Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dream about Chris

I prayed last night before I fell asleep, for protection over what I dreamed. And then I dreamed about an old coworker. It was this combination dream about him, someone one, an investigation into a murder, and then I woke up. I hadn't been thinking about him at all. I had actually remembered to pray for Christopher Hitchens before I fell asleep and that's what I fell asleep praying about.

In my dream, I've forgotten parts of it, but I remember from one part where someone was getting liquor out of the freezer. It was whiskey or something expensive maybe with a darker golden or brown color and it was a larger bottle. So this person I was next to poured out a shot right there, taking the bottle from the top freezer, and poured into a glass and had a shot and I chastised them, saying they shouldn't and they said why not? And I chose not to have any but quit saying anything.

Then I just remember I was mingling with some people at a small party at a house and I said something to a man about going from the Pacific Northwest to the South Pacific and we chimed in together at the same time about being on one side of the Pacific Ocean with someone else on the other side of the Pacific ocean. Something about either side of the Pacific Ocean. And then I was leaving on bus 16 and stood in line and I was ready to go and then I walked over to look at something else, used a restroom or got distracted, and I watched 2 buses in a row pass, first bus 15 and then I thought, "Oh no, I bet that's bus 16 too" and it was but the bus driver had a little smile on his face. Not a mean smile, but more of a "it's not bad you're missing this bus" but I just thought this isn't good so I went back to the house and then on the Pacific ocean comment, the one tall man I'd been talking to handed me a telephone when it rang and I knew it was Chris but I pretended I didn't know because I was too nervous to acknowledge I knew. I heard "Hello? Hello?" on the other end and it was Chris and then I said fast, "Hello" and handed it back to the one man. Then all of a sudden Chris was there in the flesh, wearing some light colored long sleeve oxford shirt and jeans or pants. And then he was turning to the side and I thought in my dream, his nose looks like Harry's. But not from the front. He sat down on the floor when people were sitting and he wasn't wiry anymore. I said, "You've gained weight" and he had. And then I found out he was in college and I said I wasn't suprised about that. I cried and said I was happy for him, crying because I was glad he using his mind to do something and then he started talking in sort of a snobby or aristocrastic-with-airs tone, but not out of trying to make anyone feel odd, it was his then natural tone. And I wondered if someone was going to break out shots or liquor and thought in my dream if I was having any and decided no, I was going to pass. I thought, in my dream, if I drank I might compromise my position so I decided even if there were rounds, I would stay sober (I have an indefinite fast on alcohol and I don't know what I will choose for myself as a deadline, but I will know when it's right for me and it's not going to be okay for awhile.)

And then it cut to me and my mom at a location of a murder mystery. Some older woman had been murdered and all of a sudden all these people were showing up in church, at college, anywhere, and with interest in investigation of a murder. I think it was at a college. In one scene, we had to use the restrooms and I told my mom there was one at the top and then we found an open toilet with no walls or anything. Two potty thrones I guess, at the top of these bleachers. My mom took one and I took the other and then someone came in and I had my shirt pulled down over my knees to try to hide myself and they started coming upstairs and then we both found out there was no toilet paper. Facing out, I was on one to the left and my mom was on the one to my right. And I asked for toilet paper and this woman said to me, "I only have two squares" and gave me two extremely thin squares and as she pulled them out of her pocket I saw another drift out and to the floor. I said, "I need more." I thought it was horrible she was being stingy with toilet paper. These women handing them out were sort of bratty yuppie or middle class young 20s women. Then they gave my mom a few more but were trying to dole out to her too, and then someone gave me more from somewhere and we got up and walking down or out, all these prying people, asking questions in a nice way but really wanting to know if we knew anything about some murder, and we didn't. I don't know where we were. It seemed to be a college but I thought maybe they were bleachers and then I thought it was like tall stairs to a courthouse or something but it seemed to be at a college.

I then at some point woke up.

Then I went to the house and played Perry's "If I Die Young" with the original video. Not for any reason, but just because the melody was stuck in my head from the day before.

I like Bonnie Raitt's "I'm Not The Only One" and Skillet's "Rebirthing" as well.

I have to say, I felt an absolute peace and comfort writing my last post. It is all 100% true. I am not making any part of it up.

I am literally a witness to all of the things I listed, and actually, a few other things, but that's just part of it.

I felt God with me when I wrote my last post, through the entire thing.

It is 100% The Truth.


  1. I have followed your posts. My mother just fell and is in re-hab. please concentrate on those who love you. If they get taken away you will wish you had concentrated more on them, than others that have no real concern on you.

  2. I have follow your blog, please care about those that are close to you, they might not always be around for you to talk to. Please be close to those who are with you, and not worry about people who will never care.
