Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tortured all Night and Morning

The military and neighbors tortured my family the entire night last night.

I slept some but woke up to being tortured and they are still doing this.

They've been using technology to cause severe pain in my mouth, teeth and jaw and neck. Basically, they've been using something to get a reaction between the metal in my neck on the left side and the mercury in my teeth.

It's definitely technology because they cause my neck to pulse there, where the metal is.

If the U.S. military does this to me and it causes severe pain for me, I know it causes pain for my parents bc they have more fillings.

I know it's technology because I tried moving my jaw further to one side several times and if the metal in my neck is a certain parallel to the mercury in my teeth, it was causing an extremely strong and painful reaction like there was a cross-interference of these metals in addition to what technology the military is using to create the reaction and pain.

They know it causes pain. They're not ignorant and this is an example of hate crime by religious groups or those now bribed or having to take orders, getting a military cover.

The U.S. bargains with the Catholic church apparently, instead of obeying the law for every citizen, they make bargains if the Catholic church is involved, to stop torture if you are a member or providing sexual favorst to one of their members.

That's the U.S.!

That's what happened to me!

Retaliated against by torture, for filing lawsuits to protect my reputation. For "offending" a couple of religious groups, we've all been tortured.


  1. I believe the gov. tests new tech on citizens but you may be under attack from 4th dimensional inner earth 'spirits'.
    If you are perceived as some type of threat these gangs(empowered by satanic blood ritual) will try and kill or at best get you to move to a more desolate area. They rely on energy from those of us in heavy 3rd dimensional bodies, energy vampires.
    Pray with your heart and those above in the 4th dimensional upper earth will relay your prayers to Enlightened Masters and you will receive blessings and guidance.
    Use this experience as a test of faith.
    I've been attacked daily, all day and all night for almost 25 years!
    I believe it's a karmic debt I must pay to return to the upper earth behind the 'gates' the gated heavens. Beyond that there are the blissful heavens for those that have reached mastery and do not have to reincarnate here.
    We are in the middle earth, the third dimension but there are those who are deceased walking amongst us all the time. Good Luck PS try looking into Spiritism. Get some books translated into English

  2. I think you torture yourself and your family. No lasers or technology or conspiracies. Rather, you use insanity to torture everyone around you. Do you realize that pretty much everyone that reads your blog thinks you are insane? When are you going to put your computer down and head over to the mental health clinic to make an appointment? The world isn't the problem. The problem is you. Face it and deal with it.

  3. hello ashwood,

    i actually think you're onto something here.

    in a world where it's harder to communicate and transmit for espionage, why not write like you do and then hope someone will read between the lines and decipher your code for what's going on.

    i don't think that's what you're doing, but good idea.
