Monday, November 14, 2011

Obama's Executive Order For Hostages: My Family

President Barak Obama is going to have to sign that Order.

The responsibility for what's happening to me and my son reaches him, and he should be asking to review materials personally, and then signing an executive order to quit obstruction of my family's freedom and immediately have my child returned to me.

I have 2 new "spots" on my body that are not from anything except U.S. military. My stomach hurt the other day, on Veteran's Day, and then overnight or some point, I ended up with spots that are not random but from military placement. It's not random and I am beginning to loathe this country.

The other time I had some kind of a reaction to something that hurt my stomach and affected my body and mind, it's been every month here. Every single fucking month. And now this time it's not random, and someone wanted to make some kind of a sick joke out of it. It's 2 round dots on my backside and there is no way it's random. They're the same size and symetrical and rougher skin. They look like 2 laser dots.

I hate Martin Dempsey.


I HATE Martin Dempsey because he is in charge of the DOD and this is probably why I sensed something bad when I was given this black velvet necklace with a green pendant on it. It's the exact same thing that he has in his fucking ring on his photo for wiki. Martin Dempsey is a bona fide criminal and yes, he has ties to the IRA. How the U.S. ended up with an IRA sponsored, mean Irish Catholic at the head of the DOD is beyond me. He wasn't around when my son and I were tortured, but he would defend and cover for those who did. Which is what he's doing. And I hate him and think his daughters must be horribly cruel and boring people. That's what I got from looking at their photos: cruel, and boring. And the one doing boob shots with shot glasses at a bar or party. Him and his wife, standing right next to part of a flag cut off so that all you even see or read is: SBURG

That choker made me think of Princess Diana at first glance and then when I saw this man's ring, I realized, oh, it's a choker with a pendant on it like the one in the ring for Dempsey.,_CJCS,_official_portrait_2011.jpg
That makes sense now. And mine is green, which also makes sense since some of the hate crime has come from Irish Catholics.

Did my parents marry on Tax Day because they couldn't get the right date for Valentine's Day? Or did they somehow know it was going to come down to the IRA. Not the Internal Revenue Association but the Irish Republican Army.

A choker. From Martin Dempsey and his buddies.


YOU are a criminal and if I were you, I'd do something like fix your mistake and leave it alone.


YOU fucking colluded with the FBI and it's not a suprise now that we know about your IRA connections, and how the FBI has never put the IRA on their terrorism list but favored them bc why? most of the FBI is Roman Catholic.

YOUR fucking buddies put me on the research and assault list and have used other to cover up for you. I continue to be fucking DRUGGED and MEDICATED without MY FUCKING CONSENT YOU FUCK UP

First your buddies screw me or want to try to screw me over, and then you fucking mess with my chance to get into college and DRUG me to fucking COVER YOUR FUCKING ASS. FUCK YOU.

I wasn't even born yet when you got your 2LT. What does that stand for? It's "Too Late?" FUCK YOU.

7. What's the significance of "7" to YOU? Oh, you were just pansy-footing in Europe at that time, through London. FUCK YOU. And FUCK your Army men that assaulted me and tried to set me up.

You knew the IRA and Catholic church was involved and you knew about some bad Jewish too. You knew who assaulted me and my son. And then you get in there to cover the Irish Ass.

My mother once said she was choked by a demon.

Was it YOU?

Are you that demon? I got a choker with a pendant that looks just like the one on your ring when I was still in Moses Lake. So if that's your fucking West Point class ring, why was my pendant green? Because it represents the color you use for your fucking Irish mafia? Or was a different year at West Point that the class ring was green?

FUCK YOU. And I believe I met a fellow alumni of yours from Duke University. Years younger, but same college, and that was right before I was raped.

2LT. TOO LATE! What the FUCK were you doing in 1973 SIR. And how about what the fuck happened to me by the Military when I was 1 or 2 years old, you fucking asshole. Did YOU choke my mother, or was it one of your fucking pals. Or is it just symbolic for your group choking the life out of anyone you don't like.

Do you know The Thebaults? because I'm thinking maybe you do, since you grew up in New Jersey, like they did, and ran in the same circles, and you even have the same contacts they have in North Carolina, don't you? So how would you know them? You knew the McGraws too, or Fr. Joachim McCann? I know about N. Carolina connections for a fact. And then I start thinking about ALLLLLL these Irish Catholic guys that got close to me to screw me over. Right after my son and I were TORTURED. Let's see...ya know the O'Neals? Christa Schneider's friends? because what if they somehow knew the same Mark who was former Army that YOU knew and know. Let's see, I worked for Andrew, from Duke University, your alma mater. And guess who was also working for him?

Joshua Rose's girlfriend.

I'm trying to think, was I raped BEFORE I worked for Andrew who had also hired Josh Roses girlfriend? or was I raped AFTER. What I remember is that my computer was being monitored and no one informed me and now that I know Dempsey is from Duke too (I had thought Dartmouth), well, it may have been research even then. I know that it was the first job I tried to take after getting fired by Lorraine Rose and that I was pushed out and had a hard time getting work after that.

I had a hard time getting work after being fired by the Rabbi's fucking wife. And I distinctly remember being harassed and gossiped about by Josh Rose's girlfriend, who worked there, and by her Jewish friends there. And THEN! I kept wondering who this "Andy" was that people referred to after I split from my Ex, and the only ones I ever knew were Andrew ("Drew") and then some Greek Andy from Seattle approached me later when I was in Wenatchee, years later. Up til then, I knew about ONE Andrew and that was Drew. They got pissed because I was alarmed that everything I did was being watched without any pre-employment notification and I remember the supervisor was a Jason from high school and I couldn't figure out why he was being so rude. He'd hired me but then I wasn't even able to talk to him.

Since it was a temp job, I'm sure we could go back into the Express Temps records and find out what the date of employment was and discover what nasty thing was said after I was complaining about being surveilled. Yeah. Josh Rose's girlfriend. She had a photo of him sitting on her desk and I had seen her before anyway. I said, "You know Josh Rose" and she said, "Yes, I'm his girlfriend"

At any rate, there was an "Andy" being referred to in San Fran and it was military people sitting with me, and not nice ones. I was a laughingstock.

So, why marry a man from Colombia when you can get called mentally ill by the CIA and military instead? Here's your choice: MARRY HIM or MARRY HIM.


MARRY HIM or We're all going to call you mentally ill, drug you and torture your entire family!

What a nice introduction into the generous family of Catholicism. Is that like soft sell or hard sell? By the way fucker, which do YOU prefer? a soft cell or a hard cell?--because you should be in one or the other.

As far as I know you cannot order or threaten to have someone given DRUGS or MEDICATIONS without their consent on an involutary basis unless you have court and the person is allowed notice and the opportunity to defend themself. You don't fucking drug someone with Haldol out-patient, or Lithium, and anything else, without giving that person this right to appear in court. And you do not throw over guardianship to parents without a court process.

So I'd like to know why your fucking FRIENDS continue to drug me to cover YOUR ASS. Is that done on special basis in military court without notice to the person? or what.

I have my fucking vegetables turning different colors because of your criminal "pastors" who pretend to be pastors while experimenting with chemicals. We know they are not born again christians. They all connected through military and the Catholic church. Then you have people fucking drugging and medicating me on a regular basis and are still using military technology to trigger headaches as an excuse for administering drugs. YOU FUCK. Like you can cover for the Army by having a bunch of Air Force instead, like that's going to make me think it's the Air Force and not the Army. It's the military and the CIA and the Dept. of State has some serious problems because it's frankly illegal to conduct human trafficking of women and children in America. It's even more illegal to cover up the crime when government is involved and to let the FBI and police assault people to try to force a marriage.

I was being beaten up and pressured to call him up and marry him after I split. By whom? FBI and local law enforcement.

When the government tortures women and children and hides hate crime, and then tries to kidnap,...what the FUCK kind of country is it. It's not okay for me to want to wait and not be punished but if you want to back out and leave me bleeding in the hospital, that's okay.

What was the knight's helmet for at Holts? Knights of Colombus?

What did the Department of State want? A diplomat? or just a quick favor for the CIA or FBI on Middle East relations? I mean, South American. But it affected everything didn't it?

FUCK YOU OBAMA. Until you FIX a serious problem with corruption and restore my child to me and protect my rights and my son's rights, there is something wrong with you and your wife. And there has always been something wrong with Oprah. You care more about a non-citizen and their sons than the citizens who have been living here with a guarantee of certain rights.

You should be stepping down from your job if you can't stand up for what's right for a baby boy, MY SON, and a citizen that has been trying to get your fucking attention about torture for a few fucking years now.

I'm not ever going to give you a blow job.

Are you going to help us because I give you a blow job or because I'm a citizen of this country and don't deserve to be tortured by a bunch of criminals, or defamed, or fucking repeatedly DRUGGED.

I'm putting up the photos that prove I've been drugged and YOU should be doing something about it. I want my son BACK.

Do you see those photos? It's from fucking medications that I am consenting to being given. And there is no fucking legal court order if I'm not given notice of when to appear and what it's for and that has NEVER been done. I have NEVER received notice.

Those spots are dark patches that match the same shit I get every single month after someone drugs me up again. My stomach hurts, and then I develop this, though usually it's more patchy and thicker (you can't see that it's rougher) and this has happened since I was illegally injected with Haldol. I am still being fucking drugged, and I want COURT NOTICE about this or FUCKING CEASE and DESIST before I take all of you with me, right into that court.

I want the documentation for the Maryland marriage license that I voided sent to my address and I'm tired of having people obstruct me on this when I need to prove I'm not under HIS "guardianship". I've asked for it several times and it needs to be mailed to me.

I am NOT your FUCKING guinea pig and SHAME ON YOU for allowing TORTURE in your own fucking "village".

1. Where is my fucking COURT NOTICE to appear in court to contest the illegal and non-consensual administration of drugs and medication by anyone, including military. I don't HAVE one. So either someone fucked up in court or the FBI is FUCKED.

I'm so mentally ill that I rage for hours over "imagined" dots that are not really there. Yeah, no one can see them. Just me. I am THE ONLY ONE who can see these dots. And last month, I was "the only one who could see these patches" and I'm "the only one" who imagines I have laser burns on my arms from lasers, not fucking lime juice, and I am the "only one" who could see my son was tortured and I'm the "only one" who sees these horrific black marks around my parents eyes and they're hands beat up and I'm the "only one" who saw a huge knife scar on my mother's face and I'm the "only one" in the whole wide world who ever met a bunch of fucking idiots who aren't half as smart as they think they are and call themselves FBI, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Dept. of State, and Judges and law enforcement, who torture us every single fucking day.

Yeah, I must be nuts, because I'm in my right mind to be madder than HELL about CRIME and continued CRIME and assault.

YOU FUCKS! You are absolutely criminal and corrupt. How come everyone is saying they can't see the same thing I see? You guys can't see the same thing? Huh. I must be crazy then.


By the way, I never "feel" anything correctly either. Yeah, I just sit around with a bad attitude for no reason, pissed off writing fuck every other word, for no good reason at all because yeah, it's not like WE'RE BEING TORTURED and DRUGGED or anything.

FUCK you for selling a child and concealing crime against children. FUCK YOU. Every single one of you. EVERY SINGLE one of you.

We're being drugged, tortured, and forced to work for the U.S. government. It isn't pretty.

They are held hostage and I am being held hostage. Period. They don't allow my parents to pay my transcript off so I can go to college and do anything normal, they don't allow any of us to travel without approval and direction, they don't allow us to work unless it's for them, and they keep us down and from reaching our potential.

(and yes, I realize I've shifted from addressing "you" to addressing "they" bc at different times I am addressing different audiences/readers.)

The marks on my parents eyes are more noticeable than these marks on my backside and NO ONE is helping us or doing anything about it. My parents have been drugged too, even though they are used for work, they've been drugged and assaulted and how they still manage I don't know. I can tell by their fingernails and toenails what is happening too, bc some of the stuff you can't see. You can't know it's assault all the time unless you know what to look for and I know. And we've all been brutally and viciously assaulted.

We are hostages here.

I don't experiment on anyone. I have tried to figure some things out with Scooter but that's not experimentation. I have never signed or consented to anything. My parents are trapped into not talking or being tortured. What do you do when the hate crime is in the government or using friends in the government? You don't do anything. Which is what my parents do. They don't say a word, because no one is rescuing us, because the U.S. Hate Crime groups are using U.S. government as their own personal Mafia.


  1. NICE - 109 times you used the word "FUCK" so far this week... you FUCKing ROCK!!!

  2. Pardon me, but it wasn't within a "week", it was within mere days.

    We haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance and I was so upset by this, I let a few more slip and how could you even fathom how much I swear.

    You've NO idea my dear. What a shame.
