Friday, November 11, 2011

FBI and Debbie Burt Continue to Obstruct Justice

They continue to obstruct justice. They are also torturing my mom and dad still. And last night it was still happening though it wasn't as bad as it usually is.

Someone is threatening them again and I guess, trying to block me from college. I know for a fact that it's coming from Debbie Burt. Everything was going to be fine and my transcript was going to be paid off in time for me to go back until things changed after being with Debbie Burt. Then I noticed, after Debbie Burt got her message in, from WA state and others, everything changed. I was being told I couldn't go. It's Debbie Burt. Debbie Burt also has some kind of contact to Washington State and the law firm in Seattle that has been "representing" me. Because whenever Debbie is making decisions or passing along directions, WA people are moving. They are coordinating what happens, which means it's state-to-state and I am able to prove, 100%, connections to collusion to obstruct justice.

It wasn't an accident that Debbie Burt's office printer went "down" when I was trying to print things out to file in WA. She knew about my plans and it went down on purpose and I highly doubt it was down at all actually. If it went down, it was for show. There is even a connection between Justin Collier and Debbie Burt, or it might be a Judge, like Nakata, that is the connection to Burt. Because Justin Collier was a WA lawyer assigned to me, that has based some of his own actions, on what is going on with Burt, Otterbach, and Hathaway. The Koch firm, in Seattle, has never represented my best interests, and whenever the people in WA state think the torturers are holding us down well enough in Oregon, they continue to move forward wtih crimes. WA is depending upon people in OR to threaten and torture, in order to figure out their next moves and strategy. And ultimately, there are people in D.C. and New York who know what's going on.

I got back after shopping with my Mom and my Dad didn't look okay and the dog ran over to our car and jumped in and when he sat on my lap, I could tell he'd been tortured. His heart was not acting normally and he was hotter than I've ever felt him before, and I said, "He's been tortured again." My mom said he was fine but he just sat on my lap and didn't move and he doesn't do this unless he's sick. Then he got down and acted peppy but I noticed his legs shaking and I told my Mom, his leg is shaking again.

My family is being tortured. And that includes me, my Mom, my Dad, and our dog.

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