Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ALT and My Witness (True)

I was looking up the significance of extremely abnormal and unheard-of elevated ALT (SGPT). Like, normal range is up to 50 or something and high is over that, like 70 is very high, and well, 150 or more, is um...trying to kill pretty much.

Which led me to find ALT, another acroynym, for argon lasers. Which led me to look up the wiki for AL, argon lasers and then ions and then, to the general wiki page for a variety of lasers. How hilarious that one of them is called MIRACL.

I have witnessed some really crazy things, and not all of these things have happened to me alone. I know for a fact that I am not alone and I am a key witness.

I am a witness and this is the only reason to spend billions to try to discredit me with false accusations of imagined crime and imaginary mental illness.

I am not only witness to things that have happened to me, I am witness to things that have happened to others and things that have been happening. I am a key witness.

This is an incredibly solid reason for a motive to try to assassinate me through character assassination.

The problem for our enemies is that I'm not the only witness.

I finally realized I am really not alone.

Which kinda improves the odds that the criminals can be caught, and also increases the danger and explains why such abnormal efforts have been made to shut me up and discredit me.

If these people couldn't keep others quiet through blackmail or torturing of family members, knowing they had no one to go to and little ability to prove what was happening, they designated some of the victims to be called crazy.

Torture of family to pressure older members, including torture of children
Money spent to falsely accuse victims of mental illness
Hostage taking and human trafficking
Experimentation of human beings without their consent
Experiments with airborne pollutants, contaminants, germs and drugs
Alteration of medical records
Collection of blood, used condoms, and hair and tissue without consent
Tapping of residences, vehicles, bathrooms
Interference of computer and legal processes to block commerce, free trade, and flow of money
Use and abuse of authority and government for personal revenge and protection
Public corruption

Now imagine these things being done with the knowledge and allowance of someone up high in the Department of Justice and the U.S. federal government.

If YOU had done these things, or allowed this kind of thing, what would YOU be willing to do to cover your tracks?

To cover for this kind of a list of criminal activities, I would think it would be worth billions of taxpayer and private monies. It would require a concerted and organized effort at middle class and lower class levels as well, for closing some of the gaps. One would need to recruit those they might trust due to family, friend, or religious or political allegiance.

Crimes Against Humanity.

It sounds too incredible, but look at that list again. And then ask yourself, what would the COVER for these kinds of crimes COST? And how high would the motive and incentive be to cover for these things?

I am a firsthand, first-rate witness to crimes against humanity that have occured in the United States of America. Which most likely engaged the cooperation of even internationals who could be bought and persuaded to go along with it. What a disgrace. Respect that is purchased has a short lifespan and is shallow, but no matter, these criminals went for the jugular of even innocent children and then held people hostage as they shredded, stole, and altered documents and evidence.

The crimes against my family involve much more than experimentation.

That's only half of it. On sites that discuss various human experiments, one thing that is mentioned is that it's usually minority, poor, or "disadvantaged" citizens that are used. I would add another group to this list: those who are feared might put OTHERS at a disadvantage.

They don't just use the vulnerable. They go after and select people that make THEM feel "vulnerable", an interesting excuse to create POWs in their own country. Someone is drawing a lot of attention due to intellectual ability? talent? political voice? what better way to subdue the threat than to make an excuse for torturing them and enslaving them with a "license to kill". Feeling vulnerable or worried someone is drawing the affections away from his daughter or political group to another? Worried someone might take a large group to court in lawsuits that could cost a lot? afraid someone is about to expose fraud or perjury with hard evidence?

If you have friends in high places, be creative and think about what YOU might do, if you were possessed with a criminal mindset.

Then, best of all, call it a matter of "National Security". If you can find a great cover to keep some of it confidential after sucking others into a dangerous and criminal scheme, slap a penalty of treason across the box.

As for Vanderbilt University and what they agreed to do to me, no wonder I sensed something very dark and despicable on their campus. This is a campus composed of human remains. They have been documented doing non-consensual human research on others since at least 1941, when they injected a number of impoverished pregnant women with radioactive iron. Some "christian" college. They are now ranked as one of the "best" medical schools and hospitals in the nation. At the cost of lives which are not their own. (See note about them under the year 1941:

May God damn Vanderbilt University, their responsible staff, and vindicate the victims.

I had not even read about their heinous history of human research when I blogged about sensing something very bad on the campus. And it was just as I was approaching their research labs and international campus section. Where their "research" is done. God damn them. I don't mean this figuratively, or as an expression. I say this as a proclamation and request that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven and may God damn them. God damn Vanderbilt University and may their funding be given to other hospitals and colleges and may they lose students and reputation.

As a contrast to this dark and despicable place, today I said to my Dad, "I sensed a good energy at the house we went to. Like someone has been praying there a lot." I noticed it as soon as I went inside. A feeling of God's presence and peace resting there. And then my Dad said, "Well actually, it's been rented or used by mainly pastors and ministry groups." Not everyone was, but I discovered that I had sensed something that might be true--that people had prayed there and I could feel it. A women's ministry group of 4 had stayed there, friends and pastors of the family (the Shaws) had stayed there, recently friends from a church stayed there, and others as well. Some were medical people and a few were christians. I'm not saying everything good happened there, but there was a covering of prayer or something over it and I thought I felt it just walking in.

I would swear to everything I wrote in this post, in any court of law, under penalty of perjury. It is not an exaggeration, as incredible as it sounds, I am a witness to all of these things and more.

I am prepared to testify.

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