Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Torture in Library as of 3:30 p.m.

There were several individuals here today at the library and I am currently, at this moment, being tortured by someone using technology.

It did not occur when I first arrived at 1 p.m or so and nothing major through to 3:30 p.m., and then this Catholic affiliated librarian came to work and it's been worse since she's been here but I don't know if she let people she knows, know I'm here or what. It's the librarian. Another woman just came in and smirked over at her.

There were a few small things happening before that, but not much.

I have someone using the ink-bursts out of pens technology and also something that affects the lower back.

It mainly started up when I was here trying to work on my appeal letters to the FBI. When I was looking up some college things and office tools or computer things, whoever was doing this, quit doing this completely. And then they started it up right about the time I began looking up FBI addresses and my old contacts with them, to find out which copies of things I'm forwarding over.

Not only that, my Dad was severely tortured either last night or this morning bc I could tell, and I don't know where my mother is and I'm worried about her as well. But no, things are not okay.

Right now I have an older man in front of me, then a child of 10-12 in front of me who I can't trust necessarily bc some of these older adults put kids up to things, and then behind me is a building and to the side was a librarians office.

But it was something immediately causing the keyboard and this laptop to hum, where I am seated, in the library. I don't mean hum like usual.

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