Monday, November 21, 2011

My Dad Tortured At Hospital

My Dad just got tortured again.

I saw him before he left to visit a friend at the hospital, and he left about 1-2 p.m. and his eyes were not noticeably darker, and he just came back at 4:30 p.m. and they're black and he's been tortured again.

He was doing fine until this afternoon. I asked him where he'd been and he said the hospital and then out to do some shopping. Shopping WHERE. So it was either at this hospital where he visited his friend, or while shopping.

And I had a very bad feeling about something too, at about 3-4 p.m., and it wasn't when he was first at the hospital.

I had the dog with me the entire time and was about to leave to mail something, but it doesn't matter if I wait one day, because it's still the FBI, it's still their stalling and obstruction of justice, the problem is still going to be there in the morning.

It's going to be there until they get SUED.

THEY are responsible for what has happened to me and my son and for what continues to happen to my family. Period.

I have nothing holding me up, supposedly, from college now, or being able to take out loans or grants--nothing except whoever tries to control my parents.

There wasn't a problem 3 months ago, and if there is now, it's ONLY because the FBI and those who they know that colluded to commit hate crime, are illegally coercing and torturing my parents to prevent my entry into college.

I could file my FOIA requests all over again, and I might, for good measure, but the D.C. office was required to respond within 10 days and they didn't, so I'm sending my Appeal letter, which actually doesn't have to be sent immediately after 10 days, it just have to give them that much time. So I am still within time limits for appealing the delay and non-response.

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