So I looked up, "asparagus, coughing up blood".

Psalm 11. Just turned to this now:

In the Lord I take refuge.
How then can you say to me:
"Flee like a bird to your mountain.
For look, the wicked bend their bows;
they set their arrows against the strings
to shoot from the shadows
at the upright in heart.
When the foundations are being
what can the righteous do"

The Lord is in his holy temple;
the Lord is on his heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of men;
his eyes examine them.
The Lord examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love
his soul hates.
On the wicked he will rain
fiery coals and burning sulfur;
a scorching wind will be their lot.

For the Lord is righteous,
he loves justice;
upright men will see his face."

I went back to look at the line again and I guess I couldn't read my own scrawl because the one on the side that I thought said "French" is actually "Spanish" I only saw the anish part and I scrawled it like ench.

Which is sort of funny because I thought to myself, as I was looking at this line, and this one the side on its own, I thought, "What's this? the French are the dealer?"

How hilarious. I was tee heeing to myself, and it was Spanish. "What's this?! the Spanish are the dealer?"

For some reason, Hitchens tucking his chin in with a wry smirk.

Here's the link to Lobster:

Ah, here's a Jim. James Casbolt. Peter Casbolt. ooh lah lah, wocky wocky wocky!

Oh no. Something mixed in about aliens. I'm not a big aliens believer. I do believe the global drug trade info with intelligence. No, this is different. This was supposed to be a clip about use of children in psychic experiments and someone went over it with some kind of alien clip.

I found some clips with James. When he's speaking, he sounds normal and I believe what he's saying, about the Project anvil and Project Oak and how the scientists the CIA used after WWII were also used by the UK. So he basically talks about things that are similiar to things the CIA has done. Using children who are thought to have genetic predispositions to psychic ability or other traits. The part I don't believe is using "aliens" to combine with humans. I think this is a cover for something else. Then I went to this site about broken mirrors and it has a site called outpost of freedom and how children are programmed, step by step. Alpha, beta, delta, and theta programs. They use incest and child abuse to condition children. They can't do this unless they make a child's guardian as the government. Project Monarch and Ultra were part of the DOD. The Hanford site, which is less than an hour away from Wenatchee, is one of the DODs largest project sites. It's DOE (department of energy) but that is directly connected to DOD as well.

I remember saying something to my Dad once, after seeing a photo of my mother when she was just a young girl. I saw these horrible circles under her eyes and I knew something was wrong, just by looking at that photo. She was only about 5-8 years old. She's standing there by herself and looks miserable. Turns out, I realize later, my mom is somewhat psychic. As is my Dad. They don't call it "psychic", they call it "word of knowledge" or "power through prayer" or "prophesy" or "healing" and that kind of thing.

I am second or third generation guinea pig.

From what I'm starting to figure out, my parents were the first generation to be used by the U.S. I don't know if it goes back to at least my grandparents even, but it might. Grounds for removal of my son were falsified and everything I've witnessed happen to my son, which almost looked like results of gang warfare, starts to look more and more like a continuation of abuse without compensation.

Maybe at some point, some of these kids start getting a thrill out of their abilities. So they forget all about what really happened to them and ignore the fact that they've been slaves and gold mines. If they feel reward from accuratly predicting something or seeing something, or remote viewing, at some point, even if part of it is through the Holy Spirit, if any part of it is due to government projects and experimentation, it's wrong.

I do not want my son used.

Aside from having a narrow pelvis, as the first OBGYN noted in me, she noted something else and I always wondered, if it was true, if that would also have been evidence of some kind of early use of me to precondition me for mind control research. Sounds strange and I don't want to go into details, but it would fit the parameters.

I see it this way--the U.S. has used my family for generations and I am not a willing participant and I want the business to end with my son. I want my son returned. And if some of the CPS and AG crackpots have to start negotiating with intelligence drug lords again, feel free. Do whatever you have to do, but someone had better think of a very good strategy for just returning my child to me.

It is really too bad you've invested so much already. I like how you now attempt to create psychic children or gene pools to work with by trying to get donor eggs and sperm together to make your own frankensteins. If I hadn't heard of some actual stories of this being done, I would hardly believe it. "Breeding" the human race and then using certain ones as slaves, designated slaves before they are even born.

Something doesn't go as planned? oh heck. At least you have the global drug trade at your disposal, for covering up, paying for, and bumping off whatever and whomever you want.

Get something straight. Wenatchee is a cess-pool of drugs and I want my son back. If the intelligence groups need to do a little "pow-wow" start thinking like an Indian and get it done. It's better than sitting in a sweat all the time, wondering when someone is going to throw the axle off, isn't it?

I want to say, my family hasn't done anything wrong. But I am able to point a finger at others who attempt to control my family and then want everyone to lie for them. I won't lie, so they designate me as crazy.

How's this for a trade? "You either agree your daughter is mentally ill or we torture her worse than she gets it now." How do they or anyone else prove it? I read a quote by Gotti today that he made when asked a question in court: "Is it true you are in the drug industry?" He replied, "No, how would we compete with the government?"

It's really interesting how all of Washington state was practically bowing out of all their claims against me when I went back to Wenatchee with my fiance from Colombia. Then they go into overdrive and back out of any "just" moves they were finally making, just because I break up with him?

Does something STINK? He was 1. Colombian, 2. Catholic, 3. A man.

Which of these appendages to my case mattered the most?

Either these people, the criminals who work IN the justice system and with CPS, either thought they were getting something out of our marriage personally, or they were just satisfied with a hidden plan to attempt to jail me or claim I was committing marriage fraud so he could be "legal".

Not once, was it EVER about OLIVER. It was never about him and it was never about me. It was about THEM and the minute they thought they weren't getting something, or someone didn't pull through for them, all of a sudden, a case involving a child and an innocent mother goes back to the cutting board?

Really interesting.

So what was it?

What was the hidden "benefit" Wenatchee and Washington state or the feds, were getting out of this? I say this because all of these agencies are Washington and federal ones. Or controlled by federal ones. It wasn't just Washington, because when I tried to get somewhere with CPS in Washington D.C., I had serious problems with them as well.

Basically, I went back to Wenatchee with a fiance and all of a sudden, everyone was backing down on harassing me. I remember very well. I remember which Judges, the CPS and AGs, everything. Then, all of a sudden, the minute I fold and decide I need a little time, these very same people turned back into scoundrels. So what makes total scoundrels, all the way to psychologists who jerked me around, lousy pds, the works, what turns scoundrels into little angels? Cocaine? the idea they might have access just because he's Colombian? Religion? ah, now she's marrying a catholic, the absolutely heinous catholics who have tortured her and her child will back off? peace man?

What was really great, was then the whole preparation for "Real Torture II". First my son and I get blasted in E. Wenatchee and then I break up with Colombo and these people who are suddenly giving me respect and WOW, even bringing out the metal detector into the courtroom like they care or something, they deliberately sank their teeth into me and my son, and plotted how to not just discredit me for good and try to justify their lousy rear ends, they planned how to invade every part of my privacy and personal and civil rights. I.Q. tests and psychological evaluations for CPS? NO. Not exactly. How about drugging, torture, retaliation, sexual abuse, hypnosis, medication to permanently alter my brain, brain scans that I refused to give the govt which my HORRIFIC lawyer Titus obtained for them anyway.

Did you set them up next to my dental x-rays?

You know, my missing dental x-rays that kept disappearing from the dental office in Cashmere, including a full set of my tops and bottoms and even a mold. Disappeared.

Me: "What happened?"
Dentist: "I don't know. We can't find them anywhere. We'll just do them over, no charge to you."
Me: "Okay"

Right. My dental records and mold disappear from the offices, after someone stole my entire stack of medical records in Portland, Oregon, which is also where my first CT scan on my brain was done. Yeah, they couldn't "find" that CT scan, EVER, either. "We can't find it."

Then "CPS" wants more.

Do you know what?

You are done. You are going to return my son or have some harder questions put to you, in a court of law, and if it has to be for court with the Geneva Convention, on an individual claim brought by me for me and my son, you will have that to look forward to.

My medical records were being stolen and confiscated as early as 1998, which is when I had the first CT scan for migraine and one odd memory lapse. They said everything was normal. After that, every single medical record I had from then on was stolen or in the case of my injured knee, one x-ray deliberately withheld from me.

So when these kinds of things happen and then I'm tortured, and it's state to state, it does look an awful lot like there is someone with federal strings and not just state purse strings.

I was made a living laughingstock and ridiculed. If you think I ever forgive those responsible, you are wrong. On top of torture, ridicule on an almost daily basis.

One thing I liked reading about was how LSD was used to turn political activists and revolutionaries into "flower children". That must have been the most brilliant and horrendous mass Project in recent history. And let everyone think it was "fun"! Instead of being angry about being dosed and introduced to dumbing drugs by the government, people still talk about "the good old days". Yeaaaaaah. Wasn't it great??? flowers in our hair, nakedness, and just peace and make love not war! Come on man, don't be a killjoy. Come on man, don't ruffle my feathers.

This is a documented case of a CIA project in effect and no one even thinks about how it started or realizes, "Wow. We were all part of a massive human experimentation project."

No. They just think it was "cool".

We're still paying to feed some of those appetites that were created in the 60s.

Here pumpkin, put a flower in your rifle barrel. Was it a flower in the rifle barrel or more about putting flowers in the hair of the political activists and convincing them, "You are so much prettier when you're not angry honey."

Some of you were part of a CIA Project and UK was part of it as well, MI6 was. They started it! And you guys are still ignorant and how odd that some of you, who were guinea pigs, would then allow me and my son to be used as guinea pigs.

How to control a crowd?

Crowd control rules anybody? DRUGS!

Wasn't it just greeaaatt! Boy were you cool man. The government thought so too. They have all these cool photos of you in their files.

What's great, is figuring out, at that time, who has what weakness and can be manipulated later in the future with a substance or garter belt.

"Remember Judge at the dinner party in...when was it...ah! here. Yeah, is he still into that? Really? well it says here he went to (redacted) with (redacted) and their drug of choice was (redacted). Oh, women? really? more than drugs? what kind?"

Thanks to so many taking part in "The Project" of the 60s, willing volunteers or not (trying to tamp on the acceleration of the 50s civil rights), an entire generation that could be blackmailed was created.

The baby boomers could be depended upon, some of them, to allow and facilitate the corrupt of the newer generations and their own children and children's friends. The potential was planted then and to this day, some federal judges refuse to hear drug cases. Guess why. No one wants to see themself in a photo dancing around like Dudley Moore with a bong in his hand when he's sitting on the bench. Or be in a position where he's sentencing others and then goes home to take a hit and wonder when the next afterparty is. Don't let his grey hair and paunch fool ya.

Thanks CIA and MI6. Yer great.

The best excuse is to write up a massive project of experimentation on their own citizens as one that "the citizens appeared to thoroughly enjoy and most were willing participants and wanted to try it." Get some HOT CIA hipster mamas out there to fuel the flame on the party. Oh yeah baby! TARGET: intense political activist writing prolific... (enter hot CIA blond recruit in tight short shift and go-go boots), "Hi, could I get you a drink? I have something else here that I'd like to try with you" (she proceeds to intoxicate and convince him to take drugs and derails his entire mission).

I know I've written about this before, but what is strange is that the baby boomer generation seems to have a hard time accepting the idea that this kind of thing is sometimes done on an individual basis and not just for a mass population.

I was looking at epidemiology just now and then thought about psychology and psychology of those who do or allow human experiments without consent of participant/victim/survivors. I would like to know what branch of psychology studies and addresses those who attempt to use others for research and experimentation and then discredit them at the same time. I guess the closest thing might be abnormal psychology but what is strange is that no one in intelligence, govt. positions, medical research, military or others, ever seems to think someone who has authority or a "real job" is possessed by a disorder that deserves DSVM classification. I mean, what kind of psychologist is it that listens to stories of those who have really been victims of mind control research? And do they only validate the victims? or do they also study the groups or persons that do these things to others to begin with?

I was looking up this psychology and found the Milberg experiment and then I found a link to "Top 10 Unethical Psychological Studies" and this is great because it shows use of power or position (as an educated and licensed psychologist) in subjecting children and adults to really horrific and torturous experiments:

I enjoyed reading this and I also thought, all of these reports talk about something like 170 colleges and universities taking part in human experiments without consent. I mean, the torture and harmful experiments, and I think to myself, since I keep reading the number is over 100 of these universities, in the U.S. alone, I should, and all students (if they care to be contientous..msp) should boycott and NOT go to any of the colleges that make this list. What seems most disturbing is that a lot of these colleges are ones that are rich or have rich alumni. Some of the Ivy League schools, for example (but probably more of the public research universities). I mean, do you really want to give your money to Harvard, when Harvard is turning your classmate into a Unibomber? Some of these schools are NOTORIOUS for their USE of HUMANS as guinea pigs. This is not OLD HISTORY and it's a SHAME that Hillary Clinton just encourages this kind of reconciliation show of apologizing to victims of a country for "something that happened in the past" and "another time".

Get real.

This kind of ABUSE is happening NOW. And don't tell me the Clintons don't know a thing about it. Or many other persons in power (I'm not just picking on the Clintons, believe me). I guess the way you get to be President these days is not just about the public electing you but the kind of assurance one might give these kinds of universities and corporations, by keeping quiet about it.

So anyway, I am interested in looking into more of these kinds of cases and what kind of psychology it is or who studies the real weirdos in our world that get away with torturing humans in our own country.

I need to find out, I think, what this list is, of colleges that participate in such research and studies and it's out there already I think, but maybe with a link to the kind of thing they've done in the past.

It doesn't matter how "good" a university is. You do not want to go there, if they have no ethics. Some might just think they want the brand name on their degree or certain programs a school has to offer but I would encourage all students to think about that brand name when it's linked to another atrocity, or how you are willing to sell your soul, and sell out your own classmates to a slaughter, by supporting ANY college or university that engages in, and has a history of, research and experimentation of human beings without their consent. When the "best" students start turning their noses up at universities, and they are asked why they cannot be persuaded to go to their school with all the scholarships or incentives they have to offer, it should be an incredible point of pride and distinction to be able to say, "I don't support your policies on research and experimentation of humans without their consent. In fact, I believe it is a crime."

Take your brains to a different college that has standards and respect for human life and civil rights, and make THAT college a shining star by the students that come out of it. The boycott should begin with colleges and universities because these are the places that are using YOUR student money to FUND groteseque programs.

If you're not a victim, maybe your sister will be, indirectly, or your classmate next to you. They don't CARE about you. Colleges like this want to use you and make money no matter what the cost is.

Start paying attention to the politicians too. Those who defend such things or are wishy washy do not need your vote. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

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