Thursday, November 10, 2011

Obstruction on Federal Website

Someone disabled my computer yesterday at 4 p.m.

Then, after disconnecting me from the router and making it impossible to connect to the already available wireless, now, I am on a federally protected website with the U.S. Department of Education and someone is obstructing my password and access into the system.

I am trying to create a new user account to get into the, and created a new password and someone keeps wiping it out, repeatedly, even though it contains all of the requirements (1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special character, between so many characters).

Everytime I enter it, it wipes it out and this is preventing me from accessing student loan information that I need now to get into college.

And this is exactly the kind of thing someone has been doing since 2004, to mess up my FAFSA and other attempts to get into college. I've had computer people with access to the federal sites, deliberately altering information and blocking my access to information. It is now 9:01 a.m.

I just tried again at 9:05 a.m. and someone is still obstructing me.

It's against the law to interfere with federal site processes, or to obstruct any form of education and commerce, and when I wrote to the FBI's computer crime people, when this had been happening on multiple occasions, and interferred with my lawsuits and education, they didn't even respond.

I sent 2 separate requests to FBI computer forensics persons, about violations of federal law in obstructing federally protected activity and access to these sites, and they didn't even reply.

Which is another reason we can say this is FBI and NSA.

Every form of obstruction has been directed towards my access to college. It was actually occuring before 2004. Well, let me, I mailed in the form just to be more discreet. It's been ever since I reported FBI employees for misconduct.


Now it went through but it wasn't showing the alerts they're supposed to show...

Anyway, in the past, things were getting altered on my forms while I was midway through filling them out or almost done, like someone checking the "yes I've been convicted of drugs" and that kind of thing, which, if I'd signed electronically, would have been how my FAFSA turned out and I would have been denied aid bc of it. I repeatedly would go back to correct it and someone would go in and change it again. And this was happening a LOT in 2004. a LOT.

I finally got into the site and they don't have the category listed that they told me was there yesterday.

And my mother got a call from "Ed Marietta" saying there was a problem with their insurance (when there's not) and my mother is on the phone having to ask someone to check back to 2006 because until today, the car was designated as a "Sierra". So all of a sudden, someone changed the name of the car.

Which sounds like retaliation after what I wrote yesterday about Mossiman and Billy and Ed Israel's people. So I got on the phone and my mom is having to explain the car to an African-American woman handling a windshield matter.

As soon as I was on my computer, looking up network key information to try to reset my computer, this "Ed" calls up and there is a newly created problem for my parents.

And right now, what is supposed to be on my federal account for financial aid information, isn't there.

So it was there as of 4 p.m. yesterday because that's the last conversation I had with anyone. Right after I was told where to obtain proof that I was out of default, my computer was disconnected from wireless access even though none of us changed anything.

And I can write a whole new post about torture and witnessing new things happening to my parents as well. Both last night and this morning.

They're blocking my access to show I'm out of default and that it has all been paid, and just showing me the bill of how much to pay in the future.

She told me, through the U.S. federal Direct Loans, that my entire balance was paid and that proof was found in a loan verification letter, and it was in "Group A" and that "Group B" showed what I had to repay later, but Group A would show the repayment and now it's completely gone.

My computer access was cut off right after she told me this, before I could print it out and now I go there today and there's nothing. It listed a Group B and had nothing for Group A. And this was changed, after I talked to her and then I told my parents at our house and all of a sudden this woman my mother works with calls up.

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