Sunday, November 20, 2011

impressions from music

I started listening to "Colors of the Wind" from Pocahontas and saw kids doing summersaults and tumbling and gymnastics and dance but younger. Not images like remote viewing, but creative thoughts coming to mind when hearing this. And there was this deer just a few feet from my window which was very woodsy-feeling.

The other night I listened to this song which I heard first in TN, and it was of this guy singing "how oppressed oh my people" or whatever, will have to look back, and these women trying to storm a gate came to my mind that night. They ran up against this black iron gate and were jerking it back and forth and sobbing and frantically trying to open it or get someone's attention. It was like a very tall, wrought iron gate and sort of made me think of something that an embassy would have, but I didn't know where it was. And I had the idea first, they were locked up or out, as mentally ill and trying to get word out to help some people, but then why would it be an iron gate like that? There aren't any like that inside mental psych wards. It was like wrought iron. Like a very tall and strong gate with poles or whatever vertically, like in old-fashioned security gates, and with little spikes on the top around the sides I think, not the main part, but that "style" and they rushed it. And then they had both hands on the iron poles and were pulling it back and forth and screaming and crying.

I saw 2 women for sure, but I don't know how many. Vague impression of hair that was down to middle of the back and medium brown and/or dark brown or possibly black but I didn't see that they were african american so I don't know what ethnicity for sure.

I never had that impression the first time I ever heard the song. And this time I wasn't feeling shaky at all or anything, just had this impression of a sudden rushing and it was women. What was odd was that I even thought it had something to do with me and my family, like these women suddenly knew or had something confirmed, or to do with my family, and they all of a sudden decided to get past a gate to tell someone or get out or something.

So first I thought maybe they are in a psych ward and trying to get out to tell someone but it was outside somewhere, with a tall black iron gate that was locked. At least twice as tall as the women were, standing and with an arch in the middle like wrought iron gates have. But maybe it was about something else. They were screaming, crying, and pulling it back and forth and I think it wasn't so strong that it wasn't moving at all.

This was the song:

I saw it right at the start and then had no impression at all.

I watched a lot of different things, christian, afghan and an international mix, and I watched this jewish clip but then turned it off, thinking not all these people are good people in this clip, and then put on the other one and saw women storming a gate. It was middle aged women again, not younger. I think one of the women was the same one I've seen in the past, praying.

Maybe I had the other one on first. I don't know. Na nach uman.

And there there was this pop song I heard and just creative thinking, saw a man doing a pole vault and training for the olympics. I'll find that one. It's a modern U.S. pop song. Bruno Mars "You Won't Do The Same".

I didn't see anything until the cymbals right before "I'd catch a grenade for ya" and I saw this man rise on the vaulting pole for high jump. Like, right when the guy sticks the pole into the ground and capults into an arch in the air--that's what I creatively saw when the cymbals sound and then "Throw a hand on a blade for ya" I saw a man with a discus spinning and getting ready to throw it.

Olympics stuff. Runners on their marks, sprinting with the crack, in the background while the other events play. But it was only one day that I got this. Not every time. Just once.

But I get a bad feeling playing that song today. It came on the radio when I heard it the other day. I actually got a better feeling from the na song today. Anyway, going back to Disney.

Cruella Deville. From the Brit channel. I think it's about Kate. It's like Kate pulling up in daddy's phantom car.
(from there I went to a clip that was named "evil queen"--let's hope it doesn't happen, and then from there it was Snow White pursued by people trying to kill and dismantle her for good to the tune of "my only sin" and then I got to Agatha Christie's tale about a woman that said "hell" all the time was called a duchess but she wasn't really a duchess, just a girl with curly black hair and then I ended this with going to veggie tales and ended up with "sneeze if you have to". Then I was in the house picking up my whoppers and Scott toilet tissue and patted the dog and then! ...

I saw this veggietales clip about if it's a monkey or an ape (which was funny) and then one about Larry stuck in the sink (which I've seen and just got so far as to the part about auntie em, and then found this one which made me laugh: "i love my lips": he sits in front of a psychologist and all he talks about are his lips.
I've been drying out leaves all day today too. One part of my place looks like I'm doing some kind of weed processing. It's yerba matte and ginko, and then I have alfalfa and I'm drying both eucalyptus leaves, myrtle leaves, and eucalyptus bark. I first tried to aeroate my yerba and ginko but it wasn't working in my pan so I fluffed it and put it in a tupperware and it still wasn't really dry so I finally spread it all out on a pizza pan and have it in front of the space heater.

It probably sounds really weird, but I'm sort of trying to recycle it.

I used eucalyptus leaves in my bath one day and that stuff is for whole purposes, but after I strained the yerba and ginko for circulation by making tea, I found that the leftover yerba-ginko mix, once steeped, since it's whole leaf, still had active properties if I ground it up and put it in a green drink or drank plain. SO I decided to dry it out and then I want to grind it and use it for blended drinks because the actual leaf, when you have to digest it, still have some use. It's not any good for tea again, but for fully digesting it is.

Thus! my efforts to dry it out. And I had all these leaves all over and crumbled leaves in pans and thought one day, "I look like I'm in the drug biz". I have used alfalfa too, for tea, but don't want to mix it with the yerba and ginko. I have this feeling that alfalfa, once steeped, doesn't have the same quality and might get moldy or something. Just doesn't seem right, so I've kept it separate.

Last night I ground up, into powder, this citrus peeling I'd saved and dried. So it was completely dried out and I ground it up for pectin powder. I haven't saved the peels this last time.

I've watched a "Love Song by Mr. Lunt (veggietales) about his love for jelly beans" and then this montage to "Love Addict"

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