Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mormons In FBI & Business Connections

I was just writing on my other blog that I started looking into Mormon connections with FBI and business.

I am doing this simply because it's not even possible that these things could have happened to me and my son with Mormons on board in the FBI, if they are good Mormons, actually Mormons at all and not infiltrators, or don't have a peculiar conflict of interest.

I'm not Mormon, but I've been around them my entire life and there has never been a religious hate thing with them. Some of my most long-held friendships and respect has been with members of the Mormon church.

There may be Protestant christians in the FBI but I think if you took a poll, it would be far fewer than you'd expect.

From my personal experience and readings and hearing from other members of FBI, the FBI is mainly Roman Catholic, and has had an increase in Mormons and it had always been my impression that there were actually more Mormons in the FBI than mainstream christians.

So how it ever got as far as past 2004 and into torture of me and my son, and parents separately, is impossible.

It would be completely impossible to get the treatment I received by FBI UNLESS something is/was seriously wrong with the "Mormons" who were hand-picked to be a part of anything to do with me. I mean, there is a serious issue.

It comes down to this:

1. Either the "Mormons" first involved were NOT even actual Mormons but infiltrators of the Mormon church, or

2. There is a serious business conflict of interest. Such as, someone or some of them had a joint business with a party I might have named or who could have been connected to a named party, so to avoid anyone looking further into associations and contacts.

I think that because I had mentioned my Mormon friends so much, it is very possible that hate crime groups selected "Mormons" that were not actually Mormons. And with Mormonism, it can get tricky, because they all go overseas on a 2 yr. missions trip, so it would be a church where other religions are interested in infiltrating, and I've even heard of the CIA using Mormonism for their interests bc it's a way to get their people into other countries and have it look like missionary work. The CIA is not necessarily looking for all-Mormons to work for them so to get them covered, they'd have other people of other religions, get in and convert and go overseas. In fact, the CIA is probably NOT wanting a traditional Mormon, because many of the things CIA operatives do is not in keeping with Mormon religion or doctrine. So they would definitely use the Mormon religion as a cover for men who are not even Mormon. Another agency that goes overseas is the FBI for counter-intelligence work. Probably, more traditional Mormons could handle that kind of work, but not all, so they're going to get in some men who are not Mormon to slip in undetected for counter-intelligence abroad. The same thing is true for, example, Mormons in Russia. Do you want to go to the U.S.? Go to a Mormon church established in Russia, put in your 2-3 picks for where you want to go for a mission and hope it's the U.S. Suddenly, you're a sleeper spy in the U.S. for 2 years and if you feel "God is calling me to go to college here" you apply for a Visa and stay and work for any number of agencies or religions actually.

Mormonism is, I believe, especially vulnerable to infiltration.

There is no other religion that has a mandate for their men completing 2 years of service in another country. It is not going to be easily called into question. Even the Vatican has spies who go in and pretend to NOT be Catholic.

So if it's not that there is a kind of business connection that was potentially weakened or jeopardized, I believe some of the "Mormons" who have been involved are not even Mormon-at-heart at all.

If I ever offended anyone on a religious grounds matter, from the Mormon church, it would have been either when I spoke up wondering why Elizabeth Smart got a lot of attention but no single-mother black kids that were missing did. Which was not attacking religion but another kind of inequity, and then the only time I probably offended a Mormon personally was the same guy who I don't think was maybe Mormon at ALL, who wanted me to be with him and his friend at the same time and later he wrote about Mormonism to me but I felt like his request to see me the next year was more for lust and didnt want to be involved after what he'd suggested with his friend. But he wrote a lot about Mormonism for awhile and I finally told him flat-out, no and I think I was finally rude bc he kept going on about it. I'm sure I offended him, but he is someone that I think was probably questionable.

So on religious grounds alone, have I ever been against the Mormons? Not at all.

But what I discovered, was that certain "Mormons" who did not seem to be Mormon at all, were wanting to interface and this is after I had already exposed who my friends and contacts were to hate crime people. So when I told Christa all about my Mormon friend or others, if some other group wanted to keep me or my parents down for any reason, they would try to chip away at that.

The only way to chip away at someone who is known to have a good reputation who others know has been grossly defamed, is to get people "in" who say they're Mormon but aren't, OR to find a Mormon with a big conflict of interest who would have something to gain by working against me and against what is good or true.

From there, they'd have to know just a couple of other people and find a way to put them into position, and they're covered.

It would be IMPOSSIBLE for these things to happen to me and my son unless, in fact, one or both of the above scenarios is true.

And then probably, once the ball is rolling, if anyone tried to look in, they would be told someone else is taking care of it.

Someone set it up to keep it covered.

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