Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Examples of Gifts (photos below)

Here is another example from today. I didn't see what my Mom was wearing when she went to work today bc I woke at 12 p.m. I wore my black on black and black and white striped socks. I saw my Mom for the first time at 6:30 p.m or 6 and she was wearing black and white too. I had just then added a red scarf and put on black gloves and I had been praying while sitting on my bed. I heard her honk and ran out the door after slipping on my black shoes and met her halfway, as she was out of the car and I bounded off the porch, and she handed me a bag with 2 items I had asked for earlier in the day, leaving a msg by phone and email. I took the bag to my bed to pray again and sat in the same spot and pulled out the items to see what they were and set them down and then I was eating malt balls. I suddenly realized, oh my gosh, the butterfly on the tampon box matches the butterfly by my feet where I am sitting and had been praying. I realized, my Mom knew I was going to be praying at this corner of the bed next to this butterfly hours before it happened. And then she found a box of tampons that matched. I had first sat cross-legged and prayed briefly and then picked up my Bible and read about "Salt and Light" passage and then I had asked God about something else and read in psalms and then put the Bible down and prayed for God to show me something and started praying for my son Oliver that he was happy and I prayed someone would give him lots of hugs this evening and attention and make him feel special and loved. I had a sad feeling from somewhere and didn't know who it was from so I was praying. Then I heard the honking from my mom and thought, "Oh! she got the stuff I asked for!" so I ran out to meet her after throwing on shoes and already had my gloves on when I was reading the Bible and praying. I was just a little cold so getting warmed up. The gloves I put on were kids gloves, so they're a little short but they made me think of my son when I got them.

SO, I will post what my email was to my Mom which shows the time and then I'll post some photos I took so you can see what my Mom and possibly dad predicted ahead of time!
here's my email:

things i need‏
2:23 PM
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Hide details cam huegenotTo mom dad
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 11/16/11 2:23 PM
To: mom dad (


I don't know where you are right now but I was wondering if you could bring home a few things I need:

1. female products. I will be starting my period in a week or so and need a couple boxes of tampons and some thin pads that wrap around the sides of underwear (always and tampax are good brands).

2. toberlerone chocolate bar or whoppers. toblerone is in a triangle shaped box and it's at mckays and whoppers are at safeway and mckays. I have enough change with me and a dollar bill and some bottle refunds to do so I'll pay you tonight for it. I still have money for stamps and will buy those probably tomorrow.

3. i need to pay for the PSU transcript. did you call the college or read the email I sent you from Nicholls? because he states I need that transcript. I only have a short time to register and any quirks if they come up, can be solved in 3 months time until January. I don't know why you had the checkbook out to pay for the transcript 3 months ago but balk now. What's the difference?

thanks, love, cameo

Okay, that's my email and I left a ph. vm at the same time, with the same thing and here are the photos:

This is what I noticed when I realized God was telling me to notice something. I saw the butterflies and I'd had my whoppers propped up on the box but set it down and saw this, and when I had been praying before my Mom got there, I had noticed the flower briefly, which is next to the butterfly. The little piece of plastic I was mad about the other day is still there and has a little x on it. On this comforter there are many designs and it just so happened I was praying there with my foot on/next to it. And the tag or receipt I kept and photographed. I did not move the box there. I didn't touch it when I noticed it and left it to photograph as it was when I realized it matched the butterfly on my comforter.

Here is a close-up of the butterfly on my comforter:

Here is a close-up of the butterfly on the box:

Here's one of me, showing where I am sitting:

Here's one with the side of my foot looking like a caterpillar (and proving I was wearing black and white which is what my Mom wore without seeing me (there is another symbolism there next to the flower but leave it, thought, God knows all and created all and everything is His):

Here's one of me then thinking to show what I want: my son, who is 5 yrs old:

Once again, my son please!

The receipt, unfolded, photographed sideways:

How it was folded:

The other side:

This receipt shows the time of purchase, the email shows when I made a request, and I had only started praying at that corner of the bed at about 5 or so minutes before my Mom pulled up in the driveway.

It's to help show I'm not lying and there is a gift and I am not mentally ill and no one in my family is--we're tortured and controlled and that's about it. I want my son back.

FBI, I want my son back. Obama, I want my son back.

(by the way, I looked up the australia news last night and saw the protest with joints and things with the mammoth joint on the lawn that say's "Let it grow!" I wondered if you'd seen any lemurs. Neeway, I want my son.

I already made a post about how my Dad came up the drive with timing today and I didn't even see them much but we are victims of hate crime and then they've used their friends in high places to exploit us and continue hate crime with a cover. I don't want to be called mentally ill anymore and I want my son. My parents should be paid what they're worth and protected and guarded, not assaulted every day.

Something else happened last night, with odd timing but it's not a big deal. My wood cutting board broke in half and split down the middle while I was looking up more beowulf and got anglo-saxon chronicles instead, c. 1036. After that, I went to bed.

I also saw some kind of a medical lift at 2:20 p.m. today when I was praying for a moment and it was fairly wide though, not like a thin little cot. It was on topic with what I was praying about but didn't ask to see anything, just came up and then I quit praying.

When I prayed tonight, after noticing the butterflies, I went to my Bible again and the repeat I got, at random, was "Salt and Light" --you are the salt of the earth. and being careful about not losing purpose and how, if you have a light, you set it up for others, and don't hide it. I'll pray more tonight but right now I'm applying this to publication. I will photograph the rubberband I had and the one my Mom gave me the other day, not seeing what I had first.

Here it is:

Here's the napkin on the head trick. There is coffee that spilled behind and the top was off but I remembered, oh yeah, this is the other rubberband I have. Also, this is a testament to my Dad getting out of his car tonight and I peeked out the window and saw he had something in his hand and wondered what it was and it's the same color of the side of the blender I just got in this photograph and what he was carrying was the same shape, sort of a square--same color. So it's possible, since they're gifted, he knew. It's a coffee filter that I folded up a couple of months ago bc I didn't have a lid and then I had this rubberband and used it for a covering and then I cracked up laughing thinking, 'it looks like a guy with a middle eastern headdress'. Oh. Wait. It IS a napkin. I just checked, thinking, how did I fold it like that? but it's a white napkin that I threw on top and then I'd set it up in my cupboard and later saw--'the napkin on the head guy is next to the apple cider'. Huh. Hahahahaaahaha! It's WILL! Hhahahahaaaaaa! or? a sheik??? hahhahaaaa. I kept it to myself until now, bc I said I only had 1 rubberband and I had this other one. I originally had it full of raisins when I put the napkin on the top. It was out of olive oil so I filled it with raisins:

I took a photo of my mezetta jar I'd mentioned but I don't think you can see the WWWW or VVVVV underneath it.

I'll photograph my sweater that I mentioned yesterday. I LOVE this. It was sort of atypical but the goal was warm and then I ended up loving it too. Haven't worn it yet, just look at it--see?! it's like little w's or 2 v's or tulips:

I am trying to mainly write about what my parents do though. I thought, "should I put this up? (about the butterflies)" and then decided, "The goal is safety for my family, belief in the mainstream about why hate crime is being concealed, and getting my son back."

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