Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time Wrong & Right To Information About Yourself

I was just reminded that my clock on my wall is totally wrong. So when I was talking about impressions and times, umm...make it 1 hour earlier. And the time of when my Dad picked me up and that sort of thing, if I referred to time, 1 hour earlier than what I reported. I haven't set time back yet.

You see, I'm a big proscrastinator and...jk

Last night before I fell asleep, after my Dad came out to fix the canopy, I went to bed and I heard a woman calling my name who I knew from Washington D.C. Maybe she wasn't calling it, but saying it.

I thought at first it was my Mom. Maybe it was, but it sounded just like this one woman. I don't usually get that kind of thing in impressions at all and it's not delusion. I sat up in bed and tried to look at the clock. It wasn't dreaming either.

It was either my Mom or Am. Not I am who I am. Just am. I thought I heard it through the ears of someone else hearing her maybe.

I heard it like she was right there in the room but no one was blaring it into my place or doing something with technology. If someone recorded me by video and she said something to me and it was played and I picked up on it, I don't know.

My mom's voice is sort of similiar in some ways, but it really sounded like Am. I was thinking about people who avoided the Vietnam draft. Am. Vietnam. It followed, of course, bc I had just been writing about torture of their own citizens, in this country, and then thought about people escaping or trying to escape being used like property for a govt.

It wasn't like a memory that came to me, or an idea or anything. It was like calling to get someone's attention. Maybe it one of my female cousins that I haven't heard from a long time. I got an email from her last night but hadn't seen it until today. It really sounded like Nam though.

The depth of voice could be like my cousin or like this Nam woman.

Both of them know/knew victims of Vietnam. But anyway. I didn't know my cousin had sent me anything until this afternoon.

My parents are being tortured tonight. I was right there, in the house and thought, how is this even real? They are tortured by the U.S. military. It's been sneaky too, lately. Like someone is doing really bad things to them but doesn't want me to know how bad it is bc they know I'll write about it.

Someone is using technology that hurts my lower back, just like they did at the library today and like they did, to a horrific level, to my son and I.

When I was there, I saw my mother's eyes were blackened and my Dad was having someone target something on his head and they were trying not to react. There isn't anything legal to it. My Mom and Dad are not consenting to be part of this or used for research.

I know they're being sneaky about it bc I was sitting by the fireplace and then I was patting the floor, to go torwards the dog, which is what my Dad does sometimes, and I was moving on my stomach, patting to the dog and all of a sudden, it was like I crossed right into a huge energy stream and all the metal in my neck and teeth reacted and my head felt horrific pressure and I realized, I was right under my mom's laptop.

I had been wondering why the dog looked so awful and miserable lying there, and then after I was there, it stopped all of a sudden, like somehow someone knew that I felt it, and either they had wanted me to or didn't expect me to but I thought, "Is this what they're doing with my mom by targeting her through her laptop somehow?" It was cruel.

I had just been saying the dog seemed so subdued and not very playful and his ears were down like something was wrong and then he'd move.

Basically, the U.S. is allowing people involved in hate crime to get away with this. Which is unbelievable.

I think the people involved in hate crime wanted me to sound crazy so they didn't have to explain why they were holding my parent's hostage. They don't want the public to know or believe what has been done to us. Anyone would ask why, what's the motive, why are you that important? why would anyone spend money or take time like that?

They wanted me to sound crazy so they didn't have to face up to hate crime and jealousy, and holding a family hostage in violation of every law there is. That the FBI allows this, is unbelievable.

I saw this commercial tonight that I saw on t.v. and some guy says, "We can't let a droid this powerful get into the wrong hands."

So the U.S. hate crime groups hold us hostage. They make MONEY off of us, and extort favors from us, and literally, hate crime groups have taken control of anything to do with U.S. power because they're using their positions against us.

They knew my parents and some in my family were unique and "special". They didn't call themselves special, they have gifts most people don't have, and the govt. wants their hands on it.

What happens when someone gets nervous, or jealous, is that people who hate crime criminals, start to worry about what if these people with amazing gifts, work for someone else, or know too much about THEM, or what if they get ahead or their kids get ahead of their own kids.

It's really great, when you "offend" a religious group that goes all-out on a crusade, using every govt. group they have members in, to go after you. And for others, I've realized, it comes down to business relationships and reputations.

It's just like that commercial--people get reduced to droids and turned into people that others try to blackmail or keep down and then want to work for them at the same time so they can make money, take advantage of them, and control them.

So it seems to be not so bad really, some pros and cons maybe, even if they're told to sacrifice their own kids basically, and then hate crime enters the scene. What a perfect foil for committing the grossest crimes of assault and murder. Say you'll "tell" on them or put their lives at risk. You will, and you're in charge, and you will, if they don't do exactly what you say. Meanwhile, get members of your own hate crime group to literally put money into the pile for funding the effort.

"It's not torture, it's research."

"It's not hate crime and retaliation, it's research. Shut up. It's national interest and their suffering is benefitting this country and thousands of lives and our...cough, COUGH...our MILITARY."

It's RETALIATION, revenge, and pure hate.

And they're getting a COVER for THAT?


What about the DECENT people in the military or the few who might be scared out of their gills.

WHO is getting the "cover" for committing HATE CRIME against my family?

They're obstructing justice on one of the most shocking scenes we even HAVE in this country today. It's SHOCKING.

Go ahead, blow up my arms and legs--

That's what they're already doing.

Obama, did YOU consent to this? Did BUSH consent to this? Bush was still on board when this happened to me and my son. George Bush. How does he NOT know.

Imagine a government secretly torturing, kidnapping, and holding children and families hostage.

What's sad, is that the so-called "christian" channels in this country, that have media pull and power--they're not all "christian". I can turn something on and know if something smells like it's been infiltrated by people claiming to be christians who are not. Who are GREEDY self-serving bigots and torturers that serve their own families and own interests. Some of them have direct connections to government.

I've seen something that looks like "threats" from even so-called protestants. So you start to wonder, are they even christians at all? because they have an interesting way of attempting to spread disinformation. Of not speaking up for those who are being tortured. Of trying to blackmail their own "friends". And I think some of these people are from other religions and just pretending to be christian in order to get in and stir things around. Or some, never knew what being a christian is at all. I'm not saying I'm perfect either. I might swear while being tortured or distressed as an outlet, or have done some things, nothing illegal, and yet, I still have a conscience to sometimes not want to listen to people talking about lust right in the middle of my reading the Bible. I'm not saying I never hear it or I judge, but there are different times and moods for different things and everyone is a human being--

But you know, I do TRY and I know a lot of people who TRY and who do not believe in torturing others. So it's SHOCKING when I find people using the name of any religion for evil and cruel work.

There is a song on right now called well I don't know what it is, but it reminded me of an impression I had of someone being tortured today. Someone being forced to drink something. Someone was poisoned today and they knew it and the entire group circled around them knew it. They FORCED this person to drink something that everyone knew was toxic. There were people standing all around this person. I had this impression this afternoon while I was still at the library working on things. It was about 3-4 p.m. according to that clock (though I left with my Dad earlier than I thought, because my clock at MY house was wrong...not the clock at the library). And someone shaking a woman that sort of looked like my mom.

I mean, I noticed a good sense of energy from somewhere today, for a long time, but I also had these other things that I knew were going on in the periphery, for someone somewhere, and then I was being tortured too, while trying to make out my letters of appeal to just get information.

I'm not filing a lawsuit. I'm not even asking for an investigation. All I'm asking for is information for purposes of being able to protect myself and my family, since some in the FBI seem to be tied in with some of the hate crime groups.

If the FBI or a group doesn't have time to keep us safe, where we have been in real and present danger, so to speak, I should have the right to at least see what kind of defamatory things were written in those files that have made it impossible for me to have a normal life anymore.

This is the ENTIRE POINT of the Freedom of Information Act.

Like I said, it's not like I'm reporting something or asking for an investigation or getting something against another.

The POINT of the FOIA is to be able to check and see, if someone wrote in about you, what was said, and if it's false, a citizen has the right to then send in requests for corrections OR to write in and say, "If you're not taking this out, then please add MY version of facts, with this evidence, to your records, because what you have here is WRONG."

And then you can say, "Oh, and I noticed something--you have some corrupt agents and people in your Bureau, bc they lied and said _________ and then I found out _________ is married to _________ and she was actually having an affair with my Ex when I was still with him and it was a conflict of interest for _____________ to be involved in anything to do with this case they then brought against me."

It gives a citizen the ability to protect their good name, which is invaluable. It's like HIPPA. HIPPA is the right of a patient to access and see what's in their medical record. Why? a lot of people don't care maybe...but HIPPA and having that access to the information gives a citizen an instant ability to protect their own lives and be able to stick around for future generations. That's 1 reason...protect oneself from ERROR or in some cases, malicious error. The other reason is to be able to research on your own self, to see if you can find out about your own health and just double-check bc not all doctors and nurses have YOU (or ME) as their own personal doctor and even then, it's not their own life. This is something billions of people can relate to.

Billions of Americans and others, look up their symptoms and medical health stuff online or in books. People go to their doctors and they're not going to stop, but it's also true that lives have been saved by having a population that's aware and able to look at their charts or records and compare it to something else and then sometimes make discoveries. Doctor's cannot possibly get everything correct all the time. So one advantage to having access to ones' own records, is to be able to take that informration and use it to protect yourself. And, what if someone accidentally wrote into your chart: not allergic to penicillin when you are? If a Dr. or nurse writes something into a medical record that is wrong, whether it's pscycho-social (i.e., patient is alert and pleasant vs patient is delusional, apparantly suffering from pseudo seizures) or something about medications that are harmful or not, or missing an entire X-ray that proves you have a very serious injury...

THAT is why Americans have a right to HIPPA.

Americans have a right to FOIA/PA from the FBI for the exact same reason.

What gets dangerous, is when a whole bunch of people DO have access to what is in your own records, and their buddies share it with people in other agencies and outside of the workplace, and all of a sudden, you're the odd man OUT on the cause of your own demise.

Why should all these FBI employees and their FRIENDS, and buddies in other agencies that have power to control programs which even inflict torture...why should THEY have access to my records about things people said or wrote about me to SCREW up MY file and slander me?

They get access and I don't? It's about MY LIFE and I am refused the right to see for myself who my accusers are?

Isn't that one of the fundamental rights of America, to be able to confront ones accusers?

Withholding FOIA/PA from a citizen is like having a secret criminal court. I mean, you can charge, try, and convict an innocent person and they never even know what's being done or who is behind it.

Essentially, you could take an innocent person and start rolling a lot of slander against them, and share it with others and other agencies and allow hate crime to get out of control...someone could slander an innocent person as being "mentally ill" and then they are not safe bc people think no one will believe them if they talk. They're discredited by "mental illness". That's defamation. If that's not enough, someone can also retaliate and try to make someone sound like they are suspected of crimes. Just creating a false rap sheet, after so many times, makes someone look bad.

You can't HIDE that from a citizen.

No one who is a good person, wants to hide a citizen's records or file from them. It's only bad or corrupt people who wouldn't want someone to see what's in their record so they could at least correct, at the very least, or, worse case, confront their accusers.

Someone in the FBI who is part of hate crime, could very easily get friends together to protect their own interests and make someone sound bad, and then while this person is defamed to "police from Washington state to Oregon state" to other states, to other agencies and churches, this citizen has NO CLUE what's going on.

The same thing can happen with medical records. You have to check them because sometimes people write things down wrong and it can go bad, very bad, if someone wants it to. And, if there IS a motive or interest in hate crime against you, it can be extremely dangerous.

People like me--where are my skeletons? What secret bad things am I hiding?

People who are really evil sometimes go to great, great, lengths to hide and conceal what they've been up to. It's perfect--smear someone in medical records and refuse to give them HIPPA or alter the record if you get worried, after the intended result has been made. Or FOIA/PA. Yeah, it's true sometimes make complaints out of revenge or bad motives...so the victim of that wants to see what's there. However, sometimes the real victim is the person who is being retaliated against.

Retaliation for any "offense", religious or not, is an extremely powerful motive. Sometimes, it's the only motive.

How about this, for the Mormon parents out there:

Your kids are being taken to a daycamp for a week by a member of your church. You sign the forms and it's no big deal. You notice, oh no, that's so-and-so, this person you had a problem with awhile ago but so what, it's all in the past...Most parents know what's expected. A form saying "We release you from all liability in the event there should be an injury or death (death in very small print)." Your kids are going to be skiing and on wave riders. You're so excited and sign, knowing these things are done all the time. Then, something weird happens. You're in your pantry stocking things up when someone tells you, at gunpoint, that someone you love will be in trouble if you don't go along. You say go along with what?! they say they are going to control your kids from now on. You sit down shocked, and say what and they say, we want you to work for us. If you don't, your assets will be frozen. You say no, you can't do that. Someone else makes a proposal that you just go underground and quit outshining others and you think your kids are so special don't you? Do you need a little lesson about vanity? Here, why don't you go work on your vanity, and you know how your precious little daughter puts on concealer around her eyes...oh, you thought she was so great didn't you? and you thought YOU were so great. How do you like your black eyes, bitch?

So then all of a sudden, you're having bizarre pangs all the time, at night. You're having odd bleeding, and almost feel like you're dying. You still resist. You will not sell out your kids. You won't work for them either. You'll do something else! soon enough they make it clear they have "all the cards" and even people in your own church are part of it, for different reasons. You try to work for yourself and people won't even let you. Everything gets blocked and then those you work for tell you you're not closing the deal until you say the magic words.

Meanwhile, your kid, you find out, got knocked unconscious. You find out one thing after the other after the other, and your kid starts crying and complaining about having problems at night and kids being really mean and adults allowing them to be mean.

You speak up finally. You try to get medical help bc you're very ill. Your child is very ill. And then all of a sudden, someone starts writing you up as mentally ill.

"If you don't do what we want, we can adopt him/her out to anyone." They already have plans.

Everyone starts saying "What HAPPENED to Mrs. ____________?! She used to have everything together and friends and worked, and now she's always talking about being "tortured" and "rays" and she doesn't look very good but she's older and just going downhill...It's so sad. She was such a nice Mormon lady. We really need to pray for her family more. Her kid used to say the same things she was saying and we thought he inherited a mental illness or, well, they TOLD us that the mother was just poisoning her kid's mind and worrying him and he was coming up with ideas that weren't true. Now he never talks."

She was SUCH a nice Mormon lady.

When is the last time you ever heard such a story about "the nice Mormon lady who filed these lawsuits and was a real go-getter, and then she just lost it with some kind of...nervous breakdown."

Or even, the nice Catholic lady who had all these great things going for her and then she sued some people and made some reports I guess, and people didn't like her as much then. Did you know that all these people had a vendetta against her? I don't know...I just figured she had some health problems and a lot of STRESS. I mean, it could happen to ANYONE you know. All that STRESS. No one could handle all of that...She bit off more than she could chew apparently. Now she's a nutter."

I am just not hearing the same stories from people who work in the FBI or are members of the Catholic church. Even if the Mormon church isn't always with the Catholic church, you don't really hear stories like this about any of them, so maybe some of them can't relate. Jewish families...whatever. I don't hear these stories from any of them.

I had a right to protect my son because first of all, I signed nothing. I didn't sign my rights away. I didn't sign him off to even go to a week daycare camp. I have been charged, tried, and sentenced, with NO information or evidence being given to me first. I have been refused the right to face my accusers.

I need HIPPA.
I need FOIA/PA.
I need a competent public defender without conflicts of interest but more than that, it's past that. I need someone who is going to cut through all of that.

I have been refused HIPPA and access to my medical records.
I have been refused FOIA/PA and access to any files which then bounced around to everyone except ME, and endangered my life and my family's lives without even giving us notice of what we might want to stay away from.
I have been refused evidence that the state and federal govt have withheld.

They've had court, how many times? without even giving me NOTICE there was a hearing date. They've had their own internal court in the FBI, within the medical community, and between hate crime solicitors within U.S. govt. agencies and churches.

What did I file my lawsuits over? to get revenge? No. For money? No. For nothing except equitable justice to restore my name and correct defamation and pay for a little counseling and damages to classes I missed because of having my head blasted by their friends in the military.

Why even have HIPPA and FOIA laws at all? If citizens can be targeted by whoever is in charge, and tried and sentenced falsely, and denied access to ANYTHING they might need to clear themselves...

WHY do we even have laws in this country.

This is a lawless country.

I mean, those with control use the law for themselves and their own gain, not justice. And what I've seen for my family and for my life, is an incredible jealous campaign to ruin us without even so much as a glimpse at what everyone else gets to see and gossip about and add to.

It's like when I had visits with my son at the state offices. I was refused notes about our visits and when I saw a few lines, I knew they were all defamatory. And what happened? The entire community got to listen in. Others got the entire scoop on my visits with MY son and I was prevented from even taking PHOTOS that were evidence of harm done to him by state workers.

Since when did Bullies grow up to breed more bullies.

With Mormons standing by, in the FBI. And Jewish. And plenty of Catholics. And some very questionable "Protestants".


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