Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Asian Noodles & What My Parents Did

I'm going back to the posts about Reader's Digest. And I'll show some of the other things that I was talking about. I'm trying to relax for few bc I'm cooking some things and looking up different kinds of asian noodles. I felt like taking a break to taking some photos. I sort of wish I still had my 35mm. Sometimes, since I can't paint here in this space, I wish I could do more photography. I could get into the whole darkroom thing again--I thought that was a fun part of it. I did all my own shots, and all the developing in the darkroom too. It can make a huge difference! I do think some of the accidents with digital are fun, but I really do love the old-fashioned process. I never kept track of how I actually got a shot though...so that wasn't very scientific. It would just happen and I'd think, "That is a GOOD photo!" Sort of like cooking--a little of this a little of that, turn of the hand here and turn of the...I should write down more formulas. I always think of my friend (then) who helped with the science study. Invaluable guy. He could do everything I couldn't do.

This is just one of the 1st ones that came up, but it's about asian noodles and thought it was a good little chart.

I think I want to sometime try different kinds of the noodles and then rice paper for spring rolls. The kind of noodles for pad thai and also for the japanese miso soup with battered prawn. I made that myself a few times. The battered prawns in a miso with noodles. REAAAAlly good. And I was thinking the other day about stir fry with the noodles you use, round thin, for pad thai but I think pad thai uses flat fettecuine like ones, and I was thinking of the spaghetti like ones, thin, and with mushroom and lots of bell peppers.

And thinking how to make vegan pizza. Vegan pizza. My Dad said, "Have toast." I laughed thinking about it bc it's true, there is cheese pizza but who eats pizza with no cheese on it? I thought about a crust with fried falafel over it, and then you could put lots of veggies on it and artichokes or olives or whatever.

I am thinking, yeah. For all the work, why not have open-faced toast.

A thin sugar plate...hmm. I was thinking about honey nougaut but I a thin carmalized crust on dessert sounds good like leche but I think that something else, could use maple syrup or something.

My Dad must have known I was going to read something about bears. Because I opened up to something about bears this bears that in the Bible tonight. I read about a letter from a King from ezra (7:11) and then something in Matthew about false prophets and it's about bears this and bears that.Not animals, but using the word repeatedly. Matt 7:15, uses the word "bears" 5 times within 6 sentences. My Dad was the one who brought it up, an hour before I read it or more. Right now it's 11:35 p.m. and it was at about 8:30 p.m. and he brought up being careful outside or don't take the dog out and then mentioned bears, how they'd had a bear out there a few years ago. I said no way and he said it was a black bear, when I asked. But we talked about bears for awhile. He said he'd been told cougars went acros the property too and once, a coyote. He said "cay-yute" and I said, "a cay-Ohtee?" because he never used to say coyot. He said cayoteee. I remembered seeing a black bear on my Grandpa Garrett's property in Idaho. When I was a little girl. We went hiking out in the woods and we saw a big black bear off in the distance. And my Grandpa told a lot of stories about bears over there. I think we even had photos and I don't know what happened to them. If we didn't get photos, it became like a photo-memory and I remember walking out there in the woods.

It was 2 days ago or more, my Dad returned my T.V. which had been patched up, bc it fell over when I was watching t.v. from the kitchen. I was sitting down at the table and cooking and watching this movie so I turned it so I could watch and then it fell. So he brought it back and said "You really need a better set up than this but it's the best I can do for now." Then, today, I found this AWESOME PDF converter program. I had to fill out an app in PDF read-only and didn't want to fax it if I could email it so I looked for something and different things weren't working and all of a sudden, I was on another site and started from the bottom and then picked one and it sounded like what I needed but a little suspect...It kept saying, "Do you want this set up?" and stuff about "set up" but I saw that and thought, don't panic!, so I kept going and then it said, "Tracker" and I thought, "do I want "tracker" on my computer? (it's called xchange) but kept going and then I got this program that instantly allowed me to fill it out and it had this little pen and I didn't have a stylus so I had to use my forefinger and signed the document even (a horrible scrawl), and typed my name as well, below. I thought one of my 2's, after I made it, I thought "It looks like a swan" and I was just at my parent's house tonight and was telling my mom how it looked like swans (!) and I didn't know why swans had come to my mind but it made me think of her swan ceramic that broke, and then my Mom said, "Do you want to see some wild turkeys I took a picture of?" She had a photo of 6 wild turkeys with 1 solid white. My Mom said she'd taken them a few days ago. I thought their necks sort of curve like swans, but different of course. It's thanksgiving season so my Mom saw them and got a photo.

At any rate, the "set up" worked really well for my PDF and I filled it out and sent it in and emailed my parents to let my Dad know I'd found a set up and it wasn't perfect, but pretty good.

I also thought, "Why did CPS buy and bring in this big stuffed black bear into the visits?" I mean, they bought it after I was there with my son. I heard my Dad saying there had been one on their property a couple years ago and I thought, "Did someone think oh how funny, let's put one in the visits with Cameo and Oliver?" But then I thought about my Grandpa Garrett too, and how he was always talking about bears. They had a lot of bears out there apparently. Anyhow, I then ended up on a scripture all about bears.

Bears this, bears that. And referring to a good tree and a bad tree and false prophets.

There are other things.

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