Monday, July 25, 2011

Mercury Induced Prostate Enlargement

Hello me.

Well you, what have you to say for yourself now?

Um...just this. Maybe prostate enlargement is due to something like mercury induced problemos. Especially for someone who has had a lot of dental work in the past several years.

So here is how I went about my thread...

First I thought "mitochondria" with nothing else in mind. Just mitochondria. Looked it up and then decided to look up mitochondria, prostate enlargement difference. Found good correlation for some thing due to aging processes. Then wanted to find out what the difference is in healthy and non healthy mitochondria. Looked up some stuff. Then had mercury-induced come to mind.

Then looking briefly, only a few minutes on countries or populations with lowest rates, I found Asians and Native Americans have lowest rates (so they say) and that African-Americans have highest rate. So why African-AMERICAN. Why not just African no matter what? this says it's something in line with environmental causes or contributors and not genetics so much.

Hasty conclusions maybe, but just thinking. So then I typed in a search to find out the rate of dental amalgams in these countries. Looked at this after finding a correlation between high mercury levels and death from prostate problemos. NOT saying it's the only cause or oversimplifying. Just thinking.

And then I realized, the person I'm looking for or researching for, has had a TON of dental amalgams in the past several years. Not like he doesn't brush his teeth either. He flossed and brushed all the time. Every day. So all these cavities and all of a sudden, all this mercury.

So it's a possible toxin. I think it's possible, for him. It's benign and yet something isn't okay and this could be one thing to look at.

Mercury can also imitate some of the symptoms of prostate issues, turning urine brownish or red (not that I know personally, that's what I read).

Other countries have been outlawing use of mercury in dental fillings. I guess, after recognizing increases in rates of certain diseases.

So I'm not done yet, but that's my idea for right now.

Too, the older you get, the older the fillings are and the more potential for poisoning over time. Again, not saying this is it, but a contributor.

There is some kind of connection with protein kinase or cystein or somethings, that might link to men more than women as well. But I'm not a scientist. I just like to brainstorm.


  1. Cameo,
    You need to post more pictures of yourself so your true fans can see you smiling face.

    Thanks again for all you do.

    Your admirer

  2. Thank you!

    But I would say about 95% of the photos I've already taken were taken while I was being doped up on medications, drugs, and was being tortured.

    I really don't feel the need to photograph myself when my normal chemistry is back to normal (or getting close to being back to normal).

    There is one of me smiling while holding my son. It is the first photo I posted on this blog and it's the one I stand by.

  3. It is better that you post more pictures of yourself.You will be able to set an example for your fans.Prostate Enlargement
