Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Iran--Persia Diplomacy

I'm not sure why diplomacy is such a horrible idea and why Iran is now being named as the worst enemy by the media.

Several days in a row, I was turning to read something in the Bible and finding all these scriptures about how, "We have peace with the kings of Persia" or "favor" and it was Israel, their traditional enemy, talking.

It was a passage about how so many bad things have happened and nations turned against them but there are some things to look to, and one was "we have favor with the kingdom of Persia."

Which stood out to me only in the context of modern times, and thinking, it's possible to have diplomacy with Iran and someone always wants to provoke war. And sometimes it's not even Iran but some other enemy behind them that's worse, that doesn't say anything and lets someone share off-the-cuff like the Iranian President.

Just because the Iranian President talks and says things people don't like to hear, doesn't mean he's the worst enemy.

The worst ones don't tell you what they think.

People who speak freely, not that everyone always can, even if they're saying things that offend a lot of people or are even at time inaccurate (given the fact that those with the gift of gab are going to make more public mistakes than others who are quiet and think their mistakes to themselves), to me, are SOMETIMES (not always) but sometimes, easier to trust.

The Iranian President says things that offend others that cause Americans to walk out in the middle of UN meetings. But while he's up there talking, all these other guys are sitting back in the booths, seething with hate and secretly agreeing on many points and are plotting on how to get revenge or conquer. They don't speak their minds...they can't hide their feelings all the time maybe, but they might lie to someone's face.

The fact that the Iranian President says the things he does, and actually tries to have autonomy and independence for his country, is actually a good sign of freedom of speech. So while there are enemies that try to be "PC" about everything, having someone just say what they think (some of the time) should be viewed as refreshing.

Not only that, it says something good about a President when they are (if they are) trying to meet the needs of their own citizens in an independent way.

I turned on the radio this morning and it was this Protestant lawyer, Jay Sekulow, who never helped me when I needed serious civil rights help. And he was going on and on about how this is the scariest development ever, the nukes stuff, and it's serious, and we are in huge trouble.

Okay, I agree to some extent, and it would be wrong not to make sure U.S. citizens are safe and check things out. However, I also think about how "...and we had favor with the kingdom of Persia" and things to be thankful for and how certain enemy countries, that are "enemy" or non-diplomatic status to us now, have in other times, even been counter-intuitive supporters and friends.

So this is why I think it's strange there is no diplomacy with Iran.

I haven't even followed much news at all, but he comes out and says shocking things no one else will say (except for maybe Mike Moore or others like that), and I don't agree with everything. For example, I do think there was a holocaust but I think it involved not just Jewish but lots of kinds of people and for medical experimentation and research. And then he says other stuff too, about who started 9-11, things people don't want to hear.

But at least he's speaking his mind. It doesn't mean I think he's my friend, or that I could trust someone without knowing them for some time, or that a person like this never lies. But there is something LESS threatening about someone who shares what he thinks and attempts to engage in conversation.

Walking out and freezing people out or isolating them when they are being human enough with you to exercise their right to free speech, is the wrong thing, in my opinion, and I also know this from personal experience.

I can't speak for others, but I know that for me, I may offend a lot of people and have a lot of enemies. But I'm not a gold-digger, I try to be independent in my own right, I have a good heart, I don't take sides quickly without considering facts, I don't gossip just to gossip, I don't torture people or defame out of jealousy...

I don't have tons of skeletons in my closet. I cut all my skeletons out into something that looks like a snowflake or paperdoll chain and strung it out on each side and have said, "So this is it. Like me or lump it."

I have more good things about myself in reserve than bad things. And I figure God knows all, and no man can know or understand what God does--the secret motives or wrongs or rights.

One day I said to my parents, in the last several weeks, "If all these U.S. govt. mind readers know so much about me and can predict what I do and what I think, why aren't THEY sharing the fact that I'm a good person...because if they can read my mind, then they should know, and instead of sharing the truth, it seems I'm still defamed."

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