Friday, July 29, 2011

Making Tincture & College & Bomb Shelter Cinema

I just watched a couple of great videos for making herbal tincture. It's so easy I don't know why I don't set up shop somewhere.

I just wrote a post and someone deleted all but the first two sentences. So, starting again.

I was wondering about how to use alcohol for tincture because the organic milk thistle seeds I bought, are said to be soluble in alcohol. So I watched a video about how to make a tincture with alcohol by a woman named Birgitte, and she demonstrates alcohol tincture with pine leaves. Then she mentions it can be done with apple cider vingar so I went to the first one I found which was posted by TimWalkingBear in Maine, and he shows how to make an organic apple cider vinegar tincture with red clover blossoms and greens. He says it can also be done with oil. I think, possibly, I've seen his video before. At the end he says something and I don't know what it is but it sounds like "dojo".

The main rule of thumb in making an herbal tincture with the vinegar rather than alcohol is to double the amount.

If one lived in an area with a market for this kind of thing, it would be fun to make and sell. It's probably pretty easy. I don't know how you'd standardize it though. I suppose you can always read to find out!

Every herb is different too. Some are soluble with water, others have properties that are only drawn out with alcohol. And then I was reading some Chinese even fry their herbs in alcohol (some of them) for another kind of diffusion.

By the way, I don't watch the 700 club but my parents do sometimes and I had a headache and had to go in early and grab ibuprofen and coffee and heard the story of this Chinese couple that couldn't have children and they tried for 20 years. They finally decided maybe God had other plans and then one day they saw a box on the sidewalk and looked in and saw a baby girl. Someone had just abandoned her and they thought maybe it was because she had a cleft lip. So they took her home and adopted her and named her "Beautiful Jade". They only made about $150/mo and couldn't afford a surgery so they wrote to cbn and asked if someone might be able to help and someone offered to do her surgery free of charge, and they did, and it was the testimony of this family. I had my eyes closed bc my head was killing me, but it was nice to hear.

Anyway, if I have time, maybe I'll start a small side business with organic herbal tinctures. I don't know what you have to do? get maybe a food license of some kind and a business license and that's probably about it.

I had the song "Heaven, I'm in heaven..." come to mind and I tried to play a clip with the song by Fred Astaire and instead, I got a "heaven" video but a totally different song. "Heaven" (with fred astaire but it's the song, "...why don't we go somewhere only we know..." and then I just clicked on the next one which is from a movie I haven't seen and features dancing pairs:

I have no idea why the song came to mind, but it did.

At any rate, I think it's maybe because I watched a couple movies last night and one was "Stakeout" and I started laughing thinking of how I had done this choose your own adventure thing and the Dreyfuss guy went from talking about donuts and meeting the prohibited woman at the store and then the clip from always where he's sitting in a chair getting his hair cut by Audrey Hepburn. "am I in Heaven?"

Anyway, tinctures is a feasible idea. I'm looking into it.

I asked my mom what she thought about it and she thinks it sounds like a lawsuit, and then I looked it up and yes, there have been some lawsuits, but mainly against the use of alcohol. Even if it's dense in herbal properties, it's considered a liquor.

So I guess one would use apple cider vinegar. I wouldn't imagine doing this as a large business operation, but something small on the side. Like putting a few pies or loaves of bread to a bakery or something. Just very small.

I chewed several milk thistle seeds today and then I'm doing a detox with dandlion tea (bought the root organic at the store to make it myself) mixed with a little apple juice and apple cider vinegar.

I have been chewing on very small bits of Chinese star anise and I definitely think it has properties that somehow affect hormones.

I have lately been wondering if I might eventually go back to college for a degree in teaching and then possibly a little heavier in biology. I am seriously considering a triple major and did some research about students who have done this and it wasn't a problem for them.

If it were me, I would like to triple major in (at this time in life at least):

English Lit (art history or medeival poetry as a minor)
Biology (preparation for epidemology...the study of outbreaks of disease and conditions and their occurance in different areas, or of genetic traits in certain populations)
Information Technology

I would get the degree in information technology just to equip myself to be a halfway competent person with computers, which would help in whatever career I chose, biology to prepare for teaching or epidemology studies, where I could indulge my inclination to research and brainstorm, and english literature or the arts to complete what I already began and was prevented (in so many ways) from pursuing in a timely way. I wouldn't be one to take on more than 1 degree to be an overacheiver and I've never cared about this or social climbing. I would do it because I'm interested in all these things. I've considered becoming a psychologist (upper end one) but undecided and yet biology could still prepare for whatever I did later.

Also, I have an interest in taking some courses in military science, especially in intelligence. This, to me, is essential, when it is what I have had to deal with. It is not only used by intelligence and in warfare and things, it's used by various mafias and persons who attempt to control others. When I talk about what the possibilities are, and what I have witnessed, I want to know the language. So therefore, I will learn the language.

As for my writing and painting, painting is something I always want to do. I will have to do it in the future though because I need a space with enough ventililation since I prefer oils. As to writing, I'm not writing anything creative online. I still have to get a manual typewriter for that. And a large file cabinet.

One thing that has recently annoyed me again, is surveillance and monitoring of all my online activities. Why does AG Anne McIntosh want to read classifieds of a particular kind, for example? and who is pointing them out to her? and why do I have an incredible effort used to prevent me from ever doing what I really want to do? I have no problems with my computer searches and email and correspondence for so long and then it's like I have the DOD, the CIA, and all the democrats who are recently angry about my comments about Biden, tracking and blocking every single thing I try to accomplish online.

For example, I reset my FAFSA password or pin to see what my loans are and I was supposed to have an email sent to me via the U.S. govt., of course, within 3 days. I never got it. That was a month ago? and I still don't have it. I checked my junk mail and my inbox mail and nothing. I reset it over the phone on a recorded line with someone and I did it physically while he was on the phone with me through the Dept. of Education or whoever the group is that handles this.

In the last several years, anytime I have tried to do ANYTHING online or even by phone, with almost any U.S. agency, I have had zero response. Like, something is supposed to happen and then I have someone tampering with my FAFSA application online, even though its encrypted, so much, that I have to use a paper form which is archaic. I can't get my FAFSA pin when I've reset it and even with a customer rep online, on a recorded call with me. I can't get my own public defense attorneys to ever be honest with me, to date, not one has been a "good apple". I called the IRS and several agencies about my right to payment of unemployment monies and WA state customer service for unemployment, D.C. customer service, and the IRS all lied to me, repeatedly, for over a year. Which left me with zero income and stranded in increasingly dangerous situations which have affected my life permanently.

I would like to know when my son and I get OUR DAY.

Why are the smallest things, most basic of civil rights, so difficult for a normal everyday citizen to attain? and why have we been treated and targeted like the scum of the earth and then used as if we've some kind of gold mine, at the same time?

Even if some of the abuse has occured because of some internationals, this has all occured "On your watch", on the U.S.'s watch.

And I'm tired of it.

I finally get away enough to be in a safer area, and yet that doesn't ease my mind IN THE LEAST about what is happening to my son. He should not be in Washington State and I want him OUT OF THERE. If Big Brother can't make it happen, then he should not be living in the U.S. at all and has no future as long as he is here. He has been a hostage, period. I know exactly what being a hostage is all about and I do not accept it.

I find it totally appalling to then be using public library computers even in this small town, and have so many obstacles to my goals, and bizarre and appalling problems, I have to get up and ask the librarian what their Patriot Act policy is there.

And a lot of these problems recently have come up since I blogged a post about WACO and Biden sitting there defending the government's actions.

It didn't matter which computer I tried to move to, I had someone actively doing some really weird things (not harmful but more of an obstructive and harassing nature) no matter which one I went to. It's like when I used to have a ton of really bizarre and almost frightening ads and songs come up that were being generated by search engines but much more specialized.

I've blogged about some of this before. I mean, putting out ad after ad about death and life insurance, when I wasn't making any kind of searches that had any relevance to this whatsoever.

I think there are some very good people where I'm at now but as soon as we're on the outskirts, if I am, I notice more intent to harass from others passing through. It's not all the time at all, but it's definitely on the outskirts or closer to the freeways or if I've been out in public very long. At first, it will be this general mix of people, many friendly and seeming normal and then after a couple of hours, it's like anyone with an issue comes out of the woodwork sometime after noon.


Which is why I prefer to be more secluded and appreciate this at this time.

It's 10x better here and most of the problems still come from out of town if there are any, or lets just say, from a further range. Drastically improved. Drastically. If there are a few small issues, it's usually in small clumps, like 2-3 days in a row and then it quits. 2 days in a row and then quits. With more peace inbetween. It's such a huge and marked improvement there is no doubt whatsoever that it is safer and better for my son to be here than anywhere else. Period. I don't want him going to Wenatchee area schools ever. I am 100% opposed and against it. I am 100% opposed to the horrible conflicts of interest there are there, which is why they've tried to contain everything.

I have been vegetarian now for almost 1 year. First I was a seafood consuming vegetarian, doing it as a kind of fast with my son in mind, to do until he is with me again. Then, at some point while I was in TN, about 4 months ago or so, I cut out all fish and seafood because I thought maybe I used it as a crutch (what kind of a fast is it when I love seafood?). So then I ended up becoming full vegetarian but if someone is serving something with meat and that's all there is, if I can put this to the side, I do, and eat the rest. I'm not fanatical to the point that "it cannot be contaminated with meat!"

Anyway, I only do this for Oliver.

The state has made every effort, EVERY effort to try to completely severe the bond. Not ONCE, in good faith, did they ever attempt to change and undo the wrongs they did. They have failed at every single rule and regulation they even have, and they did all this, and perjured themselves and lied collectively, exactly like that BCC movie "Conspiracy of Silence" where the entire town knows and lies, and they did this on TOP of making a fraudulent case to begin with, and kidnapping my son from me in Canada and colluding to have me falsely arrested.

I can prove it, and I will.

If they do not correct their mistakes and find a way to "...what do you say if we just dismiss this whole thing?" I will make the aggregious wrongs so public and pronounced worldwide, they will wish they were never a town. To this DAY I have NO CLUE why they made such a huge deal about one young white woman being murdered, when they harbor murderers, liars, and torturers in that town on a regular basis. People know exactly what's going on. What's unfortunate for my son, is that some of them who had friends in the federal government came in and did a job to make it nearly impossible to rectify. And then, instead of having media on my side, as this is what finally worked for those falsely accused of sexually assaulting kids, I got the WACO crew that gleefully linked arms and said, "heaven help us, we ARE the media!"

Do you realize, that with all of the blame that went to the arms people, it was people like Biden and the media that allowed this to happen? Every single one of those reporters and journalists who is documented linking arms and making light of a situation where children were gassed, tortured, and burned alive, is part of the front, or face, of the American media collectively. Every single channel that did not pick up on that story, to try to save lives of children, who instead camped out around the place just to get sensational footage, is responsible.

The media has as much power as a court of law these days, and they stood by when an extreme situation was being brought to their attention, and made light of it and joined up arms like cheerleaders.

And whatever group has been increasing harassment against me since I blogged about Biden, needs to back off. I mean, computer problems and surveillance, and attempts to block or interfere with aspects of my private life that are not anyone's business. Biden is responsible for himself and somehow, the public is responsible for allowing that man to take office. And, I would add, anyone else who, like him, defending reprehensible actions taken by the U.S.

My favorite shows so far, out of some movies I've watched...the ones that I connect to the most, are "Extreme Measures" (about non-consensual experimentation on humans), the WACO documentary, the one with the greek director (name escaping me but who also filmed "Amen"), and I guess the only comedy that's made me laugh is The Runaway Bride (even if I can't relate to the idea of just liking my eggs however HE likes his eggs or not knowing who I am). I also liked the humor in The Boiler Room actually, and the suspense of State of Play and the outsider one. I can relate to The Rainmaker as well. They should do a remake of The Runaway Bride with me made up as a skeleton bride like something out of the Day of the Dead. Throw in a few circus hoops and my son screaming in the background.

You want a movie? I'll give you a movie. I'll give you a movie that makes the hair stand on your arms. No, seriously, I can imagine a really macabre suspense. I would want it to be as thrilling or suspenseful as the ones where someone is mistakenly thought to be a spy and chased by all these people who are wrong, and then mix it up with excellent and beautiful cinematography, editing like Tarantino, and actually, I think the music I would underplay the most, strangely enough. It's almost like music would get in the way, or ruin the spookiness of how real and crazy this has been. I think I would want the movie to be without music even, except for the very end maybe and have a real live fat lady sing. Or just some comment about how I wish there had been more music. Maybe the only comparison I'd throw in, with thoughts of another's quote. And someone throughout, who doesn't speak at all and only uses sign language and captions have to be added to bottom of the screen for it. Sort of art-film but not so artsy it's off-putting to the non-artistic action types because they would get plenty of suspense. Surrealist twist? Hmm, I don't know. Might make it too artsy. Would have to be very careful about elimination of music. I like the idea of some large sections that are completely silent, except for the flap of a curtain against a window or something, to demonstrate the symbolism of conspiracy of silence. I think yes, if I had the money, I could make a great movie. I guess that's when I start thinking artistically and I realize it's there and part of me, sublimated. Maybe a trio set. Like the French Red, White, and Blue but relying on senses mainly. Might be too campy and formulaic that way, but one without music, one without picture? hmmm..., a fully shadowed movie? or dark or light or just flashes of colors to go with dialogue and nothing else? keeping that interesting would be a challenge. I guess it would have to be a duo not a trio because there only 2 senses to work with: sight and sound. I guess I would do arthouse short shorts maybe and a full movie if I could, that combines a little art with a lot of drama and suspense. Maybe a short short with real bombs and grenades going off and collapsing makeshift studio that falls apart while audience watches underneath it. They see the screen ahead tear into two and then the walls come down. Ah Forget 3-D glasses. So old hat. We're into the real thing maaan. I want to open at Cannes like that. Not like fuzzy clouds of rock star smoke. Bring out da big bombs baby. Very advant garde. Then everyone gets to take home a piece of the action. Bomb Shelter Cinema.

(as for Anne McIntosh, I knew she was still following what I was doing bc I had an impression of her, reading, and I saw it. I wasn't trying to see it, God showed me out of the blue. It would be great if sometimes God showed THEM a thing or two, now wouldn't it?)

And the jello cake I saw in my dream, was not just a normal cake with jello mix added. It was presented as a "cake" but it was solid jello, and cut like jello, and yet it had something embedded inside of it or a layer or something and I said, in my dream, "what's that?" and I was told, "Cream cheese" and that's how I knew, in my dream, that it was a jello cake with cream cheese in it. It was orange colored. There were other cakes and desserts to try too.

After my dream, I went online to see if there is such thing as a jello cake. I'd had a piece of "jello cake" a few weeks ago, but it was just added to the mix and it looked like a regular cake, with regular cake texture. The one in my dream was real jello and jiggled like jello. It wasn't in a cake mold, it was flat in a pan and cut like brownies or cake from a rectangular or square pan. Clear glass pan.

I'm looking up John Newton, the writer of the song "Amazing Grace" because I was trying to find songs about "jubilee", "freedom", "slave", "slave trader", and the like and when I looked for vineyard church, freedom it came up with a clip for "freedom against bitterness" and I defiantly typed into my search, "vineyard church, freedom from corrupt government" and got clips of Christopher Hitchens speaking. I didn't click on any of them. but then I read somewhere that John Newton was a slave trader before he became a christian. Isn't it amazing how some of the slave traders were already considered christians? and some of them still act like slave traders even today, and they still think they are christians.

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