Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What parents can do & FRAUD by Social Security Administration

I am being tortured and I'm in pain. I noticed that last Sunday, someone zapped my head until I said I was going to take some ibuprofen and then they stopped for a couple hours even though I had only 1 and it wasn't a headache. It wasn't cluster either, and I know what that's about.

So they are triggering the metal in my neck and whether or not it affects my parents the same way, this was directed at their house last night because it wasn't at my house for a long time and I went over there and walked right into it, up against the house on one side.

My teeth are killing me and it's not toothache. I can get up and go to a different part of the property and it stopped instantly.

1. Mom read mind.
I didn't see my Dad this morning and only saw my Mom for a moment. I had been thinking for a moment about this guy from Ephrata he knew a long time ago and that he has been in Blaine or near and I thought then about B.C. and I went to the door to get some things I needed and my Mom answered with the B.C. mannerism of saying, "right?" --they use it like "eh", I think. Actually, it's not even B.C. but like this guy from Blaine. Somehow my mother knew that's what I'd been thinking about this morning. So they read minds.

Which might be a good reason why my family is targeted for hate crime. Dontcha think? Clearly, if the U.S. and other people knew about this gift, they'd be afraid of what it might mean or potential so they oppress them and their kids and have them working for the interests of others, as virtual slaves. All you have to do is throw in hate crime and put a gloss on it of research and it's hate crime dressed up.

I was retaliated against. I didn't work for anyone or even know about my family or their gifts. I was targeted and retaliated against and I guess other teens and college students probably even knew about my family when I didn't have a clue.

My mothers' eyes this morning are not as black and bruised purple-black. Now the marks have turned more brown. Right after whatever laser or thing is used, it's purple-black like a horrific bruise. Then, from last night to this afternoon at 11 a.m. or so, it had changed to more of a dark brown and tan color with a little purple-black still left but not much and still a clearly defined line of a curve.

Also, the dog is afraid of some kind of Australian accent. The other night a movie came on and he was so afraid he kept his eyes open but didn't move. I wasn't sure what to make of it.

And, Scooter got anxious when my mom held her hand up to the side of her head as a shield and he began whimpering like he was worried.

2. My Dad pulled up just as I thought about him.
I think it probably doesn't mean anything, just coicidence. I was looking at the Coffee Jr. maker, bc I am making coffee, I have and he pulled up and got out of the car and I was looking and he was carrying a large jug of milk to the door.

I was going to wear an indian print with brown, tan, yellow, and cream v fleece with brown courderoys and a peach shirt inside out but I decided it's cold today and I'm going to try to go without much heat today, or sectioned off to dry things out room to room. I'm not in the mood for the other but I am wearing it bc I'm cold. I am inclined to the other colors today. I would be painting in those colors rather than what I'm wearing today (well, I have so many colors on I'm almost a rainbow). black, white, red, blue, yellow, green, pink, cream.

So I am wearing a ton of layers. Darn, kept writing lawyers instead of layers.

I made another kind of cookie today.

I realized, catching a Christmas song, that maybe I'm making cookies all of a sudden out of a Christmas or holiday baking tradition I've had. I used to make different kinds of cookies and candy around this time in the past.

I made vegetarian cookies today bc I added honey as the lemon was too bitter without it. So they're not technically vegan I guess, bc of that. I used my own ground lemon pectin which is just from lemon rinds and maybe some lime rinds, sort of a combination, and then it was way too bitter so I added honey and flax seed. I guess I'll be making a lot of nutritional munchie cookies and things. I didn't fry the oatmeal in oil today, just used it to absorb the water and pectin. I always LOVED jelly donuts! and I think what I like about pectin is that it removes some toxins too. I will definitely have to try flaxmeal. I think this will be good for a better variety of cookies. I have been enjoying going to the health food store. I mean, maybe 1 of the women there isn't nice or good perhaps, but I feel pretty connected to them in a friendly sense of having this interest in organic and herbal things. Not like we'd be friends, but in making discoveries. These women are slightly more Madame Curie than some. Women who are satisfied with what's given to them, are maybe less interesting--to me at least. I guess, in traditional medicine too. It's called "alternative medicine" these days but it's really the tradition. I mean, how did the original medicine become "the alternative"? It's not. It's the original tradition.

I say these women are more Madame Curie because usually they're not just weird granola types but more complicated. Probably some men, like this one who emailed my mom, feel intimidated by these kinds of women. They are usually more adventurous and bigger risk takers.

Why call vegetarians and vegans boring? they probably have a lot more excitement to offer than non-vegetarians and vegans.

Because while some portray it as "un-sexy", they are not the "anti-fat" people who take no pleasure in life. When I'm eating butter and cream, I never was afraid of fat, and now, I heap on the oil and don't steer away from it. And these people are the ones who are willing to try some things no one else tries, and mixing up your own inventions can be not only creative but rediscovering breakthroughs that modern medicine would want us to forget so we buy pharmaceuticals.

I think, in general, people willing to experiment are the bigger risk takers who have a higher tolerance for adventure, tolerance of different kinds of people and their eccentricities, and are more creative. It's made out to be sort of a weird hippy, granny kind of thing that's roots and nuts and seeds like we're squirrels and not accustomed to complex cream sauces.

Of course, many don't have time to be creative in this way and are occupied with other things, so there is no correlation just bc someone is NOT vegan or vegetarian, but I think that the opposite of the myth is possibly true. If someone is a dope head and vegan or vegetarian, yeah, then there is this idea that they are spaced out, weird and not very sexy bc their libido is shot. I don't know from personal experience really, but I would venture a guess that some of these vegans and vegetarians are incredibly "fun" in more than one way.

But I am not granola to the core. I also have enough sense to not look down on meat and dairy eaters, if the animals are killed humanely and not kept in horrible conditions. Actually, take hunting for a moment... If it comes down to buying beef, from a cow that's been kept in a cow-jail, in extremely tight confines and suffering and in sub-humane conditions, or going out into the wild where the deer have been freely roaming the hills, which animal ends up with the better life and less cruelty? To kill a deer by hunting, while allowing it to remain free and wild before the instant kill, is more humane than keeping an animal in a jail and in a state of constant suffering. However, most hunters probably don't think about this. And many people don't even like to kill or the idea of doing it, like in my family, there are no hunters and we all love animals.

And then I see the point of people who sell stock for a living and it's how they feed their families, but anyway, in general, cutting down on buying produce from animals you know are suffering, is why I thought to try go without milk, or LESS. If I see a good argument or witness the condition of keep of animals myself, like 'organic' or free-range ones, my mind could be changed but some things are just thinking about how would you want to be treated.

Even the halal and kosher methods of killing an animal, I think, are based on the idea of killing the animal very quickly, without suffering. Their religions acknowledge the idea that God cares about animals and it's pointless to be cruel or cause suffering if it can be avoided.

I remember a man from the middle east once explaining to me the halal method. It was before I ever found the middle eastern deli. And it just came to my mind, he was someone I tutored or met through this center and I think from the UAE and he explained how they don't want the animal to suffer so they cut the neck very quickly and he explained the process of what happens. I still remember what his eyes looked like and his expression he told me. He was taller and lean. It was all before 9-11 when things got crazy and everyone took off back to their country--or some did bc they were worried about backlash. I feel like it should have been the deli guy who explained it when I asked, but I actually think someone else once brought it up for some reason. Honestly, I was suprised to find what a good sense of humor the exchange students from the middle east had. They had a good sense of humor--the ones I met. I ended up laughing with them a lot and finding myself surprised at how smart and funny they were. They had a good feel for situational humor.

I thought the asians were some of the most respectful too, and did a trade with some of them, and every group had something sort of unique about them.

Like, the middle east group I was always laughing with (esp. the men...the way they tease and kid around and enact situations, some of them, so funny--the women were not as much teasing around but had good tips for things) and then the asian groups were very smart too and respectful with a quieter intuition (not always showcasing what they can do) and we had a good trade and then the eastern europeans...not very many there at that center but pretty intense and good storytellers. and later meeting some russian-ukraines, they have an intuitive thing I connect with, and i went to the irish pub for the music...every group had something. I had thought I'd be meeting more mexicans there and wanted to work on my spanish and instead it was mainly middle easterners, a few east. eur. and asian. only 1 mexican man. But it was ennl, so the mexicans usually know more english or learn other ways I guess. I think the mexicans are obviously resourceful and have some ingenuity. After I had my son I found I had more in common with asian and some middle eastern and south american or mexican ideas of bonding with the child--I identify with cultures that practice cosleeping and having close bonds with their babies and attachment parenting, which is in contract to the predominant american-U.S. idea of separating child from parents and encouraging independence. I also feel the french or europeans have a good idea to let their teens try alcohol in the safety of family before they are out on their own to wolves. For me, it was a good example to see my parents never drinking any alcohol at all. I mean, they never drank a drop. I never felt like I had to succumb to peer pressure. But I also think, if someone is going to drink, they should learn limits and about how alcohol works in the body before ever trusting themselves in the presence of "friends" or strangers.

I found it extremely difficult being understood in raising my son in Wenatchee, WA. Not only did they torture us and allow police to harass us, they were completely unaccepting of single mothers if their name was Cameo Garrett. They tried to steal my child before it was ever born, with all these parents who wanted to adopt in line and lining up, literally. Then, they didn't understand any kind of traditional ideas or ideas different from their own. It was totally conformist. I had done all this research on parenting styles, after being a nanny and I knew all about child development and they wanted to portray me as unstable or having bad ideas for a child.

For example, I even researched if it's better to leave the coating on the baby after birth, called vernix. It's the sort of "cheesy white" residue that is on a baby after they are born. I don't know why, but all these sites described it as 'cheesy white'. Anyway, it's a protective covering. Modern doctors scrub it off the baby but the WHO (world health organization) advocates not removing it because research has proved that it is good for the baby. It acts as an immunity cover. So I had to print out all this information just to show I wasn't nuts or "unsanitary". They made me feel like I had to justify every single thing I did with my own child, when actually, I had more reading and experience about child development and parenting than they did. Literally. They never even bothered to research what might be best for the child and keep up on latest discoveries. They just followed the pack. Since I didn't follow the pack I was the black sheep.

What I did for my son was not even reckless or unheard of. It's just that they wanted to find a way to steal my baby. So every little thing that was different from what most of them practiced was called into question.

They honored my request to keep the vernix on but sort of scrubbed some of it off. But they made a halfway attempt and I had brought in printed research.

What kind of mother has to bring in printed out research just to back herself up? I would argue, a mother that is exceptionally devoted to the best interests of her child.

I was also upset to find out they took my son and photographed him without asking for my consent first and they put his photo up on a public site where anyone could look it up. That was not my choice and they did it during one of the 2 times I didn't go with my son when they took him for weighing or something. I had a bad feeling about it, about not being with him when they took him so I got up with my catheter and everything and went every single time they had to take him after this and then I later found out they had photographed him without asking my permission. Not only that, he looks sad and miserable and he didn't look that way with me--he was content and happy. It looked like he'd been crying for me so my intuition was right to go with them to the back for every single weigh-in. They weighed him and took him away more than once a day and for 2 weeks and even with my injuries, I got up and went with him. I never left him alone. After they took him right after he was born, I didn't leave him alone.

I didn't consent to his photo being taken and they didn't even ask to do it. I would have said NO.

They also tried to force me to instantly name my son. They kept making remarks about why haven't you named your son? what's wrong with you? I said the truth, that I didn't know what to name him yet because I wanted to think about it as I'd thought I was having a girl. They made suggestions that I wasn't naming him because there was something wrong with me.

They also forced me to apply for a social security number for him when I didn't want to. I said NO and they said "Well we'll bring in a social worker then because the STATE DOES have an interest in your child."

They coerced, threatened, and forced me to take a U.S. social security number for my newborn when this is against the law. It's against the law, because by federal law, no parent or citizen is to be forced to apply for a social security number for their infant. It's a number they apply for themself, when they are of age and old enough to work. If my son wanted a number tying him to this horrible country, he could make that choice for himself.

And yes, by that point, I was thinking this is a horrible country, because the FBI had defamed me and worked with police and a Judge to force me out of lawsuits I had filed. They obstructed my rights and then falsely arrested me.

Then they had govt. workers already plotting to steal my son to use him as U.S. government property.

So they forced me to sign up for a number for him. When I was upset after I got out of the hospital, I did some research and found out it was illegal and the U.S. had to retract the entire number. They never did. They lied. And then the federal government used this as another excuse to torture me and my son and family. I made all the correct papers for having it removed, because on principle, I should not have been forced and threatened with the removal of my child from me, to sign him up for a Social Security number. It's illegal.

Apparently, the U.S. doesn't care about following the law.

The law? is used as a weapon against the innocent and twisted to the advantage of corrupt govt. workers (one who is over here right now--Patty Otterbach is visiting my mother right now).

So I went back and made the correct documentation to have my son's social security number completely rescinded and destroyed. You can either have it "in hiding" until they take a number on their own, or they can completely eradicate it. I asked that it be completely eradicated.

When I did, the U.S. used CPS and social security workers to try to cut off all my benefits and steal my son again. They kept asking for his social security number and when I didn't want to provide one, they started cutting off my benefits while I was researching how to correct coercion.

Coercion by a govt. office and hospital.

It wasn't enough to torture me and my son in childbirth and damage my son's head and refuse a C-section. They threatened me the entire time I was there, to do whatever they wanted, even if it was against the law.

To this day, knowing what I know, do I want my son to have a social security number?


The answer is NO.

The principle matters to me.

You do NOT force a citizen, under threat of kidnapping a child, to sign for something one doesn't have to sign for.

I am quite sure CPS has been using a social security number for my son since they've had him. Which means the Wenatchee Social Security Administration and federal offices, didn't obey the law. It means, that even though I submitted documentation which they filed, making a formal request for the complete eradication of his social security number, the federal government didn't follow the law. It means they took my documentation and said they had done this, and gave me a form claiming it had been done and then all of a sudden, what do we have here?

A number popping up! for my son! after the U.S. kidnapped him from me after allowing hate crime interests to torture us.

Hmm. How did my son get a social security number?

I highly recommend NO other country trust this one. They're a bunch of liars.
I guess that's U.S. Government Fraud.

How did my son get a Social Security number if they destroyed it like they said they did on the form they gave me? I actually was right in the middle of making sure they had not just "hidden" the number for later date, but destroyed and removed it completely. So I was writing to them to get confirmation of this when I was all of the sudden...TORTURED!

So if the Social Security Administration followed the law, and really removed the number for my son that I was illegally forced to take, then how come CPS has been using a Social Security number for him? Where did they get one for my son? He's not supposed to have one at all. So where did he get one?

What happened? A federal office forgot about the law?

So then the State used this as an excuse to retaliate further and said I was "paranoid schitzophrenic" because I didn't want a number for my son. I guess that law about retracting SS#s if forced to take one...I guess that law was made for the MENTALLY ILL.

I tried to apply a law established by the U.S. government, and they punished me for it. After they illegally threatened me and forced a signature. I mean, it's like having a law that says, "You can vote if you want to, but you don't have to vote." You can still be a citizen of the U.S. and not vote. No one forces you to vote. So let's say someone tells you at the ballot box, "If you don't vote, we're taking your kid away from you." So this woman, "Renee", gets forced to vote just to keep her kid. Then, she is so shocked by this later, after she has her kid out of this horrible place, she writes to someone to rescind her vote. She says she doesn't want it hidden, but deleted and completely removed and she isn't going to vote because it's her RIGHT NOT to vote, for whatever reason, if she wants to. Guess what happens next? Government workers start calling her "paranoid schitzophrenic" to attack her for reporting an illegal action of coercion and threat. A criminal act, in fact.

It's a crime Central Washington Hospital. You committed crimes. To sort of push someone to sign a document they do not have to sign, is one thing and to illegally force someone to do this and threaten to take their child if they don't--is a crime.

It's also against the law to take a photo of a minor without the parent's consent. Central Washington Hospital did not get my permission to photograph my son and put it on a public website and I brought this up to them and asked them to take it down and complained.

Guess who is overseeing my son's medical care since he was taken from me? Central Washington Hospital affiliated doctors. It's a separate clinic but is part of their system.

I have a huge list of illegal things Central Washington Hospital did and some things done by Wenatchee Valley Clinic which were also illegal, but what happened, is some CWH doctors moved over to the other one and tried to start causing problems for me there too.

So this woman "Renee" gets called "paranoid schitzophrenic" for refusing to vote and demanding a retraction of her vote. What are people worried about? her vote? or the fact she is stating she was threatened with removal of her child to vote.

The only people who called me paranoid schitz. have been Catholic and then they got others to agree. But it started when I had problems with Mt. Angel Abbey monastery. And they never gave up, even though they were forced to give up when I was able to prove them wrong by being in college. Looks like I haven't been able to get into college for about 7 years now, due to torture by their friends, false reports, and obstruction. Hmmm. Guess I can't prove I'm not mentally ill, can I? Motive for hate crime and trying to cover up for defamation.

Tell me now, is "Renee" mentally ill?

Could an allegation of "paranoid schitzophrenia" be to discredit her for reporting illegal coercion and threats and other crimes?

I guess the law about "You don't have to vote but you can if you want to" is just a law that applies to some people. So if I say, "I don't want a social security number for my son and don't appreciate being forced to take one, when it's up to him to make that choice when he's of age" does this warrant being called "paranoid schitzophrenic"?

I don't appreciate being maligned.

Here's a hilarious irony--

A. I complain about a photo being taken of my minor child without my consent, which makes publication and I get called "paranoid schitzophrenic."

B. Kate Middleton complains about her being photographed playing tennis without her consent, which doesn't make publication and she rakes in $10,000.

Whose complaint was more justified?

She's SUCH a "living sacrifice". What a rough life.

(impression. @ about 2 p.m. here, about the time I was writing how the hospital people said the state had an interest in my son, the expression of alarm from someone I used to know. I think. Saw his face, sort of longer face and brown hair, sort of, of alarm, or maybe about the time I used the expression "horrible country"--don't know if it was about the social security # or this expression. I don't know what it was about. I think it was worry about my expressing the idea this is a horrible country or some other world situation maybe. Just a flash and I don't even know who it was for sure. But, yeah, I have a right to say I think it's a horrible country until I see some change. If it's not a horrible country--the U.S. has the burden of proving it. Where's my son.)
It's now 3:15 p.m and this criminal Patty has been here at my parent's house the whole time. My parents are so trapped. When you're tortured and you have to pretend these people are your friends, you know they're trapped.
I think I wrote about the social security number thing before but there is some piece or part that I think I left out a long time ago. I have covered a lot of ground, but there have been things I didn't write bc at the time I thought I'll go back to it or I maybe thought it was embarrassing or just another irrelevant part of the story.

But sometimes, explaining some things about what people did to you is important, just like clarifying what you mean. I just sent in an explanation email after I submitted an app. to a college bc even though I thought small mistakes weren't a big deal, I figured I don't want someone else to try to say I wasn't honest about myself or whatever. It asked all the way back to high school and 8th grade for example and said what classes did you take your sr. year.

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