Monday, November 28, 2011

10:38 lots of white fluffy

lots of white fluffy stuff. whoo whoo.

Like a thick fluffy, furry or something scarf, long white fluffy furry, thrown around and to one side.

JR. Don't go to America.

Woman laughing

flash to other scene:

She reminds me of _________. She is just like ___________ from the book.


flash to other scene:

Jr. Don't go to America. You're not Catholic and do you know what they do to you if you're not Catholic? I heard of this lady and her son...Jr., listen to me.


And don't you think about helping those poor people. Do you know what they'll do to us? If they find out, they'll torture us too! I think they want people to think they'll be tortured too so they don't help, but just in case...

Mom, I just want to go for awhile. To take some classes and then I'll come back.

Not in one piece you won't.

Yeah Mom, the girls will tear off my clothes in a mad rush to get to me.

You wanna be infertile and lose your marbles too?

Mahm, here's some money (lays stack of money down).

What's this for?

I don't know, whatever you want.

Where did you get this money?

Mom, just let me go to America. Please.

They will poison you Jr. Don't do it. I am begging you, don't do it. If you so much as defend any innocent person, they will lock you up. It's not the 80s jr. This is now. Are you reading the news?

Yeah ma.

Well don't. Start reading the blogs. The blogs by people who are being tortured over the United States! They don't just hold foreigners hostage to work for the CIA, they do it to their own citizens. You don't know if you'll look so smart they find a way to make you work for them or they'll steal your passport or blackmail you...If you want to help those people find something other way.

They're all Catholic now Jr.

They're Catholic, some Jewish, and a few bribed others. You're not Catholic, you're not Jewish, and you're not going to get along with the others who take bribes. What is there for someone like you, with all you have to offer? What does America have to offer YOU? Nothing but a gizard.

Jr., like I said. That country holds people hostage if they're not Catholic or Jewish like they want. And they torture them. They torture anyone who files lawsuits against them, even if it they were the innocent person and just want their name cleared. They're too powerful Jr. They're in the entire military and other organizations and they'll use it against you. They've tortured the best people there Jr. The people who could do the most, they tortured and oppressed. If they'd been Catholic or Jewish, it would have been different. But they weren't. They stood up for what they believed in and they've been tortured for it. It's not the United States anymore.

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