Sunday, November 20, 2011


So anyway.

There's something weird with my Bibles bc lately I'll be thinking about a topic and turn randomly and not always, but often, I will end up on a related topic.

For example, this morning I was thinking about something I didn't think was that great and why was it not and what would I expect and I think it was reverance or something. So I was thinking about looking up examples of marriages and unions that show reverance or holiness from different cultures and then also thinking about the book of hosea briefly and thought about marriages of reformed prostitutes or pimps and if sometimes you find glimpses of reverance in unexpected places, and then I grabbed my Bible to read something, nothing in particular and after Hezekiah I had then thought about the weddings and I opened up and before I looked, it was in my mind, "Look at the inside corner" and I did and that section was about marriage, how Jesus is talking to Sadducees. The Sadducees were a group that didn't believe in a resurrection. Some Jewish did, some didn't, and Sadducees didn't. So they were asking Jesus a question, saying, the law says that if a woman's husband dies, the husband's brother should marry her and raise children in his honor. So there was this woman who had 7 husbands. Each one of them died, and then she too died at last. If there is a resurrection, then out of the 7, whose wife will she be? and Jesus said, "There is no marriage or giving away in marriage at the resurrection because they are like the angels." So his point was, it's not an issue, and then he goes on to say, to convince them about resurrection I think, he says, "Do you not remember what God said to Moses? I am the father of Jacob, and Issac, and...--therefore God is not God of the dead but the living."

So I went to Ex. 3:6 and this is where Moses takes off his sandals because he is on Holy Ground. And this fire is burning and God says who he is and refers to being the God of Jacob, and..." and indicates that he is refering to them in the present sense so they are not dead but living. I think that's what the point was. And therefore, as he God of the living and refers to these men in present tense, is there not a resurrection.

Anyhow, it's just odd how I end up on these passages about a topic I will be thinking about first. Like, I'm outside doing a night watch for my parents and come into the house and turn to a passage about the watchmen of the night, and then I'm thinking should I look up clips of weddings today and end up finding this section about marriage (or no marriage) in the resurrection.

After this, I read some other things, but that was sort of odd. I will probably not look up clips bc I don't really care that much and will play music instead.

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