Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Seizure Symptoms & when they started (1992)

I stayed up late last and slept in late by mistake. I had a seizure symptom today and it's the first time I've ever thought, I don't know that this is natural or induced by something someone is doing. Which made me think to when they first started and where they occured.

If my family, or people we know, we so feared by a few or hated, if they had any connection to someone with a little bit of power, they could get close to any one of us and do a few things here and there and hope no one noticed it was assault.

I wouldn't say I recognized systematic torture until after 2004 when it was obvious and happened to both me and my son at the same time.

Right before a group decided to boldly harm and assault us, I had been making a discovery and wrote about how I had found out my migraines were deliberately triggered to occur on court dates.

That's along with other discoveries.

What this means, is that not only was someone using technology or govt. connections to actually cause physical harm to a citizen, they were also motivated with reasons for obstructing justice. It's 2 crimes and then you might throw collusion to commit those crimes into the mix. This was when I had tricked others into thinking I was having my period at times I didn't, and then they adjusted the timing of the migraines and court hearings to match expected dates. It means lawyers were involved. Those coordinating timing of hearings were lawyers and Judges and/or clerk personnel.

So I'm not saying I don't have migraines, or can't have them triggered. But I don't have them naturally, very often, and I don't need medication to control that either.

If I'd wanted a migraine on Thursday at 9 a.m., for the court date, I'd pay you for that. Or, actually, someone paid someone else for that. Was it like $50 a pop, per induced migraine? my guess is that it was much, much more.

The other thing is, I don't get "stress-related" migraines either. I've had long periods with more stress in my life than you can imagine and I don't get migraines more. So it's not like I got them before a hearing bc I was worried. I was never worried bc I knew I had evidence to win. I looked forward to court dates--I didn't dread them. And then when I was lying and saying I had my period at a certain time, I was getting migraines triggered for court dates deliberately scheduled to be on that date, and then I wasn't even getting a single migraine around my ACTUAL period date. So my premenstrual migraine problem sort of "vanished" and no one was drugging me.

I was tricking criminals.

These criminals work in the justice system, or allowed other criminals to use them as well, to commit crimes of assault for purposes of obstruction of justice. You have to collude to do that. Lawyers, Judges,...that's just a short-short list.

So when you start calling out corporate criminals, who work for the Department of Justice, and the State, and within the justice system, out on their crimes, is it big enough to torture a family over?

Probably yes. Probably then, you have a LOT of people with incentive to call someone "mentally ill".

I'm not paranoid. Things happen to people. But since I know what I know, I know more about how people today like to throw off bets or take something to their advantage by criminal force. I also know that when money is involved, you're going to have some football players on the field, suddenly falling over and the medics running out to get them and it's "a heart condition" or "shortness of breath" or something like that. Anyone--lawyers, Judges, churches, can take a hockey stick and hack the knees out of a player they know is going to win. Which do you prefer? a hockey stick or a golf stick. It's like "apples" and "oranges".

When crime of assault is used against a person to keep them out of competition, that's exceeding claims of "national interest research". It's not even remotely contained within the parameters for classification. You can't classify crimes of obstruction of justice and torture to conceal crime, conceal embarassment over mistakes, or cut someone out of competition.

Knowing all these things, and being aware of the possibilities doesn't make me paranoid. It makes me smarter than your average person (an average person who can "Get Smart" shorty, if they want to pay attention). Anyone is able to learn from what I'm talking about and use it to protect your own safety and right to free market, free enterprise, free speech, and acess to the courts if you are defamed.

And you should always keep it in the back of your mind, without being paranoid, that it's IS possible the horse fell behind or spooked from technology, that a player on the field went down bc of crime of assault that you can't see or immediately prove, that your favorite politician who looked older never had to die just because they were older, had cancer, or another condition that was excused for masking the effort of someone who wanted them dead "sooner" rather than "later". Maybe you let fear run your life, but you put that information in the back of your mind and wait before making hasty conclusions on certain things.

Good, and "normal" people in America do not have this kind of power in their hands.

It's like the right to own a firearm is being held by the nice Mom and Pops who have one locked up somewhere safe in their house or on the top shelf, away from the kids, just to defend their property, or those who go hunting on occasion for fresh food and to reduce cost of buying from the store. Normal, decent people have access to these weapons and they can buy a can of mace too. The people who are using the illicit weapons that are allowing them to win all the lawsuits, games, business, and alliances, are professionals and those in gangs who are willing to risk working with professionals. Professionals in the justice system give them legal cover if they act on their behalf, and professionals commit the crimes themselves and no one ever guesses. Then, even retired drama schoolteachers and people you'd never suspect, nice churchgoing types (you think) get involved, simply because they've been wrangled in by necessity because now they found out their daughter married a criminal professional and to protect their family, they're going to be an accessory to crime and join in.

No good and normal citizen has any means in this country, for protecting their property or rights anymore.

THIS is the Wild West and the Wild U.S. and it's not glamorous either. You've got criminals in government agencies working against citizens they don't like, and getting away with crime. It's not very hard to make international alliances to commit the crimes, if necessary, either. Military and defense agencies around the world are working on such top-secret projects as creating an "invisible man" and yet all around them criminals are allowed to use "invisible" weapons, or cause assault that leaves few traces behind.

For me, my family has been up against a bunch of people wearing suits to work each day, and some without suits too. But by that, I mean, Judges holding a gavel, their clerks and lawyers and politicians. BIG STAKES for them if they get caught.

They will blackmail and torture and use the highest connection in govt. that they've got, because what they're involved in, they already know, is RICO.

So thinking about this, this morning, and remembering how I started getting blasted full-force with technology and torture when I began to "out" the fact that my migraines have been triggered by criminal means, in order to obstruct justice...I thought back to when I had the first "seizure" symptom.

Because my parents didn't suddenly become talented overnight. Some group knew about them and was probably worried about my own potential for a long time. So to get to them or to others we knew or who cared about me, it's very possible that someone tried other things out and I just didn't realize what was going on.

I remember when I first had a "seizure-like" symptom. It was in Sherwood, Oregon, when I was in high school and going to Sherwood High School.

Never in my life, before I moved to Sherwood, Oregon, did I ever have a migraine or seizure symptom or anything out of the blue like that. People with seizure symptoms don't get them out of the blue usually either...there is usually a childhood or pre-teen history of some kind.

But I remember the exact locations where I was getting these "seizure symptoms".

It was the same approximate time someone was trying to run me off the road and almost killed me.

It was 1992-1993 and every seizure trigger that occured happened at Sherwood High School. My Senior year of high school. If it happened when I was at our house, I don't remember. I remember who was around when I suddenly would get sick and naseous and start drooling and have these symptoms and it was women who were around me. In 1993 people started playing weird pranks too, at school, like putting a dead goldfish in the toilet bowl at school, just odd things here and there.

It was also started up after I witnessed a full-blown seizure when I was out with friends on a dock by The Willamette River in summer of 1992. I believe her name was Joanna. All I remember is that she was someone's sister and a grade level, or year younger, and I was thinking maybe her brother was Tony Roos but don't know if her name is Joanna. I don't remember everyone who was there on that dock, but it was me, I think Monica (not sure), Shannon Adams, Alicia Peters, or Erica Wiltbank (don't remember which one), possibly Mike Smith, possibly Aaron Bourne and Dan Bourbon, definitely Erik Lund, and Robin Bechtold. Possibly, I'm thinking Jordan Peterson. It was ALL kids from Sherwood High School. They weren't church friends. They were high school friends.

I just remember she fell to the dock suddenly when we were standing outside and it was at this house right on the river, with stairs leading to a large dock. She fell and began convulsing and someone said she was having a seizure and I thought "put a stick in her mouth" and said this out loud, having NO experience or reading about seizures then at 17 years old and they said, "You don't do that." It came to my mind bc I did read once about it, in a novel, from a novel, and someone put a stick in their mouth so they "didn't bite their tongue". And then I was so scared I began giggling nervously. It was a nervous reaction and some of the people acted very angry. I wasn't laughing at her, obviously, I didn't know what to do. Someone ran up the hill to call for help and then she stopped having it.

It was after this incident that I then had several experiences where I was suddenly sort of hit with something and then would start drooling and it a trigger that someone used (possibly) only at Sherwood High School. It happened around a P.E. teacher in the woman's lockerroom, a woman who was supposedly gay, and it happened in the women's bathroom with an adult administrator coming to check on me and watching.

Things got really weird in 1992. And this was after I supposedly "offended" Janet Bechtold or some people by refusing to be in a serious romantic relationship with someone who wasn't a "christian" and was "Catholic".

My best friend Monica witnessed me drooling and having this happen.

It never happened at my parent's house. It was always being triggered at Sherwood High School somehow, and an adult employee was always around when it happened, and watchin me, and only that last year, and only after I had mistakenly had nervous laughter when this other girl had a full-blown seizure.

I had this occur at 2 other locations--at a U.S. Forest Park in Oregon when I planned a camping trip with my best friend Monica, and at the Rabbi Rose's house in Portland, Oregon, a few years later. When it happened at Rabbi Rose's house, it was the first time it had happened in years, since high school, and the next day I was fired by Lorraine Rose.

It never happened once on the East Coast. I mean, I then went to NJ and worked as a nanny and it never happened there, the entire year I was there.

I came back to Oregon after being on the East Coast and it happened again.

I told my friend Monica, "Lets go camping!" and I had bought a tent at REI, my own little tent and I was excited to try it out. It was a little easy-set up round pup tent for 2 and had expandable wires and it was really good quality. It was a Coleman I think, can't remember for sure, but I had also bought a "mummy bag" that was good up to under 0 degrees and it was black on the outside, and I had a kerosene lamp, a radio with tons of D batteries so we could play music, and I bought a few other things. So we picked a place next to the beach that you had to hike into. I told Robin about it and a few other people I was talking to then. They asked where we were going and I'm sure I said where. We got there and hiked in and I did think we were followed bc I remember feeling watched but didn't know why. We hiked in and set it up and there was a park ranger there who we met, and we heard music from other tents. All of a sudden, I became extremely sick and naseous and started drooling profusely and my friend Monica said "Oh my gosh, what's wrong, what's wrong?" and she started praying for me and put her arms around my shoulders but I shrugged her off bc it made me feel more sick and I asked her to keep praying and took deep breaths. I was sick like that, feeling like I was going to throw up but dizzy from the hit of whatever it was that happened and drooling, for at long time it seemed but she might remember better. I think it was at Cannon Beach, Oregon. Yeah, positive. It was Cannon Beach. What's weird, is I remember we met some people from another country who were also camping there that day, who had accents. Monica might remember. It wasn't Spanish accents.

It didn't happen again, that I recall, until I worked for Rabbi and Lorraine Rose. The entire time while at CTR I had migraines occuring randomly, since sometime after my car accident, but not necessarily bc of that accident at all. I had already enrolled in college or registered at least, and I was working along and just got hit, as I walked out the door, with my hand on the gate and I was suddenly dizzy, sick, and couldn't see anything for a minute I saw black. I started drooling and ran to their gay neighbor's house and asked for a cup of water and then I was standing over their sink drooling and I couldn't stop.

The next day I didn't work because Lorraine Rose fired me.

It was the next day, I showed up and she'd left an empty checkbook out and written on the back that "Please don't come back--am most disappointed with times and dates." That was it. She didn't call, she didn't explain, she didn't look me in the eye--nothing. Blue pen, white checkbook card.

I got blasted with something while on her property and then I was fired.

Last impression of Lorraine: delightedly spritzing her hair over with Pure Shine hask hair from "Great Neck! NY", and serving cheesecake with coffee or coffee ("Don't give them any tea. If they don't want coffee, too bad"). Oh, and she was not happy about what I had worn at the last banquet I served at, a solid long-sleeved white shirt and it had a small dip into a "v" at the neckline and I asked if it was modest and she was extremely annoyed. By my modesty? or the "V". We'll never know.
I ironed out the clothes for her sister from England and it was shortly after that visit. Next thing I knew, I was being raped by their pal and pushed out of work and had more criminals trying to keep me out of college.

That's my "seizure symptom" history.

I was reminded of it, because today I had it happen again for the first time in a long time. When it happened this morning I didn't think it was natural in origin. I heard a truck or car peeling off right after (which probably means nothing) but I think that while I could be predisposed to certain things, some people will never show any problem at all unless an unnatural trigger is introduced.

Yesterday it was the dog drooling, today it's me.

As soon as he was at my place, he quit and was back to health.

At any rate, I opened up my window because first I felt sick. I jumped out of bed because I felt saliva welling up in my mouth (which I couldn't control) and ran to the bathtub and spit it out, after first in the sink, when there was more. Then I turned off the heater I had put on before it occured (this morning, sleeping in) and opened a window and tried to breathe fresh air and then fell asleep.

It reminded me that this "drooling" or seizure-like problem never happened on the East Coast and neither did my migraines. I don't recall having to ever take a break or lie down while a nanny for the Thebaults or Kargmans in 1993-1994, and the sudden experience with "seizure" was only happening, before then, in OREGON.

So most likely, I've been assaulted with-by illegal means since 1992.

Discreetly at first and then gaining momentum and odd clearances later, in 2004.

If someone wants to say it's natural, think again.

I tricked criminals, remember? I TRICKED THEM and this is why they later felt it so important to know me and read me better, because who KNOWS what I might do next. I didn't even know for sure if my hypothesis was correct or not. I made no assumptions and that's why I lied to wait and see and test it. If it was true, fine. If not, fine. It was true.

I've been colluded and conspired against, and assaulted for purposes of obstructing justice.

Obama, you got that Executive Order drafted yet?

I didn't just trick and discover any kind of criminal. I made an enormous discovery about criminals within The Justice System.

How do I get "justice" now?

Religious hate crime and use of the justice system to commit crime. This is why people felt, in 2008, it was "impossible" to get my son back. Look at who I've been up against and what kind of power and money they've leveraged against me and my family.

And if you can trigger seizure-like symptoms in animals, it can certaintly be done with any human being.

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