Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jay Sekulow: Jewish & Mossiman

I thought of him and looked him up. He was so rude and horrible to me when my son and I were tortured, and I was trying to get help, I never forgot it.

I had thought, shocked, why is this man so hateful towards me, and he's supposed to be a christian too?

He's not a christian. I didn't know this before (I don't think) but I looked him up out of curiosity and he's Jewish and New York Jewish, with kids named, of all things, "Jordan" and "Logan".

I remember having been so shocked by his response, I even said to him, "But you're supposed to be a christian!" or something like that.

He calls himself a "messianic christian" but he is born, raised, bred Jewish from Brooklyn, NY, right up alongside Ed Koch.

And I definitely had some group of Jewish that hated me and wanted the worst things for my life.

Maybe the so-called "prince of Persia" that we were fighting so long was Mike Middleton. I guess the angel that was fighting the prince of Persia was called Michael. Well anyway, I don't have a problem with Persia as much as the hate groups in this country, and I'm not saying all Iranians I've met are good or like me or anything.

I just know they weren't the ones raping me in 1998 after I worked for Rabbi Rose & Ed Israel (Ed Israel and Dave Kopra wanted to fire me after Diana died and Bruce Maland and Melanie offered me a sales job instead, but I turned it down to go to college and Ed asked what was I going to study and I said something where I'm helping people--Dave Kopra hated me from the start and never wanted me to even have a job there or the money I asked for (which I got). And the other woman who didn't like me, who was my supervisor and under his supervison was Debbie Cooper (who probaby works for the FBI now)).

There was DEFINITELY a group of Jews that hated me as much as some of the Catholics did.

I wrote to Jay Sekulow, after hearing him on the christian radio, and here I was wide-eyed innocent, thinking, "Aha! a christian lawyer! who works for civil rights!!! He's the person I need--he could help me."

Is Sekulow Russian Jewish or just Jewish, by the way.

I would take the Iranian President, who speaks his mind freely, and doesn't really care who he's insulting, over people like Jay Sekulow who cloak and conceal bad motives with a good front.

I talked with this man over the phone. And I emailed him.

I thought, he will definitely be able to help me with my cases and it was at the beginning of being defamed by a newspaper (Willamette Week) and Abbey stuff. I think I'd already been raped. And this man was not just "I can't help you", he got on the phone with me and WANTED to feel me out and was extremely hostile.

I remember I had been completely shocked by his response bc I'd thought he was "a christian". He's not. He's just Jewish and not even messianic at that. Nice cover.

I can give a list of several Jews who were suddenly all up against me starting (to my knowledge) in 1997. However, I remember this one guy down the road didn't like me either, Aaron Bourne, and he dated my best friend but I told her to break up with him because he was trying to push her into more sexual things. Both me and my best friend, Monica, were virgins. Then, that was not a big deal but my sweater was stolen up near his house around this time, and it was after Shara Lerman moved in with her family, from NY.

I worked for the Thebaults and Kargmans (reform jews) in 1993-94, then moved out of the house with Monica and our apartment was broken into and I met some guy named "Kenny" who was different and observed me all the time and Matt Hudson hung around a lot and Kevin, and then soon after, after my car accident, it was CTR with Ed Israel, and then Rabbi Rose and it was while I was still employed with Rabbi Rose, I was either in the Pearl District or upper NW Portland, I think at Torrefazione with the open porch,...pretty sure it was Torrefazione. And this guy came in and wanted to ask questions and talk and his last name was "Mossiman". I think he was from New York but don't remember for sure...he had relocated to the area and been in town a short time he said, was going to law school,and talked about changing his name. He asked what I did, what I was going to school for, and it was like he just wanted info more than anything else and I didn't know why. I went back to Rabbi Rose and said, "Is it legal for a Jewish person to change their name?" I worded it differently and he looked at me and I said, "Well I thought Jewish people always want to keep the same name to pass down to next generations" and he said, "Why do you ask?" and I said, "Well do you know someone with the name Mossiman? because this Jewish man told me his last name was Mossiman and he was going to legally change it. He said he was going to change to Moss or Mossman because people made fun of the mossy part." We were in the kitchen and Rabbi Rose was getting something out of a cupboard and he started to smile and laughed. He said, "It's not unusual to change a name."

I wonder what Kate Middleton's real name is.

Because, um, exactly why did I have all these Jewish people nosing around me wanting information all of a sudden?

The strangest part about Mossiman, was that he knew who he was looking for. He knew who I was and I don't know why, but somehow he knew and he sat down. And I actually think I was wearing my dark brown wig? maybe that was a different guy. Anyway, maybe he had heard Kate was sitting around at Torrefazione and then found out it was Cameo Garrett in a wig.

I know I wore that dark brown wig while I was still working for the Rose family. I had thought it made me "incognito" and didn't have to do my hair but I didn't realize half the town already knew who I was anyway. The entire Rose congregation knew.

But actually, I think I was not wearing the wig when I met him (approached by different man on wig day). And Mossiman sought me out, sat down and probably bought my mocha, asked a ton of questions, and said a few things about himself and then he left, and it was so odd. Like he just sat down to ask questions and then leave? He tells me he's changing his name and then leaves? What's that about? Hi, my name is Mossiman, and I'm a lawyer and I'm Jewish, and tell me about yourself. And I'm changing my name legally. Just thought you'd like to know.

The part I didn't get is that after all this, when he stood up to leave, my distinct impression was "He doesn't like me but I don't know why". He didn't like me before he even talked to me and then he was snooping around. I think I probably told him I wasn't dating and was a virgin and waiting for marriage.

Because at that time, that was the truth. I didn't date anyone and I was a virgin and waiting for marriage. I was 23 years old. I don't recall his asking me out on a date though. He probably asked if I was dating anyone but I don't remember that he specifically asked me to date him. He just wanted info.

You should have seen Lorraine, frantically trying to push me into immorality and dating. It was like she just wanted me to get it on. I'm serious. Everything she did was to degrade me and belittle me. I guess you can be named "Catherine" which has an attached definition of "pure" or you can actually be the real thing: pure.

I don't think they wanted me to be pure. They wanted sullied.

So there is a group of "Not-so-nice" Jews.

Mossiman came out of the woodwork to ask questions. I'm positive I told him I was a virgin and not dating but I don't really think he asked me to date him, maybe he did. He asked if I was dating, married, and why I wasn't dating. I told him why. The part I remember the most was about changing his name, and his expression and the way he didn't like me but had wanted to sit down and talk to me and pretend like he did.

And then ironically, it was after all of this (because I was oblivious to everything), that I went to the Orthodox Jewish Synogogue. After all these jewish people asking me questions and my working for them, they had one of their guys rape me and then I was doing religious studies and Biblical exegesis and ended up going to Mt. Angel Abbey to check out books, and in the course of wondering about middle eastern times and traditions, I thought I'd visit an Orthodox synogogue to see if they had any traditions that were still practiced which were mentioned in the Bible I was then reading.

I visited only once I think. And I know that I wasn't a scandalous, "mentally unstable" person who dressed inappropriately because I dressed the same way I did for the monastery--modestly.

The entire article from WW is a lie.

I remember on the Saturday that I went, or Sabbath day (friday, whenever), I got out of my car and saw a woman about to go inside and I called to her and asked if I was dressed appropriately or modestly enough. I think I felt nervous because I was wearing pants and I didn't know if this was considered modest or if I needed to wear a skirt. I think I wore all black. Like a long sleeved black turtleneck and longer pants. Or if it was a skirt, it was long. I was dressed completely modestly but worried that if my wrists or ankles or maybe my wearing pants instead of skirt...maybe I would be offensive and it wouldn't be considered modest. I know how to be modest and dress modestly and that's how I always dressed and people lied about me, to sully my name. She looked at me like, "Are you out of your mind Mother Theresa? if you were more modest you'd have a burka over your head." And said, "Yes! that's fine!" and then I went in to the balcony where the women sat and all the men sat down below. So I observed their traditions.

I did this, not realizing some of the Jews were conspirators and would go on to collude to defame me in a major newspaper and among others.

So when you have a group of Jews that hate you and are trying to get rid of you because they're trying to force something else to work for them, and then you get the entire Vatican and their zealots hating you...

So, yes. Jay Sekulow.

Freaking out about Iran nukes today. Have you ever been tortured Jay?

Because you look really healthy to me.

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