Thursday, November 17, 2011

Writ of Habeous Corpus for Imprisonment of U.S. Citizens

I need to find someone who helps hostages in the U.S., who are held hostage by the military and CIA.

My parents came up the driveway and I had a bad feeling and went out to check on them and only my mother would come to the door. My Dad was avoiding my seeing him all day.

They are being held hostage and imprisoned in their own country. My mom came to the door and I started crying and haven't stopped crying, because her eyes are almost as black as if you'd hit her with your fist and waited a day for the results. Her eyes were not like that this morning or early afternoon and the only place she supposedly went was out with Patty and then tonight, to a church run by a military pastor. Not the regular one, tonight they went to "the other" military-run church. I don't know if all the churches here have military pastors with 20 years active duty on them or if it's just the only ones my parents are allowed to go to.

I don't even know what you file when it's for imprisonment of U.S. citizens in their own country. The Iranian man held hostage to work for the CIA was a hostage until he decided to sneak in his youtube account. He was able to file a "Writ of Habeous Corpus" because he was proving he'd been unlawfully detained in the U.S. and was trying to leave to go back to Iran.

The FBI, military, and CIA force my parents to lie and I guess they're getting off on having me write about them, after they defamed me as mentally ill when I'm not. It's like they WANT me to write about them at this point. They must be too giddy with the idea of having trapped, literally, all of us.

I am a hostage and I cannot leave. The idea of having me live somewhere else doesn't mean I'm not a hostage, literally, in the U.S. What it means is that someone wanted to make it look like I could move and then I chose to stay. Move where? To another military site? Because they stole all of my medical records and my laptop that had information on it, and they stole my legal papers, and they've blocked my parents from paying a transcript off they were going to pay 3 months ago, all of a sudden.

I have a passport. So what.

So do my parents. And look at how much we're traveling. We have passports that are useless just like we have birth certificates that state we are U.S. citizens, which are worthless. If the FBI honored and protected rights of citizens, we wouldn't be here.

When I had some money, the Dept. of State refused to give me my passport. They finally gave me my passport when I had no money. They know I have no money. And now they are again obstructing my way into college, because it will not only give me something to do that shows I'm not mentally ill as they defamed me as being, which set me up to be repeatedly assaulted, raped, and tortured, they don't want me to have any "leftover" money that could be used to travel. They don't want me to have money so I have more freedom for traveling if I choose, and they don't want me to have money for being able to mail things out to follow up on FOI/PA or be able to get my NCIC records.

They blocked me from even getting my NCIC records, by lying and saying they'd destroyed my fingerprint cards when they hadn't. And then they ask me to pay them again.

They trapped me, deliberately, and set it up to make it look, to the public, like I'm free to go wherever I want when I'm not.

They are doing the same thing, and worse, to my Mom and Dad. You should see the photo from my Dad's passport. It's obvious he wasn't alone and the FBI forced him to have it taken. And he's never even used it. It's just there to make it look like since they have passports, they can travel if they want to. They can't go anywhere without the military or FBI with them. I said, "If you're so free to do whatever you want, why is all of your money tied up with property that the military and government are using for themselves? and why can't you liquidate your assets and have free moving cash?"

All of the people occupying my Mom and Dad's trailer park are Catholic and military. And they weren't all there when I arrived here. About half of them showed up after I moved to town. They had all these empty spaces and empty trailers and all of a sudden, more enemies decided they wanted to get in there. And they did and now it's completely full. They torture my Dad whenever he's there to try to work on a place so he can hardly get anything done and they've beat on him too, bc I've seen his reaction, as if he might be hit by someone, when I show up but before he knows it's even me. Thinking it's one of the military, monks, or Catholics. And, my Dad has been attacked by some Jewish and some Mormons who say they're Mormons but I don't think they are. I think they just want to say this to make it look weirder than it is and they don't want it to all tie in to the same religious hate crime.

Debbie Burt has a photo of my mother and father's house on her side of the board at her company, and it's not even listed. They just keep it there, under Debbie's photo with 2 green thumb tacks stuck into it.

My mother doesn't even acknowledge she has black marks that come and go on the insides of her eyes. The normal thing a person would say is, "Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but I need to have someone look at it--" Because they're not always there. They come and go and instead, she pretends she can't even see them. As if they are invisible when they are black, and then sometimes she'll act like they're always there and doesn't talk about how a few days there's nothing and then she comes back from "work" and looks like someone put her head into a compressor and popped her eyes out, or like she was forced to wear goggles and someone shot something into her eyes. She's said something like, "Oh, I'm just getting older." Right. Like there's a time travel machine that makes the insides of your eyes black one day and the next day, you're "young" again and don't have them.

It's not something you can hide or lie about. And the fact they're lying about this, or trying to, proves my point that things which are much worse are happening and they are forced to lie about those things as well.

I am pretty sure it has something to do with the Mexican restaurant down the road too. I've seen their employees walking past, watching me and laughing when I'm looking for my Mom when she suddenly disappears around a corner on a "walk" with Patty.

I think my Ex, Alvaro Pardo is involved. He's the Colombian. He is an enemy because if it wasn't, he wouldn't have wanted a photo of me with him holding up the peace sign. With people in the U.S. govt. and Catholic church and elsewhere, torturing me before I was with him and after I was with him, and only stopping inbetween when I was with him. The "peace" was arranged to be in place, with the military and CIA, if I was going to marry a Catholic. And even if he had turned out to NOT be Catholic, or converted for some reason later in his life, everyone holding "the peace" all knew he was Catholic.

And that's when the U.S. put a ceasefire on their government-sponsored religious hate crime.

I believe it's possible that one person our dog Scooter might be afraid of, is HIM. That "thick russian accent" also sounded like a thick Colombian accent and he had the same approximate tenor to his voice. I think the dog knows Russian from Spanish, but it is very likely that my Ex came over here with the local police and FBI giving him back-up and assaulted my parents because I chose not to marry him. Or someone else did, on his behalf.

Why did I have so many POLICE assaulting me? You know? What does it matter to THEM if I married him or not? And the AG and EVERYONE, suddenly treating me like a human being that they ALREADY knew I was, for what? so they could personally get something out of it? Like what? a cover for their own personal hate crimes?

The FBI needs hostage negotiators don't they. Desperately. In fact, the FBI needs people in counter-intelligence and hostage negotiation so bad, they are willing to torture their own citizens to find someone to squeeze to make it happen faster for them.

How does the U.S. employ anyone to work for them if they don't even have a green card. 2 thumbtacks on a house anyone?

I don't know why the mafias have ever taken anything out on my Mom and Dad, because the group they need to start asking questions of, is the federal government.

If he'd worked for awhile in the U.S. to get his green card, it was going to take years. Like at least 5-10 years. If he married me, it was only a year and then he'd have his green card, or within 2 years or something. It was the fast track for the U.S. feds.

Like "Fast and Furious".

The U.S. didn't care that they allowed hate crime against my family. They NEVER cared because even the Mormons stood to the side and let it happen. Would they have done that with Erica Wiltbank, Shannon Wiltbank, Kara Springer, any of their own? So what have I been?

Was it like "Fast and Furious" when the feds all got pumped up with the idea of obstructing me from my clearing my own name because they were Fast and Furious for the Middletons? how did William ever even get into this mess. The only other part I've watched from their wedding is the James Middleton speech and the camera pans to William and Kate and William is appropriate, looking subdued and meek or, just wedding-like and then OH MY GOSH, Kate SITS up higher? and gives this sort of haughty look to the camera? I could not believe it. And that, while her brother was giving a speech about "living sacrifices". The haughty sacrifice of sitting high. Fitting. At least William was slightly slouched and sort of glancing down. I mean, living sacrifices are not usually trying to correct their posture for the cameras with an eyebrow raised.

Or was it "Fast and Furious" for the hate crime people that trashed me out of spite and jealousy for whomever I insulted with my perceptions that were no-target.

Or, was it "Fast and Furious" for the FBI, to sit back now and "let them assault and torture her and her son and let's see where it goes..." They all knew that Bujanda was from the head stock of a major Mafia family. He told me so himself. He told me this story of how his Dad was at the very top of a Mexican Mafia family and he, his son, turned him in to police.

So that was just ONE of them. That was just "I'm From A Top Tier Mafia Out Of Texas" guy. No one wanted to give me the political scoop on Garza. And no one wanted to touch the others who had connections through Mafia-to-Mafia stuff. No one wanted to address Irish Mafia.

So was my being tortured and my little boy being FRIED by the government part of some sick "Fast and Furious" deal where the FBI has known about escalating hate crime against me and some of them hate me for offending their church-synogogue themselves. Some are maybe worried about business contacts.

The FBI KNEW and what was this? THEY SACRIFICED PEOPLE, including kids, to make some of their friends who obstructed justice or committed crimes, happy? They sat around and watched what was happening to me and my son and knew about the military and then sat around to see if anyone helped me at all or if they could let their people to go ahead and do worse?

I want to know what it is that you file, to release U.S. citizens from being unlawfully imprisoned in their own country and forced to make it look natural and like they're free. If we were free, I'd be in college by now, they'd be spending money on things they want to use it for, they'd be traveling more, and would have actually left the country to vacation with their passports, and we wouldn't be living a locked down military and hate crime town where some group thinks they can still experiment on us and pass off hate crime as research. My parents would be rich. If they were not imprisoned, they would be rich because of their abilities and they should have been rich decades ago but instead, people have tried to use them for their own interests on one hand and ruin the lives of their kids on the other hand. Real win-win. There is no justification for torture and I want to know, since the Red Cross is good-for-nothing (as I found out), and since the Writ of Habeous Corpus is supposed to be for jailed people or foreigners, what U.S. citizens file, who are cut out of federal housing, federal education monies that are freely given to others but not me, obstructed from traveling, and from unemployment benefits when they file, and then are forced to work for the U.S. while hate crime groups use their buddies to make our lives miserable.

They don't even allow my parents to have decent medical care and are obstructing me from going to college to be able to help them.

My parent's are forced to work here. If anyone thinks they can say, "We weren't going to have her stay there for research. We were going to have her live somewhere else" and if they try to make my staying here and not wanting to leave my parents, how can you call that "consent"? Consent to not want to leave my parents who the govt. is allowing to be assaulted? That doesn't mean I consent to anything or that I don't want freedom. I am supposed to be "stuck" some other place and not even be near them?

I've been obstructed from travel and I was forced out of lawsuits filed to clear my name, illegally. The FBI was a part of that. That was 2004.

I'd like to know what justification was given, in 2004, for doing this.

I then had a son and we were tortured and the FBI knew.

Where is your justification.

Do you have a valid reason for allowing hate crime against me beginning in 2001. From there, what was the excuse given for going OUT of the way to obstruct me from travel and to kick me out of my own lawsuits. Was national security at stake? was national interest or national security at stake? What was the national security and national interest justification for cutting me out of lawsuits I filed to clear my my own name in order to work and live without further and future damages from defamation? I was obstructed from travel, obstructed from my education, and obstructed from lawsuits that would have cleared me and allowed me to have a normal life. What was the National Security and National Interest reason for allowing religious hate crime. How did blocking my freedom of travel in 2004, and cutting me out of college and out of lawsuits Protect This Country, Defend This Country, and Serve the Interests of The United States of America. In 2004, what did it profit and WHO did it profit, to have my entire life destroyed. Why was my life destroyed after I filed misconduct complaints against 2 FBI employees?

Is that how this country works now?

I didn't work for the U.S. I didn't work for another country and no one would have ever thought that I did. I was a normal person going to college who had to file lawsuits because others wouldn't make retractions that they're required to make and they had caused damages to my income-making abilities and my ability to be free of harassment and false reports that put my life in danger.

I was the one in danger. There was NO National Security or National Interest reason. NONE. What happened was hate crime and govt. misconduct.

2004 is when Panetta took his position at the CIA. Aside from that, there were no big changes in govt. that I'm aware of. 2001 is when I became an ongoing victim of hate crime.

There has been zero justification. What was the National Security interest in 2001? there wasn't one. And no one obstructed 3 different federally protected fundamental rights to travel, education, and court, until 2004, after I filed a complaint against the FBI. Actually, against 2 employees.

It's hate crime. There are no grounds for privilege or classification of any kind.

And then the FBI allowed Mafias to go after me, along with their own cops. Tortured me. Tortured my son. Lied about not knowing what was happening and then kidnapped him from his mother so they could use him for themselves. Just as they've done with my parents.

The FBI has completely ruined my son's life.

Barak Obama knows what is going on, personally. All he has to do is sign an Executive Order and he and Michelle know it.

This afternoon my mother was with Dotti Steel and she came back blasted. The Steels are govt. psychics for the U.S. Rick and Dotti Steel. I've already written about this.

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