Monday, November 21, 2011

Appeal of FBI FOIA & Non-Response & Jamming of Devices

All night last someone was shutting my computer down, right after I began writing about the Reader's Digests and FBI. It was every single time I turned it on, someone shut it down. I couldn't finish what I was writing, which is pretty bad actually.

And then I have military jamming all of my appliances whenever they want to. They'll shut down a circuit to any one of my appliances, just because they want to get off on it.

They've done it with my DVD player, and stop it or freeze it wherever they want, my radio, my youtube player (which a hacker could do but not the other stuff) and then today it was my coffee maker.

It was plugged in and turned on and the military jammed it so it wouldn't brew coffee--it didn't break. They jammed it and they've been doing this kind of thing since I've been there.

They turn my lights off and on and I've seen our dog's toys that are battery operated being turned off and on whenever the military wants to do it, just like what they did to me and my son when they tortured us too, and almost killed us and caused my son permanent and irreparable damage.

So today the light was on, for my coffee maker and it wouldn't start. So I moved it and I already knew there was nothing wrong with it. I put it in a different room and plugged it in and they still had it jammed not to work.

Other country's military will know what's going on, so it's not a good point for the U.S.

Someone left it jammed until I changed into something that was black and cream just to see if it changed, and all of a sudden, it started and I immediately took off what I'd put on and switched back to what I'd been wearing before. Before I even had it on completely, I took it off. I didn't even have it on. I knew someone was trying to mess with me.

It's not that things don't work and I imagine things. Someone military does this with our dog's toys at my parents house, they did it to my son's toys at our house in East Wenatchee, they've done it with my Aunt and Uncle Avila's fax machine and phone to play loud fax sounds over their phone, which is the same thing they first did to me in Portland, Oregon when they were skeeered of my 2 lawsuits which they knew I was going to win. AND, they did this in Canada, at the house of someone my son and I stayed with in Pentictin, B.C.

It's not exactly like anyone is going to believe there are "ghosts" or a haunted house, but what I did notice, is how the Middletons for some reason, wanted to play off of that idea, which is odd, if they're supposedly not involved with anything devious.

So it made my coffee and I'm wearing what I wanted to wear today.

I have to file appeals for FOIA with FBI in Seattle and Portland today and the FBI offices in Tennessee didn't even respond, at all. They completely ignored my request and I sent it certified so I have a record of that.

So right now someone is using technology that is directed to mercury in teeth fillings. I'm not kidding. The military and FBI have done this too, and to my parents and I've been there when it happened.

All this to say, I will finish what I was writing about the Reader's Digest articles and cartoons and cartoonists and how it's evidence of premeditated hate crime and trying to take my child before he was even born. It also proves it was mainly religious hate crime and involved both Dempsey and Panetta and refers to leaks from email I sent to the FBI.

Anyway, the other day, out of comment, I hadn't written about my parents, but my Dad had been wearing black and white on his shirt and I didn't have anything on, that was visible, that was black and white, and I thought, "My Dad didn't know" and then I was only thinking this and said nothing, and he deliberately looked at my feet, covered up in shoes that completely covered my socks and then he looked at me. Then I realized, "He knows I am wearing black and white striped socks" and I was. The ones that are not all black and white but also gray. And the rest of my clothing was yellow, cream, brown, tan/beige, gray, and red. With a crimson hair rubberband which I've worn for the last 3 days, with this same thing. And I'm not changing today either, just bc someone is jamming my appliances.

They don't get credit for everything they can do and have done but it's part of why someone like religious hate groups in the FBI, Dempsey and Panetta would go after us. It's fear of what God gifted them with. So lately, we've all been tortured or at other times, now that some are figuring out what's up, they're trying to mess with them.

So anyway, I have to write and mail my notices for Appeal and then I will be writing again about the evidence from the Reader's Digest, to religious hate crimes and premeditated kidnapping of my child and FBI leaks.

At any rate, I was sort of shocked not to get anything from TN, because I sent certified mail to Knoxville, TN FBI offices and also to Memphis, TN branches and they totally ignored my request.

There was one point where I was being told to send everything to D.C., but it didn't matter where I sent my request, they ignored me or sent something snotty back to me, claiming they didn't know of any "Mr." Garrett and that sort of thing, when, with my social security number they knew I was female, not male. If you're getting FOIA from the FBI, you have to send the request to the LOCAL offices AND the central offices in D.C.

The local branches will hold information that the "central indices" will not contain or have access to. D.C. doesn't get every single thing that local field offices and branches get.

So I sent my requests to Knoxville, TN; Memphis, TN; Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; Washington D.C.; and then I also thought LATER...

Oh! and I forgot about New Mexico.

So I have to make one for New Mexico field offices too, because they were involved when I made a report of a Judge exploiting a hispanic woman (possibly).

The offices that ignored me, and didn't even respond within 10 business days like they're supposed to are the following:

1. Washington D.C. FBI Headquarters,
2. Knoxville, TN FBI field offices,
3. Memphis, TN FBI field offices.

Oh believe me, I'm not leaving any ground uncovered.

Then on my other things, I still have time to respond to federal court stuff and correct their misunderstandings and clarify it was injunction, not a complaint, that I was filing and appeal to ask for use of electronic filing. And the other thing is the Judicial Complaint...I got something back from them and they're investigating, thank goodness. In the meantime, I am trying to get more information to support my claim against Judicial misconduct but I have police and others messing with me and bumping off my Uncle in Idaho all at once.

I guess I am sort of shocked to find out that Washington D.C. FBI offices totally ignored my request. I mean, they didn't respond at all.


This is the FBI HEADQUARTERS. I sent my request for FOIA to them, with an expedited request for personal emergency reasons, asking them politely to please reply within 10 days of receipt of my request and they ignored me. They didn't even send a denial.

They ignored me, along with the Tennessee FBI offices involved in having me shot up with Haldol, which was a personal assault and battery and based on hate crime and defamation--that's when they USED me in fed. govt. buildings with their own people there.

But it's all certified mail with tracking. They got it. D.C. got it.

So they will be ultimately responsible for the kind of example they set for the other field offices.

It's my legal opinion that an FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C. doesn't ignore emergency requests unless they have something huge to hide.

It basically proves that they are the party also involved with obstructing my college efforts to go to college.

So stay posted on what I bring up about FBI leaks to religious hate crime and the Reader's Digest, of all things.

Okay, just opened the FBI letters, and I will share, to the credit and accountability of each office, what I have. I didn't open it until the day I knew I had to make an appeal, because it was a thin letter and I knew I'd have to just send an appeal for records from their "local indices".

1. Seattle, WA FBI offices.They didn't even sign it. The Seattle offices sent me a form letter stating it's being sent to D.C. first and that all future correspondence is to go to D.C.

And D.C. didn't even respond within the 10 days as required.

2. Portland, OR FBI offices.
At least Gregory Fowler put his name to it. It's at least signed., it's not. He didn't sign it. The CRIMINAL Jared J. Garth signed it. He put Fowler's name on it but signed it himself and it is my STRONG opinion that Jared Garth is a criminal. I remember exactly what my conversations were with him in 2004 and that was prior to me and my son being tortured, along with my family. Jared J. Garth is one person I feel very solid about saying, there is something wrong with him and he had something to do with the huge problems we had. He is listed as "Chief Division Counsel." I think I had wondered back then, in 2004, what religion he was and never found out for sure, but I know he has some kind of conflict. He jerked me all over the place and then we were all tortured. I really don't care if he's Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, or what...he was a problem and was obstructive in 2004. I talked to him over the telephone and he mocked me and made fun of me. It wasn't just mail, it was that I personally spoke with him and he treated me like I was his enemy and without respect. I had actually thought Mr. Garth was possibly Mormon bc I tried to find out if he was Catholic and couldn't confirm this. So IF he's Mormon, he's a Mormon with a business buddy conflict.

I was thinking that with a 10 day request, you don't include weekends in the count, but I think I'm sending requests again. I was stupid for not writing back with an Appeal sooner, because I thought I had to wait until they responded and then write my Appeal but D.C. just decided to sneak out of noticing they weren't going to respond to my emergency request at all.

They are criminals.

It is my opinion the FBI in D.C. knows they are in HUGE trouble.

I'm going to have to send another certified request to D.C.

They are clearly instructing the other field offices not to respond. TN tried to sneak out of not responding and I would guess they decided on this course because Diane Harsha made an emergency call to her diplomatic friends and the FBI D.C. people first.

The TN people are in HUGE trouble too, because they not only were directly responsible for assault of me in a PSYCH ward, they USED me for research and KNEW.

I'm just sending them all again, all over again. I have to, for legal reasons, if I file a lawsuit for FOIA. I have to show exact timing of sending a request and then making my Appeal request in a timely manner or it won't hold up in court. So I'm not letting any of them get through loopholes.

Basically, yeah, my Uncle DIED after I sent my FOIA last time, AND my parents were tortured and came back to the house totally tortured and instructed by their FBI-connected "friends" not to help me get back into college.

The FBI is the party that's obstructing my education, because it's their employees who are connected to hate crime groups and mafia.

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