Sunday, November 20, 2011

Honey & Veganism

I did a little reading this morning bf getting out of bed and while cooking, looked up lecthin options, and then falafel recipes, and finally, wanted to find out about vegans and honey.

Technically, vegans don't use honey bc it's exploiting the bees, but I have felt it's causing less suffering than what humans go through in sugar cane fields. I was curious about what some had to say and like this explanation that I found: It's sort of how I think as well. And it also gave me ideas of other sweeteners to try. I don't use any sugar right now, just honey and I guess a little from a sugar packet here and there, but there are other sweeteners to try. I thought about it after looking up recipes for honey nougaut. I couldn't find a vegan recipe for honey nougaut and then realized it's bc strict vegans don't use honey.

Then I looked up the British Vegan Society and the American Vegan Society and after this I clicked on Amie Hamlin and found her page with pumpkins and squash on it, with a quote that said, "May all that love life be delivered from suffering." (buddha, but the position of christians and many other religions too). Then, for whatever reason, I looked up the NY lunch program for kids, how they have an organization to promote healthy foods, "My Coalition for Healthy Food in Schools".
I partly looked it up bc it includes something like a christian vegetarian society.

Fast and Furious knitting needles. 10 til 2 p.m. here.

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