Thursday, November 17, 2011

impression of karate or martial arts

I was praying for my son and had an impression all of a sudden of something I don't think was about him. I saw white and an arm making a karate or martial arts move. At 5:12 p.m. It was like I was seeing my own arm not someone else's arm. It was an arm bent at the elbow. The arm was as if straight in front of the body and then bend at elbow so forearm is up to the sky and hand with fingers pressed together and then moving slowly and that's when I just opened my eyes to snap out of it.

I was praying for Oliver and only thinking about him, no one else and then this was taking forefront of my mind while I prayed for the holy spirit to be with him and I had prayed for an angel to be around him, unseen. And when I prayed for the holy spirit I saw this arm bent and moving slowly

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