Monday, November 21, 2011

Making Fun Of Cutting My Mother & Surgery

I remember, in Sherwood, Oregon, how devastated my mother was when she got out of a surgery at that time.

My mother's next-door neighbor worked for a plastic surgeon and told my Mom she could get her a deal with the doctor she worked for.

My mother came out of the surgery and was sobbing for over a week. I could name the exact year. I think it was something like 1997.

I never knew why my mother was so upset or what it was over. And then I noticed later, the guy cut her hairline into a jagged line, which no doctor would do if they weren't trying to make some kind of a point. No doctor with a degree for plastic surgery would make a cut or scar like that without trying to make a symbolic point to it.

It was done right before my parents were told to move to Coquille, Oregon, at some point before they moved and before, I think, someone killed the swan in our pond too.

I had thought all of my mother's sobbing was over the laser work he did at the same time, bc he did a little of that, but it wasn't until I got back here to Coquille, after all the things that have been done to me, that I noticed my mother's hairline and knew some group has been after my mother and trying to insult her and degrade her and terrify her for a long time.

I'm not sure what the mark was supposed to mean, but it's not an accident. No plastic surgeon does this and intends for it to be an accident. It was done intentionally.

And actually, I have reason to believe it has something to do with something I've mentioned before but won't mention right at this time.

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