Friday, July 29, 2011

asparagus and coughing up blood

. I tore up the crown shirt and got an insight about the crown herb. Yeah, it's weird. I was given this shirt with a crown chakra on it and I decided tonight to tear it up and use it for rags to clean with. It reminds me too much of this crown business. So then I sort of prayed and read from the Bible on something I asked a question about and then set that aside and then I was online and thought of what I should look for and this came to mind: asparagus, coughing up blood. So I wondered if asparagus has any effect or help at all for the symptom of coughing up blood (which I do not have). And oddly enough it does. A small 3.5 oz serving meets 40% of the RDA for Vitamin K. What other properties it has I don't know but all this India stuff kept coming up and so I clicked on it because then I was looking up: asparagus, bleeding. And what I found was that asparagus root is even used for menstrual bleeding problems. And other problems as well, that have to do with bleeding. It's prescribed for toning the uterus and supposed to help lessen excessive or abnormal bleeding, particularly in women, which is somewhat diverent from "coughing up blood" but still. I read that according to Indian lit, asparagus is called the "queen of herbs" or "queen herb" and they make use of every part of it, including, what they call, the crown. It's said to bring love and fertility. And for whatever reason it was brought to my attention this evening, not for myself it seems, but for someone else, there was some overall good spiritual meaning in the tearing of the shirt and prayer.

As to whether it's the best thing ever, as a natural remedy, for bleeding or coughing up blood, I have no idea, but here's to asparagus!

I have good memories of asparagus because I used to take walks with Granny and we picked it out in the wild and steamed it. We picked sunflowers and wild asparagus and walked along the water. It was great! And I think I need to add asparagus to my shopping list next time...

1 comment:

  1. “Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively”

    Why don't you just take the time and energy to slow down a bit? Be thankful for all that you have been given. You have a God-fearing family whom takes you in no matter what atrocities you write about them and others.
    You have an aunt and uncle whom were willing to take your son in and love and care for him when you were not stable enough to do so.
    Be thankful in this moment for all that you have and stop distroying yourself and others for what you percieve yourself not to have.
