Monday, July 25, 2011

My Dream at 2 a.m. (british accent)

I had a dream last night even though I didn't think I would. I thought I would sleep through the night but I woke up at a few minutes before 3 a.m. or 3 a.m. to a man with a British accent. I English, British, whatever. I don't know what's preferred.

I wasn't dreaming anything at all and I woke up out of sound sleep to some man with a British accent and it was so odd that I turned on my light to look at my watch and see the time. It wasn't a fake accent either. It was a real one.

It was basically like I dreamed it at the very last minute and then woke up and I woke so suddenly that it was like it had been said out loud, but I knew it was in my dream. But I hadn't had any dream, I just got some sentence from a guy.

And I can't remember exactly now. I didn't write it down and instead kept thinking it so I wouldn't forget. It was something like, "It is above the " or something, like directions for where something was. All it was was one full sentence. It didn't sound super stiff, it was more relaxed. Probably a proper accent, but relaxed, the tone wasn't frazzled or uptight.

So I woke up and looked at my watch and thought it was strange I woke up at 3 a.m., OH! and I just remembered! MY WATCH is still off.

So it wasn't 3 a.m.! It was more like...looking at the difference now...Okay, so my watch has been slowing down over time I guess because right now it is 8:30 a.m. or a few minutes past and my watch says 7:25 a.m. So basically, when I looked at my watch this morning, it was about 2 a.m. Or more exactly, a few minutes before 2.

Which is an odd time for me to wake up.

Then I fell back asleep and I woke up after having a dream and it was that I was living next door to a woman and I went to her house and started doing her hair for her. She was a larger black woman and her house was sort of untidy and in the dream I'd thought about helping out before but hadn't done it. So I went over and I was curling her hair with this large barrel curling iron. And then I was organizing her lipsticks or just moving them behind us, behind the vanity she had with the mirror. And when I started doing her hair again she had this sash across her chest and it had an "O" for Oliver on it and it was made out of paper and I unpinned it so I wouldn't mess it up. And then all of a sudden I said I needed some hair setting lotion and someone was going to get some kind of gel and I said no, get the hair setting lotion. I put the hair setting lotion in and we moved closer to the window where there was a city street down below and lots of trees. Then all of a sudden, I was going to part her hair and I wanted this one brush and the other women wouldn't give it to me so I was handed a cream colored comb. I didn't want the comb but I thought I'd try it and when I turned to her, her hair was covering her entire face and it looked like she had a giant wood carving on her head. It looked like a wood sculpture. A large one and it was high. So I didn't know where to make the part and then I did and her face was inside but I had pressed too hard with the comb and she said it hurt so I said I was sorry and now I knew where her head was so I could be more careful. And then I was sectioning off tiny long strands at a time and meticulously rolling them in the iron. It was going to take forever. Next thing I knew, she had a straw hat on her head with peach roses on the brim and she was grinning at me and I was still curling her hair even though she wouldn't take off the straw hat. She was sort of beaming. She loved her hat. And then I moved these necklaces out of the way because they were dangling down and one was maybe some kind of a gold chain, but the other two were on thin cords of some kind and at the end, some kind of rectangular pendant that was in the shape of dog tags. The pendants were, but they were on thin cords, one which was red or maroon colored. Then I was looking for music and I remember noticing a few cars that drove by and I thought about how I had always intended to do something for her but I never had time or forgot to make time and now I was able to do some things again. She was in a real salon chair too, in the dream. She had a real salon chair in her house in front of the vanity but it was pretty cluttered upstairs where we were. The point of my dream was that I was getting around to doing some volunteer work again.

What I do find strange is that I then go to CNN and there is an article about touching black women's hair. And the article is written by "Lisa Vespers, France" when the only person whose hair I've done is Lisa Thebault's. And she wanted me to braid her hair and gave me a comb.

Which sort of goes back to:

I want my son back and I do not want him subjected to what I've been subjected to. And it goes back to my ability, as a witness, of making a huge list of violations of the Geneva Convention, against me and my son, in my own country.

Why? because of who is currently running this country and I want them OUT.

I saw that footage of Joe Biden, approving U.S. government torture and persecution and violation of civil rights and said out loud, "I KNEW he was a crapper!"

I am, in fact, so upset, I just told my mom, "I am so upset I think I'm just going to take my next election ballot and vote all the way across the lines with Republicans. Just R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R."

And then I added, "Not saying Republicans are all good, but after what has been done with my son and I...I know it's not a good way to go about it maybe, not even knowing who these people are, but I'm about to do this, just to make a point. Voting R all the way across the line."

I swear my mother...I was looking up "Crapper" and the meaning for it and finding Thomas Crapper, inventor of the toilet, and I didn't say anything to my mom and she goes over to the toilet and starts scrubbing the toilet bowl.

That's our symbol, I guess, for waste management.

Yesterday we were coming back from church and my Dad joked to my mom that she should beat the brush when we drive into the property (long story) and I said, "Yeah, and while she's at it, she should shoot at my place with a pellet gun. Every single time she comes into the property, lean out the window and fire some rounds at my place." Someone asked, "Why?" and I said, "Oh, just to give the neighbors something to talk about." And then I started laughing, imitating the voice of an imaginary neighbor (like the snoop from Bewitched) gossiping to her other neighbor, "...And then every time she drives onto the property, the mother leeeeaaans out the window and starts shooting at her daughter's house!..."

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