Monday, November 21, 2011

RD, April 2005: Evidence of Premeditated Hate Crime & FBI Leak in RD

I'm going to finish what I was writing about the cartoonist and RD issues that prove hate crime and that it's mainly religious in nature and involves Panetta and Dempsey.

As I was saying, if you refer to my last post about Reader's Digest, which is just a few back, the April 2005 issue has a cartoon on the back with a man drawn to look like Panetta to the left, and a man drawn to look like this guy from either Sherwood or Wenatchee. The Sherwood guy I'd have to see again, but it's the spitting image of "Ben" from Wenatchee, WA and he does work with Wenatchee police and military. I do not believe HE is actually military--he does work with the police there locally. The woman in the background is the spitting image of my friend Monica Allen-Henderson. Exact. The title of the cartoon is "Dollar for Dollar" and it's about "Tsunami Relief" when really, he's referring to Knights of Columbus "SUE not me" relief. Sue-nah-me. Which is something I had people wisecracking about then in 2004 and 2005, and the cartoonist who made the cartoon looks exactly like this man who was on my property a few months later, with a metal detector, and a little diamond earring in one ear. Except from the photo, his face was a little thinner. But same kind of guy, and from Knights of Colombus headquarters in Ohio.

The little girl the guy to the left is holding--I have no idea what that's about. I know people believed I was having a little girl baby and they had it set up to take the baby from me when I was still in the hospital and then they found out, whoops! it wasn't a girl, it was a boy and whoever was positioned to steal a girl from me, didn't want a boy, and then my family came in to protect me.

I also think the little pink sleeper is like one that was ordered for me by Christa Schneider when she thought I was having a girl. Which is maybe why she was so mad to find out it was a boy, but someone would have to go back to Baby Gap accounts to check, and honestly, I can't say for sure that the little baby girl being held was to refer to the child they thought I was having. What I DO know, is that they were positioned from the start to steal my child.

Dollar by dollar, putting a little money into the church coffer for "Sue-nah-me! Relief". And inside this issue, the articles chosen and the ads, refer to what these people did to me and they even used friends who had big business and companies to create ads for the occasion to mock and laugh.

I will give examples.

Right before the article where ads with jokes about me are interspersed, is an article with a tunnel and a road and the title "I never hear it ooming. I never see it fall. I don't feel anything. I only know I must be DEAD." It's a photo of the Princess Diana tunnel basically. Page 142.

I guess next, they wanted to kill me.

There's an article featuring a "church" family with some guy that looks like a pastor who was a criminal in Wenatchee who worked with "Serve Wenatchee". The photo on p. 94 looks just like him and you can go check for yourself. That Serve Wenatchee leader shocked me in his own office after my son was taken from me. So he was in position for something before my son was even born. There is a guy next to him with a lightening bolt on his shirt, which matches the scar on my mom's face and then there is another guy to the other side with "Grace Academy" on it, and my parents over here in Coquille, Oregon, were having to deal with Keith and Pam Lewis over here, who adopted a girl named "Grace" who is black and from Sierra Leone (tribute to Leon Panetta) who terrorizes my Dad. The article is written by a Ms. Cooper, another great name--one name that I mentioned to the FBI when I reported the Oregon State Bar and PLF for fraud in 2001. This digest is 4 yrs later: 2005, 1 month before my son was born, 1 year after Leon Panetta took over the CIA and 1 year after "Grace" was adopted to be a terror to my Dad, on behalf of Panetta and the military and hate crime groups.

Thumb through for a glimpse into what was going on. We've got the "Pure" ads already started, with "PUR" water on p. 9, (with "Brita" on p.155) then "apples and oranges" ad when all Christa S. ever mocked me about was "it's like apples and oranges, apples and oranges, pg. 11, then we have the cat that my son and I had had, with a crooked tail, which is what happened to our cat after we were all tortured (the cat given to us) p. 484. We have an ad for "sliced peaches ("life is Sweet") p. 482 but I don't know when my mother's face was sliced up, I just know Debbie Sweetwater-Burt knew something about it and my mother had to work for her beginning in 2005-2006. p. 97, oh how cute, a photo that sort of resembles Princess Diana right before our readers get the photo of the Diana Tunnel, and this one is of a blond hugging a boy and there is a big "W" on the opposite page (how clever).

So this article with the photo of the Princess Di tunnel, is written by a "Cindi". Cute. Like Cinderella kinda-sorta but not really. And the next p. is 144, with a highlighted sentence: "I hated the word "victim." That's not the way I felt. I was a FIGHTER."

("I guess my enemies didn't like that idea"...sound familiar..."Thank you, for your cruelty, for showing me how strong I am..") and then HOW clever, because all the attorneys knew that prior to my filing lawsuits against those who victimized me, I was always referring to the song "Survivor" by Christina Aguilera, and I was going to fight this.."

All these lovely people clapping for me...(this is what the article says) and then it talks about how it's "a bill that I'm introducing today will strengthen the penalty for throwing any object from a bridge or overpass." The photo is of the Princess Diana tunnel and I didn't miss it, not after all this and not now, looking back.

What do we have next? An article that is after the Pricess Diana tunnel article and before the one that mocks ME, and it's one with a photo of some dark haired girl and about the Roman Catholic church called "New Proof Prayer Works." (prayer works? is their point? or torture works, bc they refer to torture later). A "Brita" water ad follows the article about the Roman Catholic church. Oh pardon, we have an article by someone Christa was always talking about that I never liked, "Dr. Phil" and about "Self Help" by "Yorke" and mentioning how McGraw fixed us. Then we have a boxing dog about whether animals are righties or lefties. p. 165, by "Brad".

And that's actually the article before the one where references to my life are more implicitly made (thought I'm thinking one of the ads that's really bad might be in a different issue).

Okay, what came before my FBI reports? Mike Tanzer and Raul Bujanda. Both lefties. The next article is called "Paradise Lost" and I only caught the drift because I saw the movie Les Mis last night after reading this, and how he refers to her as "Paradise" and they marry and she's holding yellow roses. And I also saw Karate Kid too (and wondered how William didn't figure it out when it says right there, if you go to the middle, you're in trouble kid--his Mom left all kinds of clues and others have effectively rubbed it all out and tried to replace it with something else). The Les Mis movie I noticed for the Paradise references and then the ad from a RD that I saw which I knew was an inside joke about how "migraines" forced me out of court. It wasn't migraine--it was Panetta, but I'll get to that.

So it's "Paradise Lost" by Michael.

Yeah, we can guess which Michael.

I have personally met the author and he came into The Post Pub when I worked in D.C. later. I kid you not. He knew exactly who I was, and he wrote an article (he's Catholic) for RD in 2005 and then came to the Post Pub in 2008 to have a look at me. He's originally from Washington D.C. and noticed the Eastern European last name. Nice connection when you're defending a pal who is a Catholic Ukrainian named Abbot Nathan Zodrow (oh, that's the photographer...the author is Catholic though, and notice the red and turquoise colors, special for a Ukrainian Catholic). The author was stupid enough to have himself photographed and then come into the bar I worked at to mock me a few years later. If he paid by credit card, you'll find it. I know his face and I remember. One of his daughters has a shirt on that says "I Love New York" (where Christa S. was at the time with her connections) and his wife carrying a camera there. My mother is photographed for Debbie Sweetwater-Burt's real estate business card 1 year later wearing the colors this author's wife is wearing, and it looks like a slave collar and is the same color.

Check it out. It sounds paranoid and random, but trust me. See if there is a link between Ms. Debbie Sweetwater-Burt and people in Washington D.C. that might happen to frequent The Post Pub. I'll put up a photo for contrast after I write more. She's on p. 173 and I have met the author. He's Catholic. p. 175, an ad that refers to an email I sent the Portland, Oregon FBI in 2005, before this was printed.

HERE WE GO KIDS! ready for the great inside joke exposed?!

After the "haha, McGraw" article preceding this and the lefties, remember that I worked for Lisa Thebault at a house formerly owned by McGraw, the same publishing company that has connections to Reader's Digest publications, and "I Love New York" Christa Schneider had access to when she worked for publishing houses in NY, and how funny that this author's wife's name is "Lisa", and then what kind of an ad on p. 175? How funny. teehee.

One about "clogs".

Lisa Thebault wore clogs on her feet and bought them after I was working for her, because, I found out, she thought it was a funny connection to the initials of my name: CLG. Cameo Loree Garrett. CLG. "Clog". Not like dutch clogs, because they wanted it to be about something else. So Lisa T has "CLG's" under her feet and is walking on CLGs. Great. And someone who is Catholic, thought it was funny to put out an article for "Liquid PlumR Gel", in the colors of Colombia I guess, with this tagline...

First, to the left there is a photo of a man's face with a HUGE beard, right after I wrote to Portland FBI about how Bujanda and Tanzer or someone might want to grow a beard and hide out...

So we have this man with a big beard up in the left corner and then Liquid PlumR Gel ("gel" coming back into fashion at that time, new concept revived from the 80s and my use of "gel" at Mike Tanzer's house, where he made a huge point about it after I showered there and asked him if he had hair gel and used gel)...

This ad says (NO LEAKS FROM THE FBI of course NOT! and no endangerment of my life and my baby's life at all!!!!):

"You can't count on the ladies liking this beard.
You can count on liguid-plumr to clear hairy clogs."

The man they feature looks like a cross between Mike Tanzer and Russ Strong.

So yeah, just remember FBI, get your liquid plumr fast. Oh wait. PLUMR. Like Plum and an R. Hurry, clear Cameo Loree Garrett (CLGs--hahah, funny Lisa) fast, because she is reporting you to FBI and telling you to grow a big beard.

This ad was created AFTER I sent my email to the FBI. You go right ahead and check the date on the creation of the ad and that email I sent. I sent the email after I was pregnant, and living in Wenatchee, and that was ...

Hmm, I AM wrong about one thing. I'm wrong about the kid thing because oh yeah, my son was born in 2006. So that was later, so the kid in the cartoon, I didn't know about for sure, but yeah, probably connected to something else even if Panetta is still involved.

What I DO remember, is 100%, this ad in the RD on p. 175, came out after I sent that email to the FBI. So who leaked it? I reported to the FBI in Fall of 2004 or earlier, and by that next Spring, my confidential reports were leaked to mass media. And not only was I made fun of, my family was put into serious danger and probably my parents were already having problems and I didn't even know it.

So do ya "clear hairy clogs" the same way one clears trees?

"You can't count on 'the ladies' liking this beard..." sounds very Heintz-like to me. Like, Tanzer's buddy, the Catchup heir.

The oooh-oooooh ooooh! wait for it!!!!! the same heir that Chris from The Post Pub knew. You know, the place where I was hired to be fired and had the DOJ stealing my cell phones from me and couldn't get a good reference from later and umm, caused a lot of problems with unemployment money I was owed and has the founding offices in California--whew! (deep breath). Yeah, that one.

Hi Tanzer. You got your own special bottle of LIQUID PLUMR? What's the "R" for? The Roses?

Going to the next page kids.

"Lisa, it turned out, was in real trouble...." Oh look, and then on p. 177, we have some kids from a private Catholic school holding up a photo of people swimming. Help!

So going back to "gel"--what did Tanzer say to me about it? He said, "Gel?! That's old-school." Hmm. yeah. And some of you guys screwed with the WRONG OLD bitch.

How do we paint a picture or make a cool sculpture of torture instead of vaginas? I wonder if Mr. Heintz could give us all a fascinating tour of his new exhibit on Torture of Children. I'll let you and Daddy-o Kerry know what I think, hmm? Let's invite Panetta, Lisa, Dempsey, and HELL. The WHOLE Catholic crew. ah-aught-aught! don't forget 1 or 2 Jews and the FBI!

What are THEY doing? buying LIQUID PLUMR and squirting out Heintz ketschup like it's going out of style? or is the FBI just doing blow jobs for Colombia and The Middletons. Does James Middleton sell a Catsup Cake. Is Kerry Irish. Middleton meets Kerry at the Five n' Dime. Putting on Nanci Griffith's Five and Dime now gents.

The BIG V by Heintz. Brilliant. I guess it means different things to different people. Torture. Where's your fucking gallery for Torture. Do you need me? How about Oliver Garrett you bastards and you BASTARD two-timing sell-out FBI.

So this article by "Michael" is about the Tsunami in "Weligama." haha. Like Wellies? hhahahaa. Like Gamma rays? hahhahaa.

"You use GEL? that's so old-school. It's from, like, the 80s".

That was 2004. In 2005, it was a hot new trend, right before torture of me and my child became a hot new trend. Steal from the geniouses and the creative, to profit the rich.

And what do we have readers? For all the fucking "reading" people, what do we have?

A coalition between McGraw or Reader's Digest and "Integrity Music!" pg. 181.

First we get the ad that reveals the FBI leaked my email and that someone I dated is in the FBI and has contacts there that share info, and then, the very next page, we have an ad about "Integrity Music". You know, the FBI's motto of "bravery, integrity, and fidelity" and the one I always brought up in my email to the FBI or in conversation with others, was "integrity".

So HOW CUTE that someone decided to throw in a little note and nod to "integrity". Then we have an ad about a toilet and your husband not as accurate as he thought, and then on p. 187, ah, touching. Photos from a photo album that is identical to one I had, a little one just like that, with oval shaped windows for seeing the photos, a little hand-held one like this. And next! oooh, a notice of lawsuit in New Jersey! because, haha, it's funny! You know, New Jersey, Faith Hochberg, and Florida and all. Antitrust.

A class action lawsuit for antitrust.

Do you trust me?

WAIT! it gets EVEN BETTER. Next page, 190, "Something doesn't ad up". Sounds like Bujanda talking. "Can't these guys put 2 n' 2 together?" And then we have two roses propped up with crutches as a little side note. And, befitting colluders with the FBI and those who leak information, a little reminder that your money can buy you a "1-room concrete house." Like a JAIL CELL!!!

Don't forget not to rat on the FBI everybody!

Hmm, now how do we all put our Roman Catholic and "other" money together to buy a 1 room jail cell for someone we hate? ah! go to the back cover for more info. "Dollar by dollar". Just $600 supposedly can buy a new concrete house. And I was in jail, in my new concrete house less than 6 months later. On false charges.

Boy are you guys clever!

Right under the idea for the 1 room concrete house, we have funny newsbits about Kelly Services for "La Crosse Tribune" (Dawn Kay) and don't forget that if you shell out money for flowers, it's worth it if they come from "Marysville Advocate".

Then a nod about Jasper to Toronto, after I had talked about how in Toronto, B.C. people knew what it was to be forced out by the Roman Catholic church, historically.

1. Kelly Services. IRA anyone? for The Cross Tribune?
2. Spend money for this if you're a Mary Advocate
3. Expect busy signals to Toronto, B.C.

So ummm, yeah YO. FBI.

You got a PROBLEM with investigating collusion and racketeering within the Catholic church or you just got problems with the YO Muslims or sometin. How about we find out how RD and the FBI and Catholic church bring on cartoonists and ideas for the idea of propogating hate crimes against others?

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