Thursday, November 10, 2011

Torture Yesterday & Today (Dempsey & Panetta)

Yesterday someone was using technology at my parents house when I went over, a whole bunch of different things, and then I witnessed what might be causing my mom's eyes to suddenly turn black on the inside of her eyes.

I had thought maybe it was from pressure inside of the head, because I've had the U.S. CIA/military jointly do something to target one side of my head, seriously, like through some kind of long-range laser or something.

So I wondered if someone was targeting my mom or dad's head, and doing something that causes bruising around the eyes because of sudden pressure in the head, and I don't know for sure if this is what is causing it, but last night I witnessed something happen to both my mother and the dog who was right next to her, at the same time.

It was military.

There is no possible way that it was from a neighbor. I mean, neighbors can do things, and people can do things if they're in a group in proximity, but what I witnessed was 100% U.S.A. military assault and directly and specifically targeted.

I might not have even noticed, if the dog had not been right next to my mom when it happened, because it happened to both of them.

Both the dog and my mother got hit by something that caused them to both jolt at the same time, twice. And I could tell my mom was trying not to react, but you can't force a dog to not react and it happened to both of them at the exact same time.

Whatever it was, was powerful enough to paralyze and jolt the dog temporarily and my mom closed her eyes and it was like her entire body was absorbing something that was targeted on her.


Irish Catholic gangster and IRA supporter.


Italian Catholic gangster and mafia-Vatican supporter.

It's 1/2 Irish Catholic and 1/2 Italian Catholic and then there is some kind of racial hate with some African Americans and I only know of it started back in 1997 with Billy from CTR.

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