Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Forcing Parents To Torture Themselves

The other thing that's been new is that these people are not only using military technology on us all, and sometimes using neighbors for things, they have been forcing my parents to assault themselves.

I know my parents inside and out, through and through, and neither one of them have a self-harming bone in their bodies. They have NEVER done this kind of thing, ever. It's not part of their personality make-up and is something they'd never do to themselves.

However, I realized they are being forced to torture themselves to do something that causes the black eyes. I would say it's possible that the bruising is from an extremely powerful pressure occuring in the head when they get hit by something, and I think it's possible. Today my mom kept talking about the pressure, and please don't pressure me and her eyes were black. I said, "Where have you been?" and only work and the post office.

The first time this happened to my mom when I was here, it was Patty Otterbach bringing her home. Not one hair on Patty's head was harmed. Patty's eyes had nothing wrong with them. My mother came back like she'd been hit by a stun gun, shaking, glassy eyes, totally glassy and strange and dark marks on the inside of her eyes.

For some reason, Patty doesn't want to talk about it. And denied it. Which pretty much means either Patty assaulted my mother herself or she was an accomplice.

While an occular or cerebral pressure could cause brusing like this, so could lasers. Not only that, on one occasion, there was a thin film of skin across my mom's entire eyeballs and it was wrinkling and this is after her eyes turned yellowish first. That kind of wrinkling would be something a laser would cause, by drying out the eye drastically enough to create a layer to actually "shed" like skin peels after a sunburn.

I always put on my make-up with white concealer on the insides of my eyes, and I got the feeling, after seeing this a few times and hearing her "friends" ask her if she was going to go work on her "vanity", I had a pretty good idea that this was done to my mother, in part, to mock how her daughter used white concealer on the inside corners of her eyes. So they basically started blackening and brusing this part of my mom's eyes. It goes back a ways. I can tell from my mom's business photo on her card that it does. But I thought it was really great to then see how some of her "friends" talk about her vanity while they're trying to ruin appeal for her daughter to get her son and prove someone has been lying, or, a lot of people are lying. So they started doing this to my mom again.

Pressure inside the head might cause this bruising but it's so well defined and severe, it looks like something else is causing it too, and for an eyeball to wrinkle into a film like that--it's laser.

My Dad was getting all these "laser" eye ads going back at least a couple of years. They've never been interested in laser eye surgery, but all these ads started coming in, at the same time as other harassing ads. I just thought, why the eye laser ads?

They're torturing them.

However, then I noticed, after I filed a criminal report against Patty Otterbach, Debbie Sweetwater-Burt and Kathy Hathaway, before I did this, I saw it happen again. Every single time she went out with Patty. Every single time. I didn't file a report the day after my Mom came back looked stunned. I waited and then noticed when it was showing up and who she'd been with. It was Patty almost every single time. A couple of times it looked like maybe from her workplace.

So after I saw it happened more, and who she was around when it happened, I filed a police report.

No one has followed up on the report I filed. No one has taken photos for evidence either.

After I reported who was involved, they got nervous about it and forced my parents to do it to themselves. If I hadn't remembered how many time it originally occured only when my mother was with a "friend", I would think it is maybe all about some kind of targeting at the house. I know they're targeted. No doubt. But for this, these people are trying to escape notice now, and sometimes now it happens after my mom or dad are out with someone, but they've forced my parents to harm themselves with something, at the house, so it looks like it's not traceable to the "friends".

So I guess they get their military friends to exact even worse harm and torture if my parents don't sometimes harm themselves, to turn their own eyes black just so the criminals who are really responsible, don't have to worry about it always being tracked back to them and the company my parents are forced to keep.
I just checked on their house at about 1 a.m. and I can't detect everything that's done but I didn't notice anything except on the south side of the house, the same technology that affects my neck is along the whole side there.


  1. Again-these dis incarnated people use gadgets-I've seen them with cell phones-I had a dream vision this morning - some guy was messing with a pc and directing it at my frontal lobe-crazy but I've had too many inexplicable experiences not to believe in other worlds or dimensions

  2. Actually, that technology has been around for awhile.

    Now it's passe.

    Didn't you see the episode of Spooks where they are watching the man from a hidden camera that's behind the monitor.

    2 way mirrors are no big deal. Piece of cake actually. And if 2 way mirrors have been around since before the 50s, and used by govt., you'd be fairly backwoods not to think that it's easy to put such a device underneath a laptop or other monitor.

    And, easy beezus, or beezlebub, just as easy then, to also put devices that act as lasers or anything else you want.

    Think about it. 2 way mirrors for LSD experiments in the 60s. They used them long before the 60s but the declassified stuff is on the 60s. So, is anyone stupid enough to think this is not an active part of govt. intelligence?

    How much room does one need for a microscopic hidden camera?

    Not much.

    Buyer beware.
