Saturday, November 26, 2011

Attack Against Pakistan Intentional

I don't know who did it or tried to create the problem, but I don't think it was an accident.

Someone planned and plotted this.

No one tells me this, it's what I think, just from reading about it.

They don't even care either. It's like 24 military men getting killed is no big deal but the U.S. guys would start an entire war over an attack like on our people. "Investigation" means what? they're going to confirm people died? And I don't know if some of the people were kids.

I was thinking about my son the other day, on Thanksgiving Day, and wondering what he was doing. My Dad was trying out a new computer and it wasn't working and he said crap a few times and then I said "You sounded just like Oliver!" bc of this noise he made. And it made me think about what has been allowed to happen to MY son here.

That was the night my lights were out at my place and I needed a new one...actually they'd been out for a couple of days. But I needed new lights and they said "Get out of here!" several times bc I was asking and at the door and my Dad was trying to sleep, and sometimes, I hear this, and it's just something they've always said, but I always think "I wish we could get out of here" or that my son could get out of where he's forced to be.

The military is using me and torturing me and they're doing the exact same thing to my parents and my son. They stole my son and tried to make an excuse for doing this. It was hate crime against me and then they tried to turn it into a military research project.

Me and my son.

That's what they've done.

So no, I don't think this drone attack was an accident. When I have to worry about my own child in my own country because of horrific people in power and it doesn't mean the President necessarily but others in shadows too...when these people allow such things, I can understand why Pakistan wouldn't want the U.S. there.

And the U.S. persons involved are ruining it for everyone. Because they could learn to be friends but they're allowing too many things to happen. I would guess there is someone specific that was killed.

I don't think it was a random 24. I think others got hit, to get at someone in particular. But that's not from an image or impressino, and God certaintly didn't tell me this, and I'm just talking like an average person giving their opinions off the top of their head.

I also think someone is shutting down the borders because some group is trying to trap someone, or thinks that they might be trapped.
My Dad just got up from his nap and went to watch a game. He asked why I had our yellow ladder upside down on the left outside of the barn and said it was a stupid thing to do and put it back in the barn to the right. I'd had it out to try to pick apples from the tree here but it wasn't the right kind of ladder and when I put it back, it ended up upside down. So it's been there like that for awhile.

I think the hate crime against me was mainly hate crime only and not military project funded until later. If I was exploited in other ways, I'm sure it's possible, and oppressed, sure. But what happened with obstruction of my travel, lawsuits, and education was hate crime. It wasn't a govt. project or program.

It basically started with Chris Rozollo from Wenatchee. After I decided I needed more time before marrying Alvaro, they Rozollo in and I don't think he is Catholic like he claims to be. And he tortured me. So if he's not Catholic, and is Jewish, what does that mean? I guess it means a Jewish guy with connections to the military colluded for his group, to collude with the Catholic hate crimes, to oppress, tortured, and keep someone down then doesn't it? The last contact I had with him, he was shocking me with something and I had this idea that he had an agenda and motive to use against me. And from there, I believe torture for hate crime got turned into some excuse for military programs. I've wondered if he knew "Jill", the woman from Seattle who worked at the Y then, through Americorp.

The Supreme Court is 100% Catholic & Jewish so it's not like they think a lawsuit against them would go anywhere. If my suit is about hate crime, religious hate crime, and I ask for the recusals of the Judges who are now in place, who fills in? Ya got a mean Protestant or Muslim in the back pocket?

I had a couple of guys who were Jewish try to say they were Catholic and I didn't think they were. I thought this one man who approached me in the Irish Pub in Seattle, where I was repeatedly attacked, I thought, he's telling me he's Catholic but I keep getting Jewish to mind.

Might've been some group was mad about the Israel's and Rose's, that I'd said something about taxes--I don't know. The Roses had definite contacts to UK Jewish and others. So while some Catholic hate crime groups had one interest, the other group could have had their own interests. So it worked to their mutual benefit to work together.

What happened is that someone got the idea to turn it into a military thing later. It gave them an excuse to torture me and say it was top secret and provide a cover for what had occured through hate crimes. It also gave them official cover to do surveillance and have people even paid to try to get into my head and predict things about me and what I thought. They did this, while buffeting and boosting people like Middletons and trying to obscure what happened through hate crime.

"It's all good" is not "all" good.

He had contacts to Seattle and most likely, the Koch firm that ruined my case with my son and took advantage of timing to file motions when others had me thrown into a psych ward in TN, unlawfully.

My parents think I'm crazy? right. Hold a knife to someone's face, or a gun to their head, or force them to drink toxins, and torture them with military technology...and wouldn't YOU say the same? and if you DON'T, maybe you can be tortured even more along with your own kid and grandkid.

If it was "all good" I wouldn't have had someone sneering over the phone to me, Chris Rozollo in fact, about how he wasn't worried about my SON, he was worried about ME.

Really, and then I get I get fried and my son gets fried. It was weird though, because while, for example, "lastfm" djs were really excited to pick songs out when I was playing them with Alvaro around, they really changed it up when I was hanging out with him for a short time. Songs about even last minute or small-time guys can win, or big isn't always better songs.

I noticed it. It was a little weird. They were more timid. But what I noticed, is that while the Koch firm was ramming motions through without even talking to me, I was getting slandered in TN and tortured and thrown into a psych ward and all these guys were making references to things Chris Rozollo used to say. And they were military and govt. connected. Police in Wenatchee knew Chris R. I'll bet you anything he knows Jill. She was the one who said to me, "Keep swimming" while she sneered and snickered about it. Mabye she knew Janet Bechtold.

I want my son back.

No, my son is not "okay" in Wenatchee.

Someone turned hate crime into a military gig.

I want this BS to quit, and my son to be returned to me.

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