Monday, November 14, 2011

Marks On My Body & U.S. Illegal Experimentation

I discovered these marks on my body, after I knew I had been drugged again, and showed my Mom and all she wanted was for me to go out.

Telling me not to go back for 3 days.

I have BIZARRE marks on my body, that no normal person has, and she acts like no big deal.

A NORMAL PERSON would react.

There is something SERIOUSLY and significantly WRONG.

If my mother doesn't want to talk about her own eyes and why she keeps getting black marks on the insides of her eyes, that's her business. It didn't happen while she was at work today, from what I could tell, it was when she got home.

And she stood there looking at me while I was flipping out about these marks and she said, "It doesn't hurt you does it?" or "It's not hurting you is it?"

I said, "As a matter of fact YES, it's hurting me. It hurts my stomach every single time someone drugs me like this, and it hurts my ability to focus on things I would normally focus on, or write poetry or do normal things that I would normally do. So YES, it's hurting me."

And every single FUCKING month, this has happened.

Last night before I fell asleep, there were a number of things going on. Odd sounds under the trailer and I knew someone was outside but I didn't go out to check. And then I noticed a weird smell, after there were several clanks and bumps from the bottom of the trailer and the side.

I don't just get tortured, literally, with military technology. I get drugged and I've been drugged for the last several years since the FUCKING FBI has wanted to cover up THEIR OWN SHIT.

I don't even know which lie to believe anymore, because I feel sorry for my parents because they have been tortured, and then I think, "WHAT the HELL is WRONG with them" for letting this go on.

They knew what they got their kids into a long time ago and never told us about it and now, I guess the U.S. government expects MY BROTHER and I to suffer for their attempt to USE MY FAMILY for their own fucking personal means.

I guess they left us alone for awhile and then they decided they could do whatever they wanted, when they didn't like what choices I was making, and got jealous.

It's MILITARY. It is Military and CIA over here.

They are NOT Protestants either. Most of them are not Protestants and they got a bunch of Catholics over here with a cover story that they're Protestant and THEY'RE NOT.

The only "Russian" person I ever knew or met in my life, aside from not knowing the rapist had Jewish Russian background, was the ABBOT for Mt. Angel Abbey and he's Ukrainian. Abbot Nathan Zodrow.

So, WHY would our dog be afraid of a RUSSIAN accent unless Nathan Zodrow was pissed and brought over his friends? Because that's what he did in Wenatchee, because he was born and raised in Waterville, up the hill from Wenatchee, about 15 minutes away. And HE is the person responsible for the things that happened at that monastery and ALL of the defamation which occured by his administration. HE was the one who approved it.

He's Ukrainian Catholic.

So you throw in some Ukrainian Catholics with the rest, and all that's happened to me ever since, has been bad and my parents never would have suddenly, out of the blue recommended I "drop" my lawsuit against them, unless THEIR MOBSTERS and the FBI were torturing them.


WHEN THE FUCK do CORRUPT FBI agents get away with this?

I don't appreciate being DRUGGED to make CATHOLICS and Jewish RAPISTS happy. And I don't think the world of FUCKING Amy Roe and her Fucking Middleton-connected mother.

They defamed me for the Jewish and Catholic community. I didn't even know why.

The military has had hidden cameras on me before, and they've drugged me, they've assaulted me, hypnotized me, and kidnapped my son from me and WHO IS IN CHARGE?


One day my mother has a scar all the way down her cheek and is acting like no big deal. I even asked her about it and she responded. She wouldn't have RESPONDED if there was no such thing. The next thing I know, it's gone.

So either the CIA got TWINS for psychic work or they took my Mom out with Patty, to Roseburg, to her ugly Doctor there, to have someone else do something to get rid of it.

All they are doing to me here, is abusing me. That's all they're doing. They watch what I do, say and write and try to predict what it will be and see if their horrid VOODOO military schemes work.

That "girl" whoever she is, is in town again. And I knew it because of all the Irish at the Wal-mart the other day, and then seeing how people try to hide what they really feel or think around me. I knew she was at the church too.

I'M told NOT to go to church, by my Mother, and then told, "You don't need a skirt--you don't go to church anyway."

No I guess I don't MOSSAD

Which one is it?

Because if you're not sticking up for yourselves or your own kids and grandson, there is SOMETHING WRONG with you.

I don't even know if my parents are trying to make themselves sound and look so beat up, just to get my sympathy so I don't freak out in anger about being USED on this property as a CIA and MILITARY guinea pig.


Some "Generational Curse". The U.S. discovers someone is talented and gifted and then decides to cage all the birds and use them for their own advantage and benefit.

I got some fucking Google ad called "why men lose attraction" all of a sudden. For what. Because this isn't attractive? Well torture ISN'T attractive and never is and I'm tired of fucking CATHOLIC military and FBI running the show and robbing us of our rights.

It's looking like some Catholic BITCH screwed my Dad, produced a child, and now they force my Dad to work with her instead of his own kids that are not fucking illegitimate. Why else would these people want my Dad to spend time with her and work with this little girl and not even support his own kids he's known his whole life? What did they do? Fucked him over with a Catholic whore and then tell him if he ever wanted to see his kid, he'd better make sure not to support his other daughter--ME?

All the CIA and Military care about is psychic SHIT and inbreeding and sometimes it's done just for BREEDING alone. They want their own sick fucking psychic team and mind controlled kids, just like the other nations. "They have a we want a king."

The U.S. has kidnapped children to do it and I guess my parents are the Sheryls and Lynns of the world who go along with it or get trapped in it.

What did they do? Offer up me and my brother to be fucking "living sacrifices" for the FUCKING ARMY? Oh. Or was it the CIA Psychic Gap program. Was it a choice or were they FORCED to do it, after the U.S. first KILLED, MURDERED their first baby.

"See what we can do? and we'll do it again if you don't."

The fucking Middletons are on the same fucking platter and they have a fraction of the talent. The UK, Canada, and US are RESPONSIBLE for the damages. And seriously, it comes down to something like this--

"Well, they had an injury so it was a good reason to put in an implant."
"Still category B?"
"No, we needed more with implants so now they are redesignated for category K."
"What about this one? is she going to be a Sheryl or a Lynn?"
"We had ___________ started out as a ___________ but then she held up a picket sign and pissed a lot of people off and was about to blow their covers too. Mainly though, we got paid more to reassign to _______ since that's what we do with the older ones."
"What about ______?"
"She's a _______. She responded to test A. by doing ______ and at that point we decided she was more suitable for this kind of program and work."

WHAT THE FUCK are you doing with MY LIFE.


You fucking assholes talk a great talk against Communism and you've acted like Communists, picking out plans for people and refusing to let them decide for themself. Then they try to decide for themselves and if you don't like them, you find built-in excuses to fuck with them.


And FUCK YOUR PSYCHIC WARFARE programs and military CRAP.

I could make a huge list for every country in the world to see, of YOUR AGENTS and how YOU have abused ME personally and what you are doing NOW.

(They are doing the exact same thing with me here, on this property, that they did in the federal institution in Knoxville, TN. That's all they've done. Every single day they observe, like I'm an animal in a zoo. And I can prove that this what they're doing and I DO have reason to suspect there are "black sites" on U.S. soil. Instead of having picking up some blond stranger who is a U.S. government psychic, and putting her in with me to a CIA and military detention facility, to watch me and drug me there, they have my parents doing this to me, on this property where they watch everything. And all the "friends" I outed before were not slanderous outings.

The U.S. refuses to let me go to college and has my parents practicing their psychic skills on their own children.

I wrote about how I knew it was U.S. Federal Government when I was then in a FEDERALLY owned building, in Knoxville, TN. I was being tortured and assaulted on a daily basis, since defamation, and for me, most dramatically after my 2004 report about FBI and how I believe those agents were connected to my lawsuits which were still in the courts.

I couldn't believe the truth until I was in Knoxville, TN in the detention center, and they illegally injected me with a drug, without an evaluation and without my consent. They distracted me from the injection by hurting me to the point of fracturing bones in my hand.


It was an Irish Catholic who was in charge of the police that sent me there, but there were other federal workers at that center. And who cares what happens to me anyway? because many of the Roman Catholics HATE my guts and so do some of the Jews and they've used people they know to harm me and my son. To them, degrading me isn't research--it's "fun".

They injected me with a substance, illegally, and I wasn't at a psych ward and I have no idea what it was. It wasn't even Haldol because I would have been knocked out and Haldol doesn't develop a raised bump on the arm like that, like you get after being administered a vaccine.

Before they even did this, they had this blond govt. psychic come along to give her a chance to try her skills out on me. So after they dragged me around and degraded me, after injecting me, they observed me in a solitary cell with windows all around. For hours. And then they moved me to a large room with glass all the way around and had this woman in there with me, predicting and laying out things to predict what I would do next. Like I said, that's when I knew it wasn't just hate crime anymore. Hate Crime bought a free ticket out of jail for hundreds of criminals and collaborators, to use me for the CIA and military and the FBI is a PIECE OF SHIT.

FUCK THE FBI. All they care about IS THEMSELVES and the FUCKING VATICAN. THEY have proven themselves to be a criminal agency. THEY are criminals because they are covering up the crime of FBI AGENTS INTERFERING WITH CIVILIAN LAWSUITS. That's clear obstruction of justice which a lot of Federal workers should be going to jail over. Some of these Mormon FBI agents are not even Mormon. Wes, in Wenatchee, and the Wenatchee officer who said he was Mormon (don't know if it's true) who covered up damages to my son and sneered at me: "Ms. Garrett, have you had your PSYCHOLOGICAL evaluation yet?" ...that's concealment of crime and attempting to use a false diagnosis of "mental illness" of a witness to get away with it. YOU FUCKS. You are fucking pieces of baby assaulting and torturing SHIT. YOU ARE CRIMINALS.

Anyone who CONCEALED these crimes is A CRIMINAL. Period. I don't care who you know, what religion you are, or who the hell you work for and how much money you have--you are criminals.

The FBI brings in this woman who tries her psychic skills out on me, totally degrading me by putting me in a glass cage, and observing me like I am a rat in a maze.

That's when I knew. My son and I are betrayed by the United States of America and when I checked, to find out when it got bad and someone wanted to do us in, and it was when Panetta got his job with the FUCKING CIA. And then I look at the U.S. military and who is running the show? Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic, et al. Every single person who hijacked their way to the top is Catholic. And they are directly responsible for coordinating hate crimes against my family.

I was released from Knoxville, TN and after a stop in TX, I was "allowed", by the U.S. federal government, to go back "home" to Coquille, Oregon, which they obstructed me from doing for over 7 fucking years. And only once did I go to visit, with a Catholic U.S. government guy. If he wasn't government, oh, then I guess being Catholic was enough to stop the hate crime so it's 100% religious hate crime.

Thanks, by the way, for confirming the truth for me. The "truth" being that we have been (or I have been and my son included) "living sacrifices" for the Roman Catholic church and some kind of bottom-feeder Mossad. And throw in the Protestant military that does as their told to do and this whacked out Middleton Mafia.

I get back home to find out, oh, it's the EXACT same thing they did to me in the detention center in Knoxville, TN, but it's my parents and the fucking federal workers at Devil's Kitchen and others in this town. My parents were the ones laying things out and predicting what I would do, and both of them have been doing this, and there are cameras on this property. We are also surrounded by "other" psychics.


It's the FUCKING MILITARY and CIA and the FBI are pieces of SHIT for allowing this to happen on U.S. soil against non-consenting U.S. citizens.

Guess WHAT IRAN? If you could stand to make it through all of my horrible swearing, here is the truth: YES. THE U.S. DOES THIS TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

Wow. The U.S. isn't exactly "special" anymore, is she? The whole "Freedom Trumpet" is squeaking out a toot. The UK isn't exactly fucking "special" either, and neither is Canada because they are ALL doing the same thing to non-consenting people. At least the UK is and I don't know if Canada decided to quit, but they have had lawsuits filed for experimenting on their own citizens and for allowing the U.S. to even experiment on their people.

NON-CONSENSUAL torture and human experimentation, right here in our backyard.

My parents are forced to go along and they have been, and are being, tortured. If they get more perks than I do, I have no idea, but from what I've seen, everything is controlled. And the crap the U.S. has planted all over this property, is U.S. Military shit and CIA shit and you can come PICK UP YOUR OWN CRAP. They had people go all over the place, putting things in the dirt, writing things inside drawers (in handwriting that does not belong to my Mom or Dad) and all kinds of crap and they literally wait to see what I wear, and if their people predict it right, and what I do, and if there is any correlation with things they laid out in the past through another worker or the night before.

Up the hill we have U.S. government Wiccans, and across from us, U.S. military, and to the side of us, kids and teens who are psychics for the U.S. This teenage boy next-door was prediting things I'd do before I did anything and then I noticed the military photo on the wall.

They have fucking CIA and military secret roads and passes over here, or not exactly secret but hard to get to, and I know for a fact that the park my parents supposedly own is occupied entirely by Catholics and U.S. military. Don't believe me? Go see for yourself because I was "banned" from the property, by my Dad who had someone there tell HIM to ban his own daughter so I couldn't tattle-tell on them for the horrific things they've done to my Dad.

Oh yeah, and we have FBI in our neighborhood too.

So once again, you start to ask yourself, "If the FBI is the good guy, and the U.S. military is supposed to protect citizens and not torture their own people, and the CIA is shitting all over and not cleaning up their own fucking shit, then what the FUCK is this about? or what happened? we are now occupied and owned by The Roman Catholic Church?

Just down the road, I found out about something and then this woman comes driving up behind me and smirks, as she takes off, "Is it all coming back to you now?" and drove off, blasting Celine Dion's "But it's all coming back to me now". There are military people watching the entrance or that area, from apartments that are high rise and have a view and yes, they are military.

So why don't we ask, and wonder, "Why is there military scouting out and watching this area when my family is being tortured right here?"

My parents are supposedly not allowed to talk about it and instead, they get tortured and do research work for the U.S. on their own daughter.

If they are free to do whatever they want with their money, they would have paid for the transcript by now, and not retracted that payment when the FBI connected people told them not to and threatened them.

My parent's aren't laying out this stuff and trying to predict things about ME for the Mafia. It's for the CIA. It's CIA, and Military. No, the FBI doesn't have "psychic programs". They just act like pieces of shit after their employees violate the Constitution and interfere with lawsuits they had no part in except for religious affiliation.

Remember how I said this blond woman laid out a napkin here and there and then spilled her milk or something into a pattern and waited to see if the same thing happened to mine?

Russia and China know exactly what I'm talking about and so does Israel and London.

It was at that point, while sitting there and being "monitored" like I wasn't even a human being, that I said, "This is cruel and degrading treatment in violation of the Geneva Convention." And they got up and let me out and released me.

Should I be THANKING them for some reason? because they just injected me with a drug, vaccine, or toxin, and broke my hands, then hand-printed my entire wrist and hand and threw me into a glass cage like an animal and watched me like scientists.

That's after I was forced to work for these assholes to pay off a debt I DID NOT OWE for a FALSE arrest on a FALSE harassment claim that I was obstructed from defending myself against.

My parents are forced to do the exact same thing as what happened to me in the Federal Detention Center in Knoxville, TN. It looks like we're free and obviously we're not. You can either be in a glass cage, which is contained and controlled experimentation, or they let you out in "the wild" and watch you like they're watching Gorilla's In The Mist. "THAIYRE IN THAIYRE NATURAL HABITAT NOW." They have this property staked out, they watch our every move, my parents are forced to be friends with people they wouldn't choose to be friends with, they're not allowed to do what they want with their money,and if they don't work for the U.S. in the same manner that other U.S. govt. people do, they're tortured worse than usual. And even working for these assholes doesn't save them from torture. The FBI beats them, the local people do and laugh and protect mafia who come in to do it. They are running a criminal operation. The United States is. And they are forcing my parents to work for them and USE me without asking or paying me, and then try to FORCE me into being in the same business so I can just work and get paid and go home? No. How about work, and get tortured, and be reminded that you can't control who is being allowed to torture you. James Middleton doesn't know what the FUCK he's talking about--being a "living sacrifice." He doesn't know what it means from a spiritual standpoint and he doesn't know what it means from a literal standpoint either. They are people who profit from the misery of others, they're not "living sacrifices." Does HE have rings around his eyes OR WHAT? HoWEVER did he mask them with camoflague? Hey, I heard he got kidnapped and thrown into a truck and they called him a criminal and injected him with Haldol and told him work for the UK or ELSE and gave him a doggie biscuit and told him to kneel in front of the Garrett famliy just to humiliate him and then they whispered in his ear...good job James! we know you don't like it now, and you wanted a family and had a few things you'd planned on doing, but...well, here. Here's a shiny foil gold star which you can lick on the back and stamp to your forehead. Because really, you are the EPITOME of "living sacrifice".

FUCK YOU and the wicked witches you live with.

I don't know where Carole was hiding her broom because her fucking hat wasn't large enough. She has one like expandable tent stakes and then you just screw on the broom she keeps in her underwear? Where does Daddy hide the Uzi? Under the hubcap of his Phantom Rider vehicle?

I have had ENOUGH of Fake & Fake Incorporated. We got the "Shake 'n' Bake"--our entire family, and we have all the heads of U.S. intelligence working for the Catholic church, to harm us, and try to bring your family into it instead of taking responsibility for their own religious Hate Crime and I'm tired of your country's cooperation in concealment of crime.

Any country that's worth something should stand up against torture by a country against their own citizens.

So far, no one even supposedly knows what religion the Middleton's are because they don't care to share or talk about it. Just like they don't care to share or talk about people their gangsters torture.

Who does Gary know anyway. The Goodmans? Clark and Goodman? Or is it just Lorraine and Israel.

Why the FUCK do we have a "Hay" over here with a British accent when Kate Middleton's best friend is a "Hay". I wouldn't care or ask or even attack at all, if I did not think it STRANGE that our dog Scooter is FREAKING out over British accents.

It hasn't been nice British people, or our dog wouldn't be ready to vomit, shaking into a storm, and quivering, watching hands suddenly, and the door and then wanting to search and rescue my Mom and Dad.


And what's with the Russian terror other than maybe it's Nathan Zodrow's Catholic Ukrainian mobsters driving up a couple of hours to terrify and torture my parents and apparently, assault Scooter?

No FUCKING dog curls into a ball with paws raised up to the sky like, "Please, please don't hurt me" and shivering violently and cowering a raised hand, unless something FUCKING WRONG happened.

FUCK the FBI and FUCK the U.S. Occupation by fucking corrupt members of the Catholic church and military.

"Marry a Catholic and you're safe!"

Marry a Catholic and I was safe.

Right. WHO was safe. ME or The criminal Catholics and FBI.

I do not want another FUCKING U.S. hand touching my family again or allowing our torture and use by others. You FUCKING figure yourselves out, and get yourselves checked out before you drive this entire country into the DITCH.

Torture & Cruel and Degrading Treatment by U.S. employees against U.S. citizens.

Here is an example of what my parents are forced to do:

I am inside of my trailer and rearrange my closet. I hang up a green hooded sweatshirt on one hook and a turquoise coat on the other hook in the morning. I go to my parents house and they have a green shirt or sweatshirt in the same color hung up on a chair-hook and a turquoise jacket on the other hook, on the same sides I had hung my jackets.

I walk over and there is a row of fuzz on the carpet in a pattern and I go back to my trailer and am about my business and in the course of the day I cut off a tag and it falls and the thread from the tag falls in the same exact pattern and color of the fuzz on the rug.

I have my ingredients arranged in a specific way in my fridge and go to my parents house and they have all of their ingredients on the same side I do.

I leave out 3 apples on my counter and they have 3 apples out in the same way.

I have a knife, an apple and water bottles lined up in a row and I go to my parents house and the exact same thing is at their place.

Not only can they see how I have my house arranged without seeing it, they can predict what I am going to do that day or a week out in advance, though I've noticed since they've been tortured and drugged, it's not as precise and that's not even their fault because some group is hurting them and has been hurting them.

I have also witnessed them being able to read my thoughts. They are both able to literally read my mind and maybe other minds as well. They are able to sometimes say what I'm thinking, out loud, matching my thought to the letter, and other times they are able to know what I am going to say before I say it and they'll say it first. They know if I am going to put my finger up to my face to scratch an itch before I even have the itch. They know if I am going to burp, 30 minutes before I realize, I burped and they knew.

They don't call it being psychic--they are christians and call it a gift from God like word of knowledge or prophecy. But the U.S. is using them and has forced them to work for them with psychic stuff because they don't care if it's from God or not, if it's accurate, they want to use it and control the people who have the gift.

My parents are forced to deny they even have this gift, but they have enemies who know so the only people it's being kept a secret from, are those who might realize they ARE forced to work for the U.S. and it's been for corrupt and hate crime groups and leaders who tortured their kids and grandkid. They are tortured too and because they're told not to tell, they are trapped into not being able to talk.

I only gave a few examples, but there are hundreds of extremely detailed and specific examples of both of them, using this gift and ability. And they try to use it for good, but the Military and CIA are torturing us, and the FBI is in on it.

So basically, I let out of a federal detention center, to find out what's going on over here at this shitty excuse for government research in Coquille, Oregon which has been nothing more than a cover for hate crime.

Because my parents were already involved, those who are Catholic or have ulterior motives used this as an excuse to commit hate crimes and have it classifed. And then they did the same thing with me, but they never told me what was going on. My parents know what's going on, just like the blond at Knoxville, TN, but they are forced to work for these people and they're being tortured and when I think, "Is it just an excuse so I'm not mad?" I realize, no, it's not an excuse because there are photos of my Mom with the same scars or marks from this abuse from years ago, and she got poisoned years ago and none of her U.S. doctors care to correct it, resulting in chrome sores on her feet. And she had a scar from a knife on her cheek, which we talked about, and she responded to, and then when I wrote about it, people covered it up and her coworkers, Debbie and Cindy, looked like deer caught in headlights. I walked in the next day after posting about what happened to my Mom and how could her coworkers not notice, and they had gone to the back of the room, hid behind a window and look afraid about how much I knew. My mother wore her hair down to cover her cheeks that day. I reported what was happening to the UN and and right aftter this, her "friend" took her to Roseburg and my Mom came back with glazed and glassy eyes, in shock, dark circles in the corners of her eye, and looking humiliated as she took corncob holders that looked like dildos out. Then, she was trying not to cry as she recounted what had happened that day. They had "The Clubhouse Wrap" and "Sweet Potato Fries".

Before that, I was finding out, ohmygosh, my Dad is tortured and these people are hostile and must have been hurting them, and, these are U.S. government workers, some of them.

It's the church of CIA and military. Actually, pick one out of at least four because all the pastors are military and they're fake Protestants too. Then I start finding links to what has happened to me, and what do you know, someone calling my Mom who has a British accent. And I look her up and find a possible link to the catholic church and/or middletons! So I'm NOT crazy afterall!

And then our dog gets so violently sick, after hearing Clive Owens and other British men speaking through the movie "Duplicity", he's taken to the vet! Was it really that the "ham bone was too rich?" or is Scooter terrified of some BAD British people?

He starts shivering violently after 2 minutes into a youtube videoclip so image what 2 hours did to him. After testing him for maybe 10 minutes, I had to take him for a walk and play and get his mind off of it and instead, he wanted to search for my parents. He associate these accents with person who have been around my parents, not some traumatic view of the television. So he starts looking for my Mom and Dad and I had to take him out farther and have him forget. So if he had to hear 2 hours constantly, something was wrong and someone was probably at the house with my Mom that terrified him before he got the ham bone. He threw up repeatedly. For over an hour and then had to go to the vet.

Huh. Wondering about the knives now...

Is this a little too close for FUCKING comfort?!!! Because FUCK the FBI for allowing ANY of this to happen to even ONE member of my family--you corrupt FUCKs.

Oh! Scooter is afraid of a certain knife. Not any kind of knife, but a particular kind.

And then one day for a quick minute I put on a "Duplicity" trailer and put a knife to my cheek casually, to see what he did, and Scooter, our dog, should think knives are for cooking and associate them with good things, not bad. He began whimpering and looked afraid. I only did it for a split second.

Today, most definitely, I was able to tell that he is traumatized by bad people. It's not just British. It's British with some other Americans along. And it's both female and male. We have a Susan Hay up the road but can't say it's her. And I haven't met anyone here, a man, with a British accent. Anyway, I've written about this already. The Russian guy almost sounds like he could be Russian or a Spanish speaker with a thick accent. Hello.

So basically, why is Scooter afraid of these things when the U.S. has the entire place staked out and military is all around and we've been tortured by FBI and others?

I said don't fucking medicate me again, or expose me to toxins, and it happened again, and I can't imagine what kind of GOOD anyone who is NORMAL thinks comes of this? What GOOD is this doing?

I would like to be in college and focusing on other things and instead, I'm having to report my family being tortured and how I'm being obstructed from doing a single thing again and set up to be forced to work for the Military/NSA and CIA programs. I forgot to mention the NSA but when I found out they're the ones who have control over communications, I knew they're included and they are originally part of the DOD (Department of Defense) and Military. NSA is still connected to military but it's a little more separate than it used to be.

The United States should be sanctioned.

Until enough people in the U.S. who are decent figure it out enough to know this isn't healthy for the country, other countries should sanction the U.S.

First of all, if the U.S. does this to their own citizens and punishes anyone who tells, like me, imagine what they're doing to people who are NOT citizens. Basically, the fact that the U.S. is breaking the law on International Geneva Conventions and all kinds of things they've signed up to be accountable to, this means the U.S. is doing far more than harming a few people here and there in other countries. It means, with the power structure as it is, that is currently consenting to things like torture of my family, they have the capacity and the will to completely destroy and demolish any non-citizen they want to destroy. If not kill, permanently disable.

Allowing Hate Crime to hold their own citizens hostage ruins the credibility and reputation of the United States. It's as if those responsible for such crimes, have so little regard for this country and the "good name of" this country, they are willing to trash an entire nation out of a personal Vendetta.

They are not thinking about this country at all. They are serving their own interests and it's a short-term service, unless they believe they are just going to take over the entire country and then hold more people hostage like us.

First it's my family. Next, it's yours.

If you think it's not a big deal, or there must be a good reason, or who cares, or even if you get a personal satisfaction out of it now, the fact you choose to remain silent and support this kind of abuse means you're throwing out the towel for yourselves too. I guess if you're towing the line you think nothing will ever happen and you can't imagine any of your freedoms being obstructed. But it's going to happen. And you will wish, when it does happen, that you had spoken up when you and many others still had a chance to speak up.

I didn't think I had any enemies either.

I don't care if someone thinks I'm trying to create a false scare. It's not false--it's a fact. You will reap what you sow and whatever you sow in the name of theis country is what you are going to reap.

So like I said, it won't be "fun" when you find out you have enemies you never knew you had, and that someone else wants everything you own and now they have the power to take it.

Martin Dempsey knows Chris Dabney knows Alvaro Pardo knows Mark knows FBI knows Whitey. Oh, and Whitey knew the IRA. Hi Bill O'Reilly. Who do YOU know?

You wanna fucking keep torturing us?

Irish Catholic, Irish Catholic, Irish Catholic, Ham, Irish Catholic, Britain, Irish Catholic, Italian Catholic, Italian Catholic, Ukrainian Catholic, Mossad

...Knows Laurie Laughlin, knows Gregoire, knows O'Halloran, knows Roe, knows...I could make a long list of who knows who and how it implicates (sadly) the FBI and um, terrorist connections.

Oh, and we all know now that James Cartright had daily meetings with The President Obama. You know, the guy who took me to his hotel. Which means he probably knew Biden and it suggests this is high enough on the chain of command to enforce a cessation of all programs that are not in compliance with what this country is supposed to stand for. Which means, they knew they had to return my son and failed to do so.

I've forgotten to write about this one temp company I worked for with a boss named Drew and the supervisor and the Jewish friends of Josh Rose. I was fired from that job, and I forgot to mention the experience and how the Rose's had connections there too. And a few other things, though I've mentioned Clark, it's worth a look-up again. Especially now that I understand a little more. And a Jason from Sherwood High.

FUCK all of you who are guilty, for trying to destroy innocent lives.

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