Saturday, November 26, 2011

Morning Drop

I dropped off 2 bags of bottles today, and accidentally left 2 root beer bottles at my place. I thought they were maybe only refundable in other states bc last night they didn't take some of the larger bottles, but they are refundable. They were pop bottles. You can see how much I drink pop (soda) because I didn't even know you can automatically get a refund on them.

I started returning water bottles and then thought all bottles that are plastic are refundable but the last few times, they said they couldn't take some and it was all the larger plastic ones, so I didn't look and just assumed and left them out.

I used to do a ton of recycling when I had my own house in Oregon. When I had it set up the way I wanted, I wasted nothing. Everything was composted or used or recycled. I had all the people renting from me do the same if they lived there and I cut down on trash removal expenses by 3/4.

I literally had no trash at all practically.

The cardboard boxes and paper were recycled, along with plastics and glass (clear and dark) so there was nothing from packaging. Then, I had my own garden and used everything for compost, like coffee grounds and anything you could put back into the soil and garden--eggshells, everything.

We hardly had any trash at all. I mean, I had the cheapest trash pick up you could get and mainly needed it bc sometimes my housemates forgot to recycle.

That's what I do, I guess, when I have my own place.

But it's been so long, that I have completely forgotten about recycling rules. Many states I've been in don't even care. And they have trash all over the place too.

I'm sort of shocked that this City allows the same kind of littering.

I mean, this is Oregon--not Chicago.

They have some military and other kids and adults, freely throwing bits of stuff all along the walkway around my house. Almost all of it is psychic work crap.

It's people laying out their markers and ideas to try to make an evidence point later, and I would have never known if I hadn't gotten sucked into this kind of crap.

I first got here, and there was no litter. It was a cleaner town. And then it's like the same crap from Wenatchee and TN moved over here. Or decided to fly in for vacation.

And they go out and put bits of stuff ALL along the freeway, all the way to the stores I go to and all the way back.

And no, it was NOT like this when I first got here.

I'm not saying bad things weren't happening, because they were.

But for one thing, my parents aren't the ones who go for walks to town. I am. And it was only when I moved here, and started doing this, someone or a group started up their disgusting litter for the psychic work campaign.

So anyway, I can't even go to the grocery store without someone watching to see which register I go to, 1 or 2, and half the time I don't know what kind of a big deal they're making of it.

Like, so what does it mean to YOU if I go to register 2? or stood in line for register 1 until someone said cut ahead of me and take reg. 2? Was he just being nice or wanted me to be at 2 for a bet?

I'm not kidding. It gets to be that weird. Normally, of course, you just do your thing and go about your own business and don't even think about something so small. But when things get weird, you notice, of course! It doesn't matter and it's no big deal, but you notice.

I like it best when I'm so busy I'm flying through everything so I don't have to notice or think about things like this.

Then, who cares what anyone else is doing or thinking, you're just working fast to get your job done well and quickly. No time to think about insignificant matters--no time for thoughts to wander and notice all this lurking about and wondering if they're nice people or mean people. And then too, it's like people have less time to find a way to get to you as well. You're busy working and I'm generally thinking positive things about others if anything at all.

Oh and the's not that I'm weird about litter or messes here and there, and my place is a disaster right now. It's the "psychic work litter" crap I don't like. And no one was doing that until after I'd been here awhile.

It's like the same group is following me around, literally, regardless of where I go. Some of the hate crime groups are different, but not the more recent use and exploitation of me and trying to get into my head and use psychic work all around me. It's a bunch of military. Military trying to cop a cover for hate crime.

I saw my Mom this morning and said what happened to your eyes and she said I appreciate your concern but it's misplaced. It's not misplaced. My parents are being tortured as I am. My Dad came home and is taking a nap, which means something is wrong with him too.

I got the rest of my bottles and sent them out with my mother, asking her to return everything since I just went down, and I have another full bag. And she was going to meet someone and the military won't allow me to meet anyone over here that my parent's know.

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