Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Mexico FBI

I forgot to file a FOI/PA for New Mexico FBI.

Because that's actually where I tried to help a hispanic woman who told me she was being forced to do favors for a Judge and that was in 2008, and the FBI blew me off again, and didn't ask to meet me or anything.

Instead, they knew I was trying to get to the East Coast. So I said, "Since I've just made another report about a Judge, and I have people stalking me right now while I'm on the phone with you, I would appreciate some kind of assistance at least getting out of this state."

I guess what the FBI does to people who go out of their way to help others, is sit back and participate in and hope that this person ends up dead. Here is the kind of woman the FBI helps:

1. Wives, girlfriends, and mistresses of their own FBI employees and agents,
2. Any member of the Catholic or Episcopal church,
3. Single mothers only if they are members of the RC or connected to money

They help women who are in sexually designated relationships with men they employee and members of their own church. That's it. And if you make a report about the above, any person who is in a sexually designated relationship with a male employee, or about ANY member of a church that an FBI employee belongs to, it doesn't matter what the crime or how bad they are or how long it's been going on--instead of rewarding good citizens, they hope they will die and start using internal means for defaming and arresting and abusing them.

FBI: "Where do you want to go? What are your plans? Where are you going?"

Me: "I don't know--I just have to get out of here and I made a report about this Judge and none of your people are taking a report or meeting me and it's not safe for me to be here. So if you could help with even a bus ticket out of this state that would be great but I need to get to the East Coast for some medical stuff."

FBI: "We don't give out bus tickets."

And that was it.

The FBI doesn't give out bus tickets--they wait until they have a chance to usher you into a psych ward instead.

I'd like to know how many connections the Judge I reported in New Mexico had with TN.

And, by the way, I reported a Judge who I thought was Protestant, and he was white, and it was a Catholic hispanic woman I tried to protect.

So basically, what the Catholic church has done to me is beyond the pale. They have used every opportunity to make me out to be some kind of bad person, slutty person when I'd had one short-term boyfriend in my life at the time I was defamed by the Willamette Week, and had been a virgin. They knew this and Schneider knew this because I told her I knew I could win because they tried to make me sound promiscuous and criminal and I was neither.

I'm the one who has always said, "You people should NOT be Judge of me, because while you rally up your own to commit hate crimes, I still don't take a prejudiced stand against you when it comes to crime or innocent victims."

All the FBI has done has used their internal employees to ruin my life and create hazardous situations.

And after I made a few reports on behalf of other citizens, to protect THEIR safety, when it had no personal self-interest involved, I get nothing but obstruction from college for it.

The next person who picked me up and gave me a ride anywhere, because the FBI refused to protect innocent citizens in any way, was Army, and he made fun of the technology that was used to harm me, and used something like that, in my presence and said something about, "Do you believe in aliens?'

He was Irish Catholic and I can pretty much prove a line to Martin Dempsey and Leon Panetta.

So basically, when I see military moving in over here, under his command ultimately, and notice how we are being tortured, it gives me lots to think about.

He didn't continue to use whatever it was, that was technology and for assaulting, but he did it right at the start and I was scared and because I was in such a desperate position I still went with him even though he proved himself to be an enemy. Under what kind of horrific circustances does one feel forced to accept association with the same people that torture you?

I know I thought I should "ignore it" and pretend that I didn't notice and didn't notice he was involved or play stupid like I didn't get his sneer and sarcasm when he was looking at me for a reaction. So I played dumb and innocent and trusting. And what do you? he stopped doing what he was doing.

That doesn't mean he's a good guy.

It means, he probably had something to do with the people who tortured me and my son in the very beginning.

So maybe people change, and maybe he changed his mind about me and then regretted some thing, or had a heart. But then I look at all of the things that have happened to me since, and how we continue to be controlled and the FBI is WHACKED OUT and has lost all moral authority.

So is he a good guy?

What happened? He changed at some point and then maybe decided nah, wasn't worth it?

Because I know for a fact, that he wasn't acting like a good guy when I was first there and it's almost like he wanted me to know and freak me out and I didn't react.

And right now, someone just did something that targeted the metal in my neck. So when I say I know who some of the connections are--I know who some of them are, that have consented to torture of an innocent woman and child, all the way to the Top.

And probably, if the FBI is connected to some of these same military, and I'm starting to get an idea about that, then they are most definitely holding employees who colluded to commit and conceal crime in their ranks.

"Peace, peace" when there is no peace. All they wanted was "peace and quiet" about torture of a baby. MY baby.

Baby killers.

Right here in the U.S., working in the FBI, within the DOJ and DOD.

Knock-knock. Who's there? Baby Killer. Baby Killer who? Baby Killer Who's Who.


And the people all said "Amen" after they tried to kill a baby and tortured the mother at Fado's Irish Pub next door to the FBI offices in Seattle. They had their hate crime already started but just threw in other excuses to do what they did and rally up other soldiers to hate me later.

Did someone have a change of heart? If they did, I got really far with my case for my son at the Irish Catholic law firm in Wenatchee with Justin Titus. You know, the Irish Catholic firm that blocked me from putting ANY of the evidence into the record that proved my son was wrongly taken from me. Every single one of them was Roman Catholic Irish except Justin, whose wife is Protestant and was best friends with my CPS worker. Justin was Jewish. One of them had a kid that worked for the DOD. They were a Roman Catholic Irish firm that obstructed my right to my son.

That was after they knew who I knew and where I had been in D.C. and how I got there.

Catholic hate crime. Irish Catholic. Italian Catholic. Chinese Catholic. Black Catholic. White Catholic. Hispanic-Latino Catholic. British Catholic. Japanese Catholic. Lithuanian Catholic. Polish Catholic. Boston, MA Catholic. L.A. Catholic. San Fransisco Catholic. Mt. Angel Abbey Catholic. Coquille Catholic. Coos Bay Catholic. Wenatchee Catholic. Seattle Catholic. D.C. Catholic. Maryland Catholic. Malaysian Catholic. Colombian Catholic. Portland, Oregon Catholic.

I forgot to add, it's not just international looking in appearance, it's plural (add an "s" to the singular above).

FBI. And throw in a little Mossad on the side, and I'm never getting my son back.

Why did this happen to my family?

I have never once talked about the connection from New Mexico to D.C. but I can sure make it all public. Because what happens, is that it starts pointing a finger back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and criminals that work with them.

And if they are involved in hate crime and Acts of Terror by people connected to terrorist organizations they have been reluctant to put on the terrorism list, they have a problem and they know it. Which is why they've defamed me and tried to blackmail us or torture us.

A lot of these people have connections to New Mexico too. A lot of the military Catholic. All the way to the Office of the Inspector General for the DOJ and

Is O'Grady an Irish or Scottish surname? Just wondering. It's Christine Gregoire's maiden name. I think it's Irish Catholic. And her husband has ties to Canada.

If you're not guilty, or associated with guilty parties, why obstruct justice? Don't tell me the entire Irish Catholic law firm is working undercover for the benefit of me and my son. Yeah, they deliberately obstructed and screwed up my entire case record for purposes of pretending they were the enemy when really all of them are good guys and doing undercover work. B.S. They cover for criminals. And they were the ones, with Justin Titus, to get an MRI of my head, not for my case, but for the same military that knew my son because we were sold. I said no, and they illegally obtained it anyway, when I said no and they didn't have my permission to get that medical record. It had nothing to do with my case about my son. It was violation of the right to privacy and another attempt by the Catholic church and Jewish community to get everything they could about me and use it against me.

So like I said, there are some things I still have in reserve, like, who I could bring up as having obstructed justice to save themselves and links to criminal collusion.

It's great, because it got so out of control, that I can't even listen to Coos County radio without an idiot DJ making references to my family, sometimes (not all the time).

When it's Big Time Crime, it's like throwing a small pebble into the water. It goes out into ripples. But you know, this is not a small pebble. This is more like: watch how far radioactive nuclear waste spreads. After awhile, people don't even know what the good source of water is anymore, because the contamination is so bad.

Contamination, in the FBI, is not healthy for the U.S.

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