Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Shephard from Fox News": "Tricked"

I just watched this clip from Fox news, with the journalist "Shep" making a comment about how Hezbollah "tricked", er, trapped, he said, making sure the "tricked" part was caught, CIA spies.

If THEY used the word "tricked" I might not think about it, or maybe I would want to see footage or be curious about their use, but to have it coming from Fox news, after I blogged about having to TRICK govt. and U.S. lawyers and Judges and military who were TORTURING me...

Why would Shep be then using this to apply to Hezbollah, as if my use of the word "tricked" and their capture of CIA is like one and the same.

This is the kind of U.S. slander and inference that I'm talking about.

It's as if a journalist is attempting to place ME and my comments about having to trick criminals, into the same box as "terrorists who are torturing our CIA spies."


"Hezbollah 'tricked' CIA"...just like, remember how Ms. Garrett wrote she "tricked criminals?" It's like trying to make my efforts which should have NEVER been necessary in this country, the U.S.A., when I and my family are innocent citizens...it's like Shep wants to make my good and courageous deed which beat the odds, on par with "the bad guys tricking our spies".

As if there is any parallel at ALL.

And then he goes so far as to add "what should we do? we have to do something!" Look no further than your own backyard Shep, if you are really wanting to "do something" and care so much about American citizens.

Why in the world are U.S. citizens being tortured and broken and beat down, in their own country, by their OWN PEOPLE?

THAT's the REAL story. THAT's the scoop. If you want to think about something serious and which is a very serious indicator about the safety and security of our country, and barameter for health, why don't you even THINK about that?!

I haven't seen the footage, so possibly he's just referring to usage by Hezbollah to describe what they've done...that's possible and I don't know. But I saw this and my first reaction was to think it's like he is trying to put ME and my use of the word "tricked" on par with people the U.S. is denouncing.

Do I care about spies being tortured? Yes, of course. I actually pray for people, sometimes, all over the world, for there to be less suffering and no torture for others, no matter who they are. I don't have a mean bone in my body. I talk, out of a reaction to being defamed or tortured and harassed, but there is nothing "mean" about me, or anything that has EVER wished or prayed for harm to come to any person, except for, on rare occasion, when my family or myself and SON, a child, were being so brutally tortured in our own country, ourselves, that I finally said to God, "God, if nothing wakes these people up, who are torturing their own citizens in their own country, if they refuse to honor what they have promised to obey, then God if someone needs to realize what they're doing by seeing it happen to someone they know or care about, just to make them understand and snap out of it, then whatever you want God." have I ever said or prayed "God! make ________ suffer!" Never in my life.

I know without a doubt that the same cannot be said of those who made themselves enemy to me and my child, a CHILD. Or to my family. There are horrific people who are willing to commit horrific hate crimes and they get away with it and never have I asked for the same evil to occur to even an enemy. The only thing I've ever prayed, is that God would correct the wrongs done and keep us safe. And then, when the torture is on and on and on, for years, and against me and my own child, HERE, in the U.S.!!?! Any NORMAL person would think, "What does it TAKE for these hate crime groups, getting support or cover from U.S. govt. employees...what does it take for them to figure it out that this is illegal? and setting a horrible example for the rest of the world."

I just wonder what people like Shep think other nations are supposed to think. Or people like Bob Baer with the CIA, being interviewed there. It's not a good idea to torture your own people? Do you understand? You lose respect from other countries. It's like living next door to a man who constantly beats his family. You hear his wife screaming and screaming, and this man keeps beating his own wife. As a neighbor, are you inclined to think, "These are GOOD! people!?!" So if this same man who is beating his wife starts talking down to the neighbors, and taking a tone of moral superiority, it doesn't matter how much money and power he has, he's lost the respect of his neighbors and maybe they don't say very much, bc they are aware he has power and money. But they don't easily forget how this man beats his own wife.

Why don't you guys go sit down and learn something. Didn't they ever teach you something about "preservation" and dignity of this country and what our country's best interests are in the military Dempsey? Panetta?

How about you media? You guys fan the flames.

If you CARE about this country, you think about more than your short-sighted goals to get even with your own citizens or harass and put them down, against the law.

I think the goal has been to so harass and defame me, that I look and sound "bad" in order to create incentive for allowing torture of ME and my son. It wasn't a good idea. Even if it took hate crime groups almost a decade to defame me, falsely arrest me a dozen times and create a rap sheet, and provoke me to swearing and trying to get me to drink and sound and look like someone other than who I am, there are a few who are smarter than you thought. Mabye they never reached out to me, ever. But even if there were only a few, the few who knew me from 24+ years knew something went down and that even if I reacted and did some unwise things they knew who was behind it.

They remember. They know from their own personal interactions with me, what kind of a person I really am, and how I treated others well and tried to be fair and nice to others. And some of them have connections with military and people who know, and they know what kinds of things were done to me and my son and maybe to my parents too.

What happens, is that sometimes the truth eventually surfaces, or enough people knew what it was from the beginning, and it starts to backlash. It starts making those who tormented me and my baby so long, look really, really, bad. And I'm not saying anyone put out a hand to help us or that I've survived very well, or been able to protect my son very well. Even in the middle of torture, literal torture, there are things I regret saying or doing out of my reaction and desperation.

But God knows all and I HAVE always known this--that thank you God, the God above all, knows my story and knows the right version too. I'm not perfect, but God knows we have been brutally tortured as innocent people in our own country.

If you think others don't notice, or forget, they maybe put it in the back of their minds or forget for awhile, but some figured it out. They figured out they were fed a LOT of lies. And others realized how far it's gone and one day woke up and thought, "This is crazy."

It is crazy that my son has been kidnapped from me after I've been forced out of lawsuits I only filed to protect my good name so I could work and live without harassment and damages. It is crazy that my BABY, an innocent American baby and his mother were tortured, in this country, and then people used the opportunity to call the mother nuts and take her only child from her.

Other people in other countries, might think THAT is what's crazy. Not ME. Because actually, I maybe even tutored just ONE man or woman before all these things happened, who went back to their own country and said, "Do you know what? I knew this woman, and they are lying about her..." Probably, no one did that and I didn't have any particular friends--I treated everyone the same, and was fair. But you don't know if someone remembers and took the truth back to their country and can't believe what the U.S. has done to "this lady I knew--she didn't do anything bad".

I also know I have some friends here, who are American citizens, who maybe say nothing, but they know about me too. They might be too afraid to say anything, and might regret some choices I've made or might not know the full story of how bad it really is or has been...probably it's too hard for them to even imagine it could all be true.

No amount of power and money can cover for evidence of torture when the U.S. has had govt. employees involved. It's been discreet, and almost invisible to the naked eye, but I have enough of "the spirit of truth" within ME, and others know this, to believe me. And all they have to do is compare what I am testifying about with what they know about military and technology and if it sounds right, they'll believe it.

Other countries aren't stupid. Just like Shep says, they're very sophisticated and they have extremely gifted, talented, smart people just like we do. They know all about use of "non-lethal weapons" for almost-invisible assault. They know about torture that leaves marks and doesn't leave marks.

They're watching you.

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