Wednesday, November 16, 2011

spiritual things & persecuted for righteousness sake

Someone was torturing here again and probably at my parent's place too. I was in my room and prayed again and someone started using technology at a low level. It's like someone sometimes thinks they can imitate the holy spirit by trying to create a feeling that's not holy spirit at all. Being lasered or heated by technology has no close connection or sensation to what the holy spirit is like. They've tried something with a low level targeting that I think they hope can create or imitate "shaking" or the feeling you get when sometimes the holy spirit just falls. It's not technology and there is no common denominator or parallel with technology--at all. It's like people who have never, in their lives, felt the presence of the holy spirit, are the ones who think they can "create" something that imitates it. I know people have tried experimenting with this, because it's done in churches, and in houses when it's specifically known someone is praying. It's like cheap shots to the holy spirit and I think these people think that they can go by a general guideline or outline of a description to try to figure out how to create a duplicate.

There is no duplicate. Quit trying. Trying to plant dreams or ideas is one thing. Trying to imitate the holy spirit is something these people will never figure out bc it's impossible. Not only that, if they had ever actually experienced it themselves, these people wouldn't be the same ones that torture others or grieve the holy spirit by trying to make false claims that others don't or can't be close to the holy spirit and are just being "tricked" by delusion or technology.

Very queer.

Basically, it's impossible for someone who has actually experienced the power of the holy spirit to commit cruelties or be willing to risk messing with something like that. People who know the power of the holy spirit know that if you mess with this kind of thing, you are putting yourself in danger.

So it was annoying to have someone doing this. Earlier this evening I DID sense the real holy spirit. And no one was using technology and if they were, it was outside of that. It was from about 7-8 or so (I think) after I'd posted the stuff about the butterflies. And then for some reason, after I mentioned, esp. the red rubberbands. That was the timing.

Right now, someone is just using technology to torture. They have something underneath the trailer and I don't know who got in to do that, but it's obvious and the floorboard isn't the same either (it's creaky and moves differently), like someone was around and it wasn't my parents. There is other stuff as well. I would seriously love to have military and scientists from a friendly country check it out. It would be great.

At any rate, I've noticed odd media attention to my posts about having a shaky feeling from the holy spirit. I remember I had blogged about what happened when I watched The Prince of Egypt and then I randomly happened to see Bill O'Reilly making fun of a "shaky leg" and attributing it to mental illness or physical problems. It's clear he or someone he knows pays attention to my blogposts so why always insult.

It's the same trajectory of Roman Catholics and some Jews trying to degrade me and trash me and defame me, to make me sound trampy, criminal, or as if I have no connection to God at all. I mean, that was their aim from the start, and then they accomplished this and it surprises me they still try to work at it, with media and their buddies.

I can't stand this DJ by the way. I've heard the exact same guy before and cannot stand him. I don't think he's a good person. It's like he gets off on bad things and feels subdued or submissive in a passive-aggressive way if something good turns or shifts for others he doesn't like. He's been on from 7-10 or so tonight and he's not as bad tonight as some nights but there are a couple of DJs that have some issues. He just put on a song for the "military", after I mention someone having tampered with my place and how another country should come in and start checking things out. This same DJ put on a reggae song, "Jammin'" when someone kept jamming my computer. I guess his name is maybe Zach Taylor. I am quite positive he's Roman Catholic or Jewish. I would put ALL of my money on it--one or the other. I was thinking Catholic based on his hate and attitude. But then I thought, Zach is more of a Jewish name than a Catholic name. He's now in Coos Bay which has not been a nice place for my parents. I am quite sure he has seen my parents. I don't think he knows a thing about me even if he imagines he does. But yeah, he's passive-aggressive. The only other Zach Taylor that google pulled up was one that went or is going to a Barruck Hebrew Academy in Pennsylvania. Like I said, "It's a Jewish name". But this Zach that's here right now in Coos Bay for whatever reason, is definitely Catholic or Jewish and I can tell based on religious hate crime past experience. Isn't that sad? It's really sad when I can hear enough hate and know there is a connection to either one or the other religions. If it's not that, it's always military. Throwing a song out to military doesn't make me think he's military. I think he's a religious hater. He knows, 100%, I am positive, he is connected to religious hate people. He mentioned his face page and I'm not interested in that. What I'm interested in, is the stuff religious hate crime people don't want to advertise. Scott Lewis came to my mind, as knowing this guy. Not bc one of his kids is named Zachary either, but just came to mind for some reason.

Anyway, will get off that tangent, just annoyed
I was actually going to write something about the passages I read tonight and then something that happened which I thought about but it really does not have great importance.

One thing I was thinking about tonight, when I sensed the connection to the holy spirit, was, after dancing around just a tiny bit (not very much) was about the President of Iran and I prayed for him for a minute bc he came to my mind for whatever reason. I wasn't thinking of him at all. It was more that I sensed something from no explainable source and then I prayed for a minute after dancing with it. I think it was because I took a photo of myself holding the rubberbands and my fingers were sort of held the way he held his fingers together in a photo I saw of him. I think that's the only reason he came to my mind.

Anyway. I prayed a tiny bit, not very much and couldn't think of what to pray about other than praying people are not tortured, worldwide. And I picked random places to read but also thought to see if something came to my mind to read and it was Nehemiah. So first I read Nehemiah 1-3. The passages I read from random were Zechariah 36, about these people, Baruch's people, burning a scroll in a firepot. I had turned to this first and then thought, this is weird, it's like what that woman did to the dossier. Anyway, they read 3-4 lines and then cut them off and put them in the fire. Then another 3-4 lines, read it aloud, and put it in the fire. And then someone said, "Why did you burn the scroll? go back and write down everything that was written." So they had to go back and put all of it back in writing. The other thing I read was from ...I was looking. It's Jeremiah, not Zechariah. Jeremiah 36. The part from Nehemiah I could relate to, as feeling like my family--we're in trouble bc we're assaulted in our own country and I don't know why they're allowing it.

I had something I was shown too but don't need to write about it.

I guess, the other day, when I dropped the sponge down the toilet, I was trying to figure out if it's just one of those things or means something. I was cleaning everything, and there was a tiny bit of mildew because I was trying to save my parent's on their electricity bill, so I turned off the heat at night completely and it was so freeeeeezing cold...I had my sheets, 3 thin blankets, a thick fuzzy blanket from S. Korea, and a comforter, and had some of them folded over twice and was still cold AND I was wearing tights and my flannels and a hooded sweatshirt with a huge housecoat over it all. I showed my Mom, "I have THIS overcoat (unzip) and THIS sweatshirt (unzip) and this wool sweater, and these 2 long sleeved shirts, and flannels and tights and socks and all those blankets and I couldn't sleep bc I was cold! And I had the hood and the blankets over my head too!

My Mom stared at me. "There is something wrong then, because I don't know anyone who would still be cold after all that. Maybe you should gain weight."

"I'm not going to get FAT just to stay warm Mom."

So anyway, it's not cold if the heat is on, but I didn't want to have it on bc I was worried someone was tapping into it to get better effects for torturing my parents through crossing waves or tapping into the crosswinds (which I've noticed they've done). SO I turned the heat off completely. But then I got some warmer clothes and haven't been cold ever since.

All that, to explain why there was any mildew at all, and it was because I turned off the heat and was doing all this cooking that put condensation into the air. So I went through and I was washing everything and drying things out and thinking about how mildew is supposed to be "unclean", in Old Testament but not New Testament. And there are certain rules to sanitation for even non-old-testament people but I was thinking about how God sometimes tells people to do something differently. For example, taking a stutterer and telling that person to be the lead speaker (passed it off onto his brother), and then David was critisized for going into the temple to get holy bread and giving it to all his military men. Like, rules to follow and sometimes rules to be broken, because the law is for man, and man is not for the law.

So I had this grand idea of Yes! "Kill Peter, and eat. Do not call unholy what I have made holy." I was nodding to myself...mmm-hmmm. Like, not going off of being vegan at all, but in principle I decided to apply this. So I had this dirty sponge in the sink and it really needed to be thrown out and I thought, "You're washing dishes with THIS?" but said to myself, "Do not call "unclean" what I have made "clean"." So I thought to myself, "Well, I wouldn't do this with kids around, and it's just for myself to think about a moral, but I think I will use this sponge to clean the toilet and then I will clean it out and use it for my dishes." So I marched to the bathroom, "Kill Peter, and eat. Do not call unclean what I have made clean" and started scrubbing the toilet and then I opened the thing where you can see down farther and I thought, "That is past the toilet bowl but this is super dirty. I wonder if my hand and arm will fit down there without getting stuck?" and I asked God literally, "What do you think about this?" I asked God, "Is there a moral in this and is this the right track?" and I thought, "If I clean this other part that goes down deeper, it will be even cleaner and will never smell. So I thought, "Why stop short at the toilet bowl?" So I stuck my arm into this space and had the scratchy part of the sponge inside and I was scrubbing around thinking, "And then I'm going to sanitize it and use it for my dishes and remember where it's been."

Well, God had different plans.

Because I had my hand down there for only a minute and I got SHOCKED! The electricity wasn't grounded there! So I literally dropped the sponge and yanked my hand out and left it there.

And then I was actually sort of thrilled because I thought, "I'll just get a new one" and I wasn't going to use it on the toilet. For me, it was sort of going to be a lesson in remembering God can make anything suitable or okay. But I thought, "I guess it wasn't that sponge and wasn't meant to be" so I thought about, well what does that mean then? I had this whole thing in mind and got shocked and it's a pretty clear "No."

So then I found this washcloth and it didn't smell okay and I wasn't going to use it and realized, no, this is actually clean. And just because the other thing went down the toilet, it doesn't mean God can't still apply the same lesson to something else entirely. It's God's prerogative all the way around. And I thought about someone I know who some might say has a mark of not being "clean" and yet I knew God saw that person as completely clean. So I used this for the meantime and then I went to my parent's and said "I need a new sponge" and wondered what the brand was and it was "Scotch-Guard".

I sort of got a lesson in a way, out of it, that it's not for ME to decide when I'm going to make a point of something all the time...bc sometimes when I might think I'm going to apply a lesson for myself, why would I then be unwilling to take the exact same lesson coming to me in a different form? So I was enthused to pursue my own sacrifice as I saw it was a good reminder but then when the exact same lesson came to me, not from my own idea but chance or God, why did I hesitate or wonder? But I, of course, usually use one thing for the toilet and something different for the sink.

I do think it means something but I don't feel I fully understand the whole message yet. I just got some of it and thought about it.

My impressions: A man reading this and saying "it's just depressing" something that went wrong being so.

And I wrote this and then saw this middle age woman who I "see" sometimes and spinning around with her arms raised to the sky and face up and she's Jewish. If she's not Jewish, other middle eastern and has wavy-curly thick dark to medium brown hair loose to her mid-back and extremely thick. She's shorter and not thin but not fat. Maybe she's christian actually, I don't know, I just see her worshiping a lot and for some reason, get something about middle east idea. And I've seen her on her knees and dancing or sort of moving around in a circle with her arms in the air. When she's on her knees, she prostrates her arms over her head sometimes. I mean, she kneels and sits back on her heels and raises her arms up above her head and then bows from the waist down to the floor and it's worship, not yoga. I see her in skirts usually but sometimes only see waist up so maybe it's something else.

Someone is torturing me now with the technology that hurts my lower back and stomach. It's neighbors here. I will post their information tomorrow. I think it's possible it's satellite bc it was such a long range in E. Wenatchee, but I'm putting up the neighbor's stuff.

The other impression I had is just choreography, video editing creative ideas. I mean, some of the stuff I 'get' is just that--it doesn't mean anything and it's not psychic or a word of knowledge or prophesy but is a creative generation of ideas, which happens with creative people.
I think someone in the military is seriously pissed about what I've written or is worried about something. Because I just got a hardcore assault on one side of my head. And THAT was 100% military because no one else does that or is able to do that and they were doing the other thing first. I guess not liking the idea that I'm putting up neighbor's info tomorrow. I am very concerned about my parents bc they're being assaulted worse and they are forced to lie. They lie to ME and know I stand right there and know what's going on and I'm not leaving them. I am starting to think I am going to have to file a habeous corpus somehow for them, even though they would say no, they are not even able to talk about the truth. The FBI and Govt. is literally holding them hostage. Remember the passports? they put one together recently and back-dated it. Do you understand now why someone might go to all this trouble? do you understand why hate crime could use govt. friends and other groups to work for their interests? like I said, my parents are forced to work others and forced to lie and they're being assaulted. And I just gave a few minor examples of what their gifts are and how the U.S. would have wanted to control them from early-on and how if leadership changed hands and religious bigot and hate crime defender was put at the top, they would and could conceal hate crime for their religious fellow members and friends.

Also, the military has been assaulting me and then after they do, they disconnect my laptop connection and have me re-enter a code to see if I remembe it or if my memory has been impaired from what they just did. They've done this every single time they blast a side of my head or use a strong technology for a long time, all of a sudden they'll wait a few minutes and disconnect the computer and force me to enter the code in again. If it's disconnected it should automatically connect without my entering in the code because that's how my Dad set it up. The network key is already entered, and I'm already authorized so if it breaks or disconnects, I am able to connect again. The only reason the network bars would come up blank, forcing me to re-enter, is if NSA or another govt. group is on the network and deciding when to do this because the way my Dad has it set up, it should never do this. Ever. So basically, I have military or NSA on my computer as well as assaulting my entire family and getting away with kidnapping and I like how they want to start it up again after I write something they worry may make me sympathetic to some group.

I know exactly why they want to torture me to the point of swearing, because their entire objective is to continue getting away with hate crime and it's easier to hate someone and justify torturing them if you're convincing others that they're not a good person. So whenever I start sounding too normal or like I have a relationship with God, or I'm going to maybe go to college, or want to be a surrogate for someone and everything is great--they basically assault me to the point that they get a response from me that makes them happy. Because they don't want me to sound normal at all, first of all, secondly they don't want me to be able to do anything normal because they're criminals and jealous and try to cover for that, and thirdly, if they provoke me to be angry or lash out, while being tortured systematically for years and then in huge spurts whenever they want, they keep up the justification of their program to cover for THEIR crimes.

The other thing I read today, at random, was about being persecuted for righteousness' sake. They don't want any of us to look 'righteous'--because then we'd be the very living martyrs that James Middleton thinks he knows so much about.

The Roes and the Middletons know eachother by the way, they're connected. Check out the steel connection and birth connection. By the way, this guy I dated briefly in Portland, Oregon, who stalked me out and approached me, was, I believe, a "Goldsmith". I am not totally sure but it was Gold-something and I think, Goldsmith.

What I was saying about having me enter in the code again didn't come up at all when I was first here until about a month later. And then, after this major blast of technology, I believe it was when they lasered my arm and before, for the first time, they cut out the connection and brought it up blank, having me remember the code and re-enter it manually and they've done this ever since. 5 minutes after 12 a.m. this evening (morning now), I was assaulted on the head and for about 20 minutes they used technology that harmed my back and body, and then after assaulting me on one side of the head, when my head was bent down torwards my bed to look at something, I was assaulted in the back of the head to one side, when that part of my head was in line with the sky above. It wasn't the side like someone was on the side of my trailer. It was the part of my head that, if you were directly above, as in, a satellite or star, you would have a straight aim at that part of the head. If I had been standing straight, it would have gotten the top of my head to one side, but I had bent my head down to look at something and it landed on that part of my head.

And then 5 minutes later, they disconnected my internet and wanted me to re-enter the long network key. It's their test of whether or not they've disoriented you or caused any kind of damage that affects your ability to remember a code. I thought that's what they were doing the first time it happened, because if it ever disconnected, it automatically remembers the network key. So then I was getting blasted and all of a sudden someone was wanting to put in their sick test of: "Can you remember NOW?" and they've done this every single time. EVERY single time. It's not my parents at all, and you should see what they've done to them.

Jews don't stand up for them, Catholics don't stand up for them, and the protestants here are NOT protestant. I am not kidding. You start digging and you find out most of them have either Catholic or Jewish roots.

Isn't Dempsey just wonderful? How much do the Knights of Colombus pay him? or does he have a direct line with IRA. Revenge for my writing about O'Reilly, for making myself or my parents sound smart or normal for a few minutes, or for saying something about Zach Taylor or Scott Lewis.

The church my parents go to now is like "CIA Church". I looked around one day and thought, "It's like the CIA and military and hate crime all went together and decided they need a shell corporation church to conceal their illegal activities." It's full of government workers and hate crime and by having it covered with the auspice of "church" they get to assemble and meet and do "church things" which are excuses for telling my parents what to do and how the operation is going to run. It's like a military-CIA church with FBI bouncers in it and hate crime colluders. I'm not kidding. And the kids there are part of govt. programs. If you want a tour of CIA-military, start attending this church. They even have media snoops going there.

It is the only time in my life that I've gone to a church an thought this and I went to plenty of churches in Wenatchee and in TN and never thought this. This one over here, is a government "church". And most of the "protestants" there are not protestants. So when you have to go there and the options are slim bc military pastors are in almost all of the churches here, if you speak about something, others think you must be making it up.

Just as the U.S. govt can create a CIA Church for a shell covering for their projects with the military, the Roman Catholic church can support terrorists and crimes. I have no idea why they pick on Muslims when they do the EXACT same thing.

Anyway, I started looking up some Mormon stuff last night and all the torture stopped. I was looking up Mormon business connections with people I've reported in the past, because there are reasons some of the Mormons must have felt compelled to defame me or certain people wanted them involved. Most Mormons would be, I think, completely backing us, but it's not possible this could have even gone this far if that first SSA Mormon was really a Mormon. Or if he had no conflicts of interest. So I looked up people that may have been used, through bribes or concern for mutual business ventures that could have possibly had anything to worry about.

I know nothing is religious hate crime with them bc I've never had a problem with their church. But if anything got in the way, with any member, it would have been strictly business-connections related.

It was nice. I had one full night with almost zero torture. I can't say the same for my parents. And, the level of torture here is much better than anywhere in Wenatchee or TN but it goes back to "any torture is illegal" and they're doing this to my MOM and DAD.

So yeah, Mormons came into my scrutiny last night. Because something isn't right about 2004. It goes back to a date before my son and I were tortured at all because if Mormons are in the FBI, it never should have ever gone this far. EVER. I had zero religious issues or problems with them (at least on my part) so something is wrong.

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