Sunday, November 20, 2011

Torture Tonight--Obama--RD Hate Crime 2005

I just checked on my parent's house and they are being tortured with technology. I also had someone start it up again at about 7 p.m. or so, after not doing anything last night, at least that I fell asleep to or woke up to. Maybe it was that someone knew I was catching up on Reader's Digest's that showed a cartoonist making inside jokes for Panetta and Dempsey and involving my family (I can prove it), or possibly the articles with ads interposed that clearly showed the FBI leaked information about my complaints.

Last night I noticed there was still something mild happening at my parents house but not that much happened at mine, aside from someone doing something that affected the bottom and not top of the trailer.

For the last 2 days, there hasn't been as much, ever since I brought up the pertinent fact that if I were Erica Wiltbank, or most likely, if my family were the Wiltbanks instead or a Mormon family, there is no possible way any Mormon FBI agent would allow any of these things to happen to us.

I can't rely on the Catholics, bc I can prove religious hate crime. But with the Mormons, it's shocking when things continue to happen to us, because it should be as impossible for such things to occur to me and my son as it is for Erica Wiltbank or Shannon Adams to have anything happen to them.

It shouldn't have ever happened at all. It should not be continuing either. I went to my bedroom and someone was using technology that caused my muscles to twitch and I walked outside and it stopped, and to another part of the trailer and it stopped, and then while outside, nothing was happening until I was up against my parent's house and it was happening to them, at their house as well.

My mother also had totally black eyes again today, newly darker than before.

Last night, someone used technology on me that caused such a horrible headache, actually, while I was standing at the sink, I had to leave my place to go over to my parent's house and I was going to see if they were okay. There was a low-hovering military-operated airplane right there.

And they were doing the exact same thing they did in Wenatchee, by doing something and then waiting for me to come out of my house to look and notice there was an airplane there.

It wasn't moving at normal speed for an airplane either. It was moving at an extremely low, extremely slow moving pace. They tortured me, with technology, to prompt me OUT of my own house so they could have me notice they were there.

And then it was that night, I started looking through Reader's Digest and saw all the evidence I needed to see to know that people knew what was going on and who they could use to control and conceal hate crime.

The last 2 days it has not been that bad at night, but the night before, at my parent's house, it was extremely bad for them and someone had tried to conceal it and make it less noticeable but the house was vibrating and you couldn't miss it.

I guess Obama and Michelle didn't get the message.

About the Executive Order that The President is required to make if his honchos are Hate Crime criminals themselves. Either he sends the message, or he gets lumped in with them.

Some of this has definitely been about the Middletons. I wasn't precocious like the kids today are, who already seem to know all about the adult's games. Or, it may have been, I was the only sheltered and innocent one and some of my friends and kids around me did know. I never did. I was oblivious, like I said, until a few years ago. I didn't even get it when I was with my Ex from Colombia. It was afterwards, because others still torture you, you have to ask why and wonder what is happening.

Kate Middleton will be an evil queen if she ever gets that far. I've thought about it, and from what I saw of her and her brother, they are not the most deeply spiritual individuals. Not that it matters bc it's not a Presidency--but the era of christian goodwill and spirituality appears to be over for the monarchy. However in the world the U.S. came to be so interested is beyond me, but my parents won't hear of it. I notice however, all this "pure" this and "pure" that like "pure" is the catchword of the last few years when that family is anything but. It's the meaning of her name, but she doesn't fit the bill. You could say it's jealousy bc it actually sounds catty, but if you look throughout my blog, I've been matter-of-fact and spoken my mind, not jealously. I could have said any number of things before she was married and didn't. I noticed things later, so I bring it up bc I shouldn't be afraid to say what I see. I do NOT see anything very generous in heart or spirit with that family--they have as much spirituality as a bottle of nail polish.

With Queen Elizabeth's coronation, she is reverant and even if she's not always good, and who knows what she's really like, there was still something maybe sincere. Not so with the Middleton brood, which is sort of sad because it's like gloss was taken over values.

It's not that they don't know how to act, bc no one wants a performance, it's that, in that one small clip I saw, I turned it off before James was even finished. I had seen enough to know, this family is not good for anyone except people who are ready to run others over.

I am not sure if it's that William was putting on an act and just somehow knows intuitively how to behave or act in such a setting, in that scene, or if he was sort of humbled and quieted or being attentive and natural. That part seemed natural at least.

But there was nothing "spirit of truth" about James, whose reading of the passage had as much annointing of the Holy Spirit as a deadbeat father has the best interests of his child at heart, and she was shocking, in my opinion. She struck me as being very image-conscious and not even being in tune of the magnitude of what she was doing. I would think, at such a time, if one is really preparing oneself to be a "living sacrifice" one would be humbled and thinking and reflecting on what that means, and making it new in that moment, no matter how many times it was rehearsed. I didn't expect her to sit up higher and straighter and look at the camera with a haughty eye as if to imply the "living sacrifice" was a proud jubilance over the suffering of others who actually ARE "living sacrifices". No wonder I had it come to mind that my mother was raped to put bread on her table.

Sarah Fergusen wasn't maybe "good" but there WAS something sincere about her wedding, and fun about it, and with Diana, I look at short clips now and think, there is innocence there and a reverance. Her countenance is SO different from Kates, and it's a spiritual thing, not a personality thing. You can have people with different personalities and still notice a tone of something sincere, like with Sarah and Di, but I think, seeing that clip is what did it for me. I thought, "She is going to be like Bloody Mary." Which is sad, bc maybe when she was younger there was a naivitee about her, but now it's like her own self-image and peer problems are turning into a revenge of the nerds type of thing. I mean, like you can have someone with solid self-image who was bullied, who goes on to have empathy for others, or you can have someone with a weaker self-image, who was bullied, who goes on to preen and get satisfaction from getting back at the Prom Queen or the fact she wasn't popular and now she has power.

One thing I newly noticed, from a carriage scene with Di waving, is a couple of the men-guards or whatever next to the horses and open carriage. I never paid attention but while she's sitting up and waving, I looked at a few of their faces and realized, "Oh my gosh. Some of them knew. They knew about Camilla and some kind of pre-wedding drama". I wouldn't expect these British soldiers to know, but one of them, I saw his face and instantly thought, "He knows and he's stiff-lipped feeling about it and feels sorry for Diana." It looked like "This is really sad and we are going to say nothing. Go on like all is well." And all around cheering and happiness and she looks wonderful but I realized, some of the soldiers knew. It's an almost guilty look, but like "Here we go, on with the parade. Are you ready? Yes SIR! Ready then, and forward march."

I'd always thought, no one knew--it was a big secret...but others knew. Which is why maybe later she even says something to the effect of "all these people knew but they wanted to say there was something wrong with me..."

At any rate, seeing this and then thinking back, I had wondered, is there anything I can remember that someone brought up about Kate Middleton that I should have somehow picked up on when I was a kid and didn't? No one in MY family ever even talked about international affairs or England or royalty--even when Di was so popular. I never heard ONE word about any of them. And we didn't have a television by choice for years, and I didn't on my own, either.

The only thing I can remember, was this snotty little girl in grade school coming up to me one day and I never forgot it because she said it with such emphasis and STARED at me and I never had any CLUE why she was acting that way. And I don't know if it ties in with John Kaemps comment in court about "Your Honor, Ms. Garrett thinks she's SPECIAL."

I remember we made rice crispy treats all the time, with rice cripsies and marshmallows and it was one of my most-favorite snacks and desserts. I recall some girl coming up to me and saying in a snotty way, "They're SPECIAL K treats, not rice crispy treats." And she went on to say something else and I never forgot it because this girl was one-raised eyebrowing me sort of like her Mom or Dad told her to go over and say this to me, as if I cared. I never forgot it. SPECIAL K TREATS!

Next time I ever heard anything remotely close, it was JOHN Kaempf, saying in the SAME snotty way, "Your Honor, Ms. Garrett think's she's SPECIAL."

I was so shocked. I remember not even knowing what to say. No one had ever said this to me before and I didn't think that either so what kind of a point was this lawyer trying to make? It was 2004 when he said it. It wasn't 2002, and I don't believe it was 2003. It was sometime near the close of my Mt. Angel Abbey case, or one part of the closure before it went to the Archdiocese Bankruptcy court. So I guess that's maybe 2003.

Special "K" vs. "Ms. Garrett".

Who could have ever known.

I have no idea what they were talking about.

Not only that, the man who raped me was going on about how I was like Marilyn Monroe and I didn't catch his drift either. HOW was I like Marilyn Monroe? It was 1998, so exactly who was I a "Marilyn Monroe" to? I was raped because someone was worried I was like Marilyn Monroe? I was a virgin. How does that fit at all?

So it's been really interesting to look back at things.

In 1992 I was already being targeted to be assassinated. Someone settled for triggering epilepsy instead, when I don't have epilepsy.

There is a lot more I haven't shared yet and don't know if I will, but for my part, I was an innocent person walking through a huge landmine of people who hated me and were jealous of me and I had NO idea. My parents are geniouses and I guess others' were worried about me.

So this whole thing with the hate crime escalating and FBI involved along with Panetta...I was looking at issues of RD before I had my son. I think the one that shocked me was the one where an author from D.C. talks about some kind of "Paradise Lost" and interposed in the article are all these ads that refer to FBI matters I was then trying to get FOIA over, and men like Raul Bujanda and Michael Tanzer.

It appears someone who tortured my family is connected to Bujanda or Forrest Tanzer, or both, or FBI.

First of all, the cartoonist making cartoons for RD then, in 2005, about 1 year after I made my complaints to the FBI, while I was in litigation...

His name is C.F. Payne. Like "Cough pain". Okay, no big deal except that this man is from Columbus, Ohio, where the headquartrs for Knights of Columbus is, and the Abbey was LIVID that I "coughed" in church. They made this HUGE deal about my coughing in the middle of a church service in 2001, and I found out they called up a police officer from Mt.Angel,, who was Catholic, and put me on an investigation.

They literally had me under investigation, because they claimed they were offended by my coughing in a church service. This was when I had started asking questions about the propriety of some of the things going on there and was wondering what exactly WAS going on.

It was 2001, or possibly 2000 but I think 2001 that the Abbey got mad after I met privately with Abbot Nathan Zodrow, the Catholic Ukrainian who was originally from Wenatchee, WA, 10 minutes outside of it. They harassed ME, when I hadn't done anything wrong at all, and then I found out later, they got worried I might sue them, so they called up their police and asked for a secret "investigation" and had my "name" on a board at the police station in Mt. Angel.

THIS is after I guess I had already upset some Roman Catholics back in high school, in 1992. Erik Lund went to a private Catholic school and all of Janet Bechtold's family was extremely strict Catholic, from California. Italians and Irish. And then I remember Tony Roos was really hateful to me about that time and I believe it was his sister who collapsed with a seizure attack.

So, get this, fast forward to Reader's Digest April 2005, to the back cover cartoon by Payne (who looks almost exactly like the man on my property in Wenatchee a few months later in 2006). April 2005 is a little less than 1 yr. after I made my complaint to the Portland FBI, and is right after I was forced out of my lawsuits. I was then trying to get FOIA from the FBI and after that, I had sent the FBI (and FBI alone) an email about how Bujanda or Tanzer or their guys might want to grow a beard to stay safe because someone knew about them or something. I specifically said they might want to grow a beard and this was not something I sent to Reader's Digest, to their cartoonist, to the journalist in D.C., or to any of my friends or family. It was confidential and private, and I sent it to the FBI.

It shows up being referred to in the Reader's Digest. 1 month after I was assaulted by military or police technology with my son still in my womb.

And what do we have for a cartoon on the back of this April 2005 issue? We have a man who looks exactly like Panetta. Leon Panetta. He is drawn to the right and then to the left, is a man who looks like Tony Roos, the Catholic guy from my high school whose sister fell down into a seizure, OR the only other resemblance is this man named Benjamin from Wenathchee, WA. Benjamin is a military guy I was forced to live with AFTER my son was taken from me, and he went by the name "Ben". He worked undercover for the Wenatchee police and went through all of my things. He is featured holding a little girl who is dropping money into a jar, next to a table that has 3 of my mother's most often made desserts (lemon bars, snickerdoodles, and russian teacakes). I only say this, because it's obvious it's referring to me bc in the background, the woman with a ponytail, is the EXACT copy of my best friend Monica Allen. It's her exact profile, and expression and how she had her hair most of the time I knew her. I only say this bc it's not all. There is more inside the issue, referring to my complaint to the Portland FBI.

(someone keeps repeatedly shutting my computer down while I try to write this, starting with when I brought up the RD and referring to the FBI) least 25 times so far in the last 1/2 hour.)

So this cartoon, bear with me, was made April 2005, 1 month before my son was born, and everyone at that time had thought I was having a girl. Including Christa Schneider, including everyone.

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