Monday, November 21, 2011

impressions & more that my parents can do

I'm going back to the other post bc it's important for my family's safety.

I had an impression though, don't know if it's important. It was at about 10:48 p.m. here and there was this song on that I didn't like but I didn't get up to change it bc then I saw a man on a horse with a sword raised up in one hand and I think it was a statue in a round structure. At first I didn't know what it was from but it looked like a statue and I thought maybe it's one from D.C. but I don't think the guy there had his arm raised up with a sword. There's one in Farragut of a guy on a horse and one in Nashville, TN. But I saw one with the arm raised up with a sword.

So I'm trying to think why this came to my mind because I've been around some man-on-horse statues but don't know why this came to my mind. I will have to look up the old things I've seen and then think about if or where I've seen something like this.

Then I saw a boy, I think, on his knees in a garden or in dirt and digging with both hands, both together and in front and digging into the ground and then I saw something like a flat edge thing for smoothing the dirt over the top of something maybe buried or maybe just playing. I don't think it was my own son, I saw someone else's kid. He had straight hair and it was sort of bowl-cut maybe, I mean, not super short, but all the way around, and maybe it was my imagination but he dug out with both hands, wasn't sure if he put a box into the ground, smoothed the ground over it with a flat edge painting thing and then I probably imagined that he kissed the dirt.

It was 2 totally separate images and impressions. I mean, not having anything to do, one with the other. I saw the statue and then I was praying for a minute to see something and that's what I saw and I think he had red highlighted hair. It wasn't like platinum super blond and it wasn't dark. It was like a medium shade and I probably imagined there were reddish highlights. The boy was-is about 4-7.

I feel like I must have used my creative imagination to see him kiss the dirt. Because it was so cute and I thought, "Did I think this bc it would be good for a story?" I don't know. So I wonder about myself.

I think he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts but mainly I saw the digging and maybe a box and then this straight edge painting thing, you know, like you use to smooth out spackle or whatever, something like that.

I had to turn off the radio bc this other dj came on and I didn't like his "don't take home to Mom but you definitely take home" comment. Disrespectful to human beings in general.

Tonight I read Isaiah 22:15-25 and thought, "oh! I didn't realize this part about a key on the shoulders of David. First I read the preface of this version because it's New International Version from 1978. Then I read this passage in Isaiah and this sentence caught my eye: "I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open." I thought, "This is sort of new to me or newly found again, bc it's always said about Peter, the keys to the kingdom of heaven and what he looses and binds, but here it is too, about David. The key placed on his shoulder." And then I read Ezekiel 41, the Temple and thought about jam. Jam, jam, jam. All of the things of jam I have in my fridge. It's actually about door jambs (jam with a 'b') and measuring the jambs and thought mainly about these leaves on the doors, it says each door had two leaves...and I was thinking, like leaves of a table or leaves like carvings of leaves? I don't know. And then, finally, at random, I went to another section which ended up being the dictionary of terms and was on Savior, scarlet, and sceptor. Mainly I ended up on Savior and then I read below and then looked up at Sarah, the description for her and then prayed. Just for a minute, not long and that's when I saw these different things. I can't find the next thing I read but it was about everything roaring: the sea, the nations, the people, and how they are quieted or something and then it goes to a different section but I just read that small part.

I think God knew what I was going to ask before I asked bc I asked to find something new to think about but after I'd picked out 3 places to turn to randomly. I had my fingers stuck in the book and I thought, "Maybe I should have prayed first, and then picked out the parts" but then decided, "No, God knows your thoughts before you do so He already knew what you would ask" and then it was true! I found this part about the key of David's house.

Okay, so weirder yet...I went to the restroom and used it of course and I was wondering why it smelled like cigarette smoke but thought maybe it's bc I made coffee there this morning. Like, maybe it's the coffee grounds. So I walked back out and my hands were dry and I went to my table where there was lotion and put lotion on my hands thinking, "It's weird I ended up on this section about savior, scarlet, and sceptor" bc earlier today I'd taken the dog for a walk all the way around the house and there was this flower tag on the ground that said "Red mum". I thought about my son I guess. So I was just standing here a moment ago, thinking, "red mum" and turned to get back to my typing and the pages of my Bible were opened to "queen mother". Seriously, the pages were some of them in the air, like turning over, and there was a footnote, is a footnote and it's "10 Or queen mother" so I looked and it says, immediately above this, "the Most High God is sovereighn over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes." from Daniel, so I looked to see what 10 was from and it says, "The queen, hearing the voices of the king and his nobles, came into the banquet hall. O king, live forever, she said, don't be alarmed! Don't look so pale! Thee is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him." for Daniel..." so I stood there and thought, "red mum"? or "queen mother?" and looked above, and it's the photo of my mom. Her business card is out bc I was going to write about her and this other woman and the horrible things they've done to my mom and my Mom's face is right above this Bible, and she's wearing red. Red mum!

smirk smirk

It's not exactly red, but looks red from here and matches the red from letters and Reader's Digests I have there. anyhow. trivia.

So then I wanted to look something up on youtube and was going to play a song and prayed what to put on and got a word "portico" and thought, oh, I must have read something about a portico when I was reading about the temple and so I looked for portico and temple and got an audio reading of Ezekiel 46:

I think it's getting weirder bc I wrote this and then my page turned to Ezekiel 44. It's about when a gate may be opened or shut.

I need to get back to my rant but I'm stuck for a minute.

So anyway! today I collected a bunch of wild shrooms. Yeah, like mushrooms. I found them before I took the dog out again and found this other thing. But I was looking at the shrooms and wondering which ones might be edible, and how to identify them. I didn't eat any, but I looked them up. I found out about some that grow on trees and they're not for eating but you can use them to make a mushroom broth for vegetable soup and mushroom soup probably, or whatever you want.

I picked some liberty caps (but they were violet?) and didn't eat them, and I'm not sure they're liberty caps either, bc they are sort of purplish, and I picked some that look like the photos for the fairy mushrooms and then something that looks like a chanterelle and I took a teeny nibble of this one but not as much as a pinch bc I am too afraid of poisoning so will have to take them to be identified.

and um, I'm keeping my fridge holy moley, or holy and moley? or holy and mole? bc I have 4 packets of JAM from my birthday breakfast here. I saved them. ? It was my birthday afterall. I have strawberry jam, and grape jelly, and blackberry preserves. 2 blackberry preserves. And a little pectin and my very own lime pectin too. Ya WANNA come over 'n' have a BiQUIT? I mean bisquit. NO?! sumthin the matter wit yew or sumthin? trying to keep some levity here. I mean, you know, levites and levity is hard to do but I don't want to scare anyone.

whoa. sumthin song. "Garner" came to mind and I randomly picked this, typed in "garner" and out of the list, picked britney ft. justin garner and they talk about 'sumthin' It's called "inside out"

I thought maybe I was going to look up something with jennifer garner but i just heard this song for the 1st time. well, can't relate to having anyone know me inside out bc I don't think anyone does. And I don't know anyone else inside out either.

It had my son's birthday on the thing so I need to get him back, that's for sure. Anyway, here's brit's version:
well, lots of versions.

Sort of a definite levity on going inside or outside from Levites portico and gates. Oh my, time for song of solomon.

The wind is storming. I had a good feeling and then it went south or whatever.

I ate a plum, red plum and so decided to play plumb and picked one I haven't heard: I can't do this

I wasn't sure what it would be about but it's mainly asking God for help bc she can't do this herself.

I'm going back to writing what I was writing about Reader's Digest and I'm putting up my mom's photo next to this other woman's photo: Lisa. It says God can set anyone above another, at his will. I actually didn't say I couldn't do something today--I shocked my parents by saying, fine, I will do whatever it takes (of course, a normal thing) because I'm "tired of doing nothing" and want to be back in college.

Um, by the way, who is the idiot who told my parents I didn't need a cover? because the WIND is going to blow this whole thing over. It's banging into the windows and everything and I looked outside, and this trailer could definitely blow over. Now THAT would be very "Wizard of Oz" but no thanks. I could be electrcouted. This needs a wind cover.

I put on my coat to let my parents know and the next song on the playlist is this:

In My Arms:

We got the thing tied down. I don't think they were happy at being woken up but something was banging against my window.

Now, I've walked in to "My Sweet, my lovely" with a woman standing over a boy and children. I walked over to their house and this windcharm with 5 things on it and a leaf had blown off. And thought of my son and then there was a twig with 5 green leaves on my porch and my Dad had things set down and we tied it all down and I said "did you put this here?" and he said no (and he didn't--the leaves) and we got it squared down and then he said "don't come back" (to their place bc it's middle of the night).

I know one thing, I am getting my son but I know I could never go to court or live in Wenatchee. They have almost killed me there. I walked into my house and it was music with a woman standing over a child, children, in a garden. I know that my son belongs to me but I cannot go to Washington to get him or to Wenatchee under any circumstances.

I didn't even know that this song was called "my child" by plumb.

It's still bad here. It's bad for us and my parents ARE tortured.

I went over to their house and was only there for a moment. Earlier this evening I went in and put my coat on a hook, a chair knob, and then sat by the fire for awhile while my Dad was reading and then my Mom came downstairs. We talked for awhile and my Dad cleared his throat a couple of times and I found out, I then cleared my own throat, not knowing I was going to, and not in a reflex or response. And today he was wearing brown and yellow and so was I. Not that we always wear the same thing, bc it doesn't matter. But they are gifted. I wish I was. I wish that I were more gifted and free to do what I wanted with it because I would know so many things...I guess it doesn't matter if people try to torture you over it, to be silent.

Imagine. And what's sad is people were talking about this movie about "precogs" and making all these references to me, like I should know something. How could I have ever known?

You don't "know" these things. You realize one day, that something is extremely wrong because your family is being tortured and the govt. is in on it and allowing hate crime against you and then steals your child. How should I, could I have known? Never. Not until this country, this President, last President, allowed gross tortures of me and my child...then you start to wonder where you are living, if it's still America, and what is going on.

My Dad came out of bed and I said, "What's going on? your face is green." And then there was this green leaf branch on my porch. It was the green twig, my white plate for the cat and the black flashlight. With my crimson and white striped canopy billowing around.

Earlier this evening, after my mannerisms exactly matched what my Dad was doing, we talked about things and I feel like I disappointed maybe, but I know what I have in mind so I hope things work out. Then my Dad said, "okay, time to wrap it up." I said goodnight and walked out the door and had forgotten my coat so I opened it again and grabbed it and instead of putting my arms in, bc I was just walking across the way, I put the hood on my head and wrapped the rest around my shoulders and pinched it in the middle between my fingers, and I was walking out to my place this way and it dawned on me, after I'd hung up my coat..."I just wrapped my coat around me instead of putting it on all the way on." My Dad knew I was going to wrap my coat around, last minute, in haste bc I forgot to grab it the first time out.

It's not magic, it's not witchcraft. Some people Do use these things for performing or power, but that's not my mom or dad at all. They are sincerely humble christians and what I find horrible is that it's hate crime groups and military even, that have attempted to take advantage of God's blessings and gifts and try to manipulate them, exploit them, and try to torture them into things against conscience and their own religion. But no, they are not 'psychics' like tarot, wiccan, or what you imagine. They are normal people with abilities that are blessings from God and people of every culture and religion and country even, God gives these things to different people just like some are blessed with nice looks, intelligence, blessed to be born into good fortune or what have you.

At any rate this evening I was able to say I would strike a compromise with my parents in order to get college going so I'm not sure why the people in govt. can't do the same. I'm sure they could.

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