Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I had zero dreams last night. Which was great. The only thing that happened was that I woke up out of sound sleep at exactly 1 a.m. and turned on my light to look and fell back asleep. But no dreams or anything else.

This morning I decided to listen to the song "If I Die Young" by Perry and I went to the 5th tab and then went 5 up from the bottom and clicked on an amateur video made by, of course, a leftie. The teen writing in the clip is writing with her left-hand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pM20kvBuKQ

I picked the 5th tab because I was thinking of my son. And then I went 5 up from the bottom, thinking of my son.

In this video, there are 2 sisters and a father and 1 of the sisters is sick with cancer and dies.

SO! um, anyway!

My waking thoughts were of the severe injustice my son and I have been through in this country and the corruption we've been wading in. I want my son. I am not forgetting about him and I want him back without negotiation. Someone needs to work it out or a higher power has a way of working things out in a way others wouldn't wish for.

A beautiful, beautiful crimson dragonfly just flew onto my porch.

I've seen blue ones around here, but this is the first red one I've seen. Oh, there goes a blue one as I speak. But this red one is there with tan gold wings that shimmer in the sun, and a velvety crimson body. It just arched its body and the wings are more like bronze or coppery even, but almost metallic with this gorgeous sheen. The other one is flying around nearby. These are about 1-2 inches long and have 4 wings.

So far, here I have seen molusks, gastropods, slugs, dragonflies, hummingbirds, blue jays, sparrows, a whole flock of pelicans, seagulls, blackbirds and crows, buzzards, all kinds of spiders, ants and bugs. The other day I saw 2 different varieties of bees right next to eachother, taking from the clover blossoms by my porch. Then, on another day, I was awake when I was bitten by a spider. And saw 3 different kinds of spiders within 5 minutes.

I am proud of this about my family: we are not afraid of the creations of God. My mother isn't bothered by spiders or insects or bugs anymore than I am and we all respect living things. We have a very strong respect for life in my family and this is almost exceptional these days I think,

A white moth or butterfly flew by. Oh, and there are both orange and black and yellow and black monarch butterflies here, and very large.

This dragonfly has been sitting at my feet on my porch for about 5 minutes now. Just basking in the sun I think. It flew up a little and then moved closer to me.

The way their heads move, they seem so smart. I am going to try to get closer but it might fly away. I want to see it better.

I was about 4-5 feet away and I moved down slowly, from one step to the next and it didn't spook. I was able to look at it with my face immediately above it. The body looks like a thin chili pepper and at the bottom of the tail there were 5 very faint black rings. In the center of the body there was a rectangular section that was tan brown. A medium tan brown. And this is where the wings attached. The brown section reminded me of a backpack but it was recessed not elevated. On the wings, they were irridescent and had a small black tip on each one, at the corner edge and getting close enough, the veins at the top part of the wings had red threads and then the rest looked pale tan irridescent and I think its from the reflection off of the brown section where the wings attach. It's tan brown because there is a slightly more yellow than blue undertone to it. It's eyes were red. From a distance it looked sort of crimson but up closer parts looked pure red. It stayed in the same spot for about 15-25 minutes. It flew onto my porch right after I posted about the song I listened to and video. It didn't move the whole time I was close, just watched me and was quick about watching the fly that flew past. Then I got up to move back and that's when it flew away.

Then I went to maranatha singers and clicked on an instrumental piece for the hymn or song, "Isn't He".

I don't know why I thought of this, but I've been sitting in a car with a big hammer on the floor, a sledgehammer, and thought of singer M.C. Hammer just now. I thought, "I need to hear some old hip hop and I chose 5 down from the top, thinking of my son and got this clip for "2 legit 2 quit." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jwmpRATHos&playnext=1&list=PL4FCB8236BACDF88C

Where this guy is thrown a bunch of fireballs and refuses to quit.

Um, yeah, that's the Mother v. State.

I like what David Koresh had to say about the government in the documentary for WACO that I watched. He was not a smart guy maybe, but he did have some good things to say. One was this, that the government was like brothers. The little brother comes over and beats on someone and when the innocent go to ask for help, it's like the little brother leaves and comes back with his big brother and tells the innocent victim that if they want justice, they can talk to his big brother.

Who is big brother going to protect?

Which is probably why I finally had a lawyer tell me my problems were not just with the State, but the Federal Government that was responsible for allowing the abuse and torture of me and my son in violation of the Geneva Convention.

I was so naive, after all of this, I kept saying, "What do you mean the federal government?"

Excuse the language in this song, but it came up next and I just thought it was funny. Soulja Boy's "I Just Got My Report Card."

I like this one too, by Eminem: Can't Back Down

Here's TD Jakes "Courage in the Crisis"

at 5:41 on this clip, he says "The class was over...and the wind ceased." (when Peter got back into the purpose of God)

I went from report card to class is over.

Last night we had dinner with a teacher. Talked about teaching and things. So , interesting clips.

I picked TD Jakes because I just picked up a book that is called "Never Ashamed Naked" and it's about christians needing to strip off the superficiality and covers they use in the name of Christ while doing things that are fake, or not very good. It's about being real with God and real with yourself and not trying to masquerade as something else. How Jesus was naked on the cross and why should he be ashamed? He did nothing wrong.

So this is how I got the idea to pick a clip with TD Jakes and I chose 5 down from the top on a tab. Just random.

Let it be known, I do not want my son going to school without my being his guardian. I do not trust Wenatchee at ALL. I do NOT TRUST MY SON in that town. Period. I want my son back in my guardianship and I swear to God, with God and the trinity as my witness, if this doesn't happen, and someone doesn't be sure to correct a very serious wrong, it will not go well with those who stand in the way.

A monarch butterfly just flew by, a yellow and black striped one. Anyway, this is a great place to look at bugs, flowers and fauna.

"You face your greatest opposition when you're closest to your biggest miracle."--TD Jakes

"The enemy is great at changing a word or two!"--TD Jakes

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