Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reader's Digest & Hate Crime (foreknowledge)

The first thing I started reading, when I was old enough to read, was Reader's Digest and the funny papers. And then I read this all the time, from the time I was about 5-6 or so. I read all of the survival and rescue stories. It was the only articles I read but I read them all.

Then I remember criticising RD at some point, before my son and I were tortured and I think it was before 2002, and had once looked at the people who worked on their boards and they were mainly Catholic. I think I'd wondered bc I got a rude response once to something.

It was very shocking then, to read some of these digests and see what ads and articles were being promoted after I turned in FBI employees and others for misconduct.

I am quite sure I can call it hate crime. And what's odd is that some who were in the media knew about the FBI and other situations before my son was even born and then we were tortured.

I also even found references to Panetta and Dempsey and certain things that were meant to be inside jokes for a hate crime group, but now that I know more, it's not so "insider" anymore. It only confirms what I've said all along.

I'll explain later, but I watched some movies and did a lot of cooking and then I sat and read for awhile and couldn't believe what I was finding. But it's great evidence.

And, it precedes full-blown literal torture of both me and my baby/toddler.
Not only did I find some of the chosen articles and ads shocking, the cartoons by C.F. Payne, who is originally from Ohio, were as well and indicate foreknowledge of Roman Catholic hate crime involving high senior officials in military and CIA. It also indicates strong interest and religious hate of me and most likely, therefore, my family.

I don't know what C.F. Payne's religion is. I saw that he is from Ohio and it put up a flag in my mind because not only had I been looking up and trying to get information on persons involved in hate crime against me, who were also connected to Knights of Columbus in Ohio, the torture against me and my son increased at that time. I wouldn't know if he is Roman Catholic himself, but the fact that he made cartoons with inside smirks inclusive of Panetta and Dempsey, and actually, people from my background, indicates there is something wrong with him.

I looked him up to see where he is now and he's working at an art college in Columbus, Ohio, where the headquarters of Knights of Columbus is, which is what I had been focusing on prior to being blasted along with my son.

There is a photo of him and he has the EXACT same shade and style of hair as the man lurking around in the back of our property about that time. The man had a longer face though, and either this guy lost weight or it's not him. I would know for sure if I saw a photo of the man. He had a small white diamond stud in his nose as well. Sorry, not nose, but one ear. He had 1 tiny earring in his ear when he was on my property and this color and style of hair. He was lean-lanky and tall in stature, between 5'11-6'2 but maybe height accentuated by having a more slender frame.

Additionally, in the RD issues from just before my son was born, it indicates media or religious group knowledge of my report of misconduct about the FBI and email that I sent to them confidentially as well. It's made fun of, and then while articles and ads were being edited together for the amusment of others in the FBI and religious hate crime groups, we have the cartoonist C.F. Payne giving nods and jokes to Roman Catholic military and CIA heads and including me and my personal history in the joke, which I can elaborate on at another time soon.

Hate crime, all the way.

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