Monday, November 21, 2011

When Fed. Courts Ignore Requests for Prelim Injunction

The firm that knew they had a conflict of interest and shouldn't have ever taken my case, lost everything.

In the meantime, I had filed for removal for a federal question and not one of the federal courts honored my request for preliminary injunction even though I marked the box for federal question and made it clear what it was for.

This is the second time a federal court refused to honor a request for preliminary injunction.

Over my SON.

1 comment:

  1. A preliminary injunction of what? What are you trying to enjoin? And why is it a Federal issue? Your blog tries to portray this huge conspiracy but like pink elephants floating in a room that only you can see ... you don't seem to have any proof of anything really happening except your unprovable conspiracies. Where is the proof of anything?
