Saturday, November 12, 2011

Keeping Me In Drama Deliberately

. When I went shopping with my Mom, I saw a man driving by who looked like Russ Haugen or a police officer I knew. I will have to look at photos, but he's not from Coos County and I wondered why he was over here checking me out.

I don't want all of this unnecessary drama and being tortured by military over my head. I don't want the FBI drama, or being a girlfriend-of-FBI-agent drama, and I don't want the UK Middleton drama either.

I'm forced to be constantly on-guard and writing about things like torture of my family while the U.S. does nothing about it.

How is this "good for the economy?"

It doesn't help the reputation of the U.S. to have me stating facts that are almost too hard to believe.

I don't need pink residue and purple residue and poison being thrown my way, and I don't need people chasing me all over the place as if I were carrying away jewels from a safe.

Having to fight for my right to have accurate information should not bring out this kind of drama. Period.

I did NOT, EVER, sign up to be in the military. I didn't sign up to be a spy, or with the CIA or the FBI or any other group. I signed up for college, as a nanny who went to church every Sunday. I got screwed over and my SON kidnapped?! from me as a result of one illegal act after the other, of false arrest, false citation, and obstruction.


This problem, that the FBI must be making a LOT of money off of, is NOT my problem.

I never searched for a date with someone from Iran, or someone from the White House, or the Pentagon, or the Wine or Steel or Music industry. I never invited the drama, and I never went out of my way to find it either. These people came up to me and I when I am not harassed, I'm a friendly person.

I don't CARE if there is an invisible man, or breakthroughs in psychic or military research and from what I've seen, I don't have to give the military or FBI an excuse to investigate or justify my right to go about my own business. I shouldn't be made to feel so desperate to justify my existence. I am here and I can take it on my own and was doing fine until the FBI got in my way.

When it's supposed to be the FBI protecting my right to move freely, I am not sure what was in it for them except profit.

I don't want to be a conduit of one person's messages to the other person, and I don't care about helping with psychic research. My idea of "helping with research" and Hate Crime groups' ideas are totally separate things and none of this should have occured. I said I might be interested in getting PAID or possibly volunteering under spelled out conditions where I can give consent.

I don't know who thinks it's NORMAL in the U.S. to do these horrific things to my family and then act shocked when I blow up over it. I'm tired of being provoked and that's ALL that the FBI has done, is keep me provoked and allowing others to provoke me on a continual basis.

And right now, someone in military or FBI is using technology while I type this.

People are spending this much money to keep me out of college? For WHAT.

I don't like being held hostage by FBI agents and told that I either have to do THIS or THAT or be on the street and I don't appreciate being repeatedly experimented on with medications and drugs that have affected my ability to be myself and do what I've always done.

I waited for SIX YEARS to get into college.

SIX YEARS I waited. I wasn't fortunate enough to go to college like all of my friends, right out of high school. I had to take a class or two here and there until I was 24 years old and eligible to take out loans as a student "independent" from my parents. My parents didn't help me. I did almost EVERYTHING myself.

And I waited SIX YEARS just to get into college. In the meantime, I went to church and volunteered my time a dozen different ways and spent money on other people.

I contributed.

It's MY TURN to get something.

I CHOSE to contribute and volunteer while I waited. And then, after waiting a lot longer than others who had their path paved in gold for them, I went to college and started pursuing my career goals.

The MINUTE I began pursuing what I wanted, I had hate crime obstructing me and people attempting to interfere. They had no right and the FBI had no right. If I needed to protect my reputation bc I was defamed, that was my RIGHT. I have the RIGHT to a good name and it was my right to file a reasonable lawsuit in order to get the Judge to order them to make retractions or apology by form of paying a small amount.

To have the FBI interfere with my lawsuits and my college, is not a small thing. I didn't sign up for that. I signed up for college and I signed up when I was FORCED to try to remedy Slander.

I didn't make anyone slander me. They did it themselves and they broke the law and created damages that are STILL acruing. I am not a bad person for trying to fix something that they should have fixed voluntarily.

So to then jump in and demean me, and then make false arrest after false arrest and then go so far as to TORTURE my son is not acceptable.

Covering up for the hate crime that should have been investigated back then, BEFORE it was out of control, is not acceptable and I might add, it isn't very professional either.

It's also not professional to hide true feelings of hatred and what one's religion is, which affects things, for a cover for crime against me and my family.

Throwing me to the military and CIA, and allowing NSA to tamper with ALL of my telephonic and email communications, is not acceptable.

I sit here and think about all of the mail I have to go through, about all these different things and being obstructed from college AGAIN and it's not okay.

I'm 37 years old and I already waited long enough.

I worked hard, took low-level jobs and loved and cared for kids, and volunteered in my church and community and I do not OWE the United States ANYTHING.

In fact YOU OWE ME.

So I really don't appreciate it when someone tries to spin the wheel and make it look like I'm not patriotic or a nice person or good person, because all I've asked for, is what is mine to begin with.

You STOLE it. You didn't steal a few pens, or packs of gum, or a bus ticket to get yourself out of a government sponsored hostage situation. You didn't steal a loaf of bread because you were hungry.

I am the hostage.

And I am the person that has been stolen from and I can't believe I still write about the same thing over and over and yet the FBI just wants to add to it.

How MUCH are they getting paid?

I want to know how much.

Because it's looking like FBI retaliation right now.

Why would I say that? because a couple of weeks ago someone called and left a message for me to call about a court matter, on the same day my college loan addresses were all missing and I was being jerked around. To my surprise, it was Portland, Oregon, Multnomah County Courthouse. And I was being told I had to pay money for parking tickets. I said, "You're calling me up about parking tickets from 2003?" and she said yes and said "THERE's a NATIONWIDE SUSPENSION ON YOUR driving privileges and license because of unpaid tickets." I said, "Yeah, I know that but how about the fact that before it was legally suspended for unpaid tickets, I was pulled over on false charges of suspended license when it wasn't and the Judge knew?" She said, "We have a way to reinstate your license if you want to hear about it." I said, "And what's that?" "If you will pay $______ for all 3 tickets, it will be reinstated." I said, "How about the people that illegally suspended my license can pay it after I sue for my damages?"

That was Portland, Oregon. Multnomah County Courthouse. With Fowler listening in. FBI listening in.

What happens next? Oh, my parents suddenly can't pay for my transcript even though they can, the FBI is threatening to beat them up and telling them no.

I was told I had to work in town. For the government, because any door that opened would be a government door where they use me for their own personal research again.

Basically, whoever forces my parents to work for them, wants to force me to work for them too. And by torturing us and beating up my parents with law enforcement helping, they try to keep me out of college.

It's illegal.

If I work for someone, it's not going to be because someone forces it. I don't like being tortured by the U.S. and then called unpatriotic and defamed, and then forced to work for the U.S. while they illegally obstruct all of my liberties and anyone that might help.

Someone is making money off of just keeping me in drama.

If I were in college I might also look at work around town but that would be secondary to completing my degree.

How long has Shirina Edwin worked with the FBI.

My parents are being told by the FBI that I won't get my loans or out of default in time, because they are the ones holding it up. And my parents didn't tell me, I know. The only "agency" that would have the ability to obstruct my loan consolidation process and delete information I need to make sure everything is ready is the FBI.

The only people who would be able to oversee any threats and try to block me from college would be the FBI. If my parents had confidence in the FBI, and they weren't a problem and using agents connected to hate crime, I'd be going to college and that transcript would be paid in full.

This has gotten so out of hand that I asked, when we shopped for a few warm things, if I could get a skirt so I had something for winter and I was told, "No, you don't need one." I said, "I have no skirts and if I'm going to church I'd wear one" and it wasn't my mother who decided this, it was the sick group that controls our lives.

Never in my life have I heard such a thing out of my Mom's mouth. "You don't go to church anyway". That is nothing she would say unless she had been told by someone to not allow me to buy anything that might be attractive on me. It's true, I mainly needed some warm sweaters, but it was obvious someone was instructing what to get. Not only that, I've gone to church most of my entire life and went with my parents until they told me NOT to go. I was going to church with them every Sunday until some of the sickos there or FBI or whoever, instructed them to tell me NOT to go with them anymore. So having my mother say "You don't go to church anyway" when she knows I've gone my whole life and she and my Dad always come back looking worse for wear, is odd. They're being forced to tell me what to do about everything, including church.

I did not feel that dressing room was secure either. It was wide open to a huge room with all kinds of weird openings and holes and pipes and things and I felt watched. I'm not saying there was a camera somewhere but I wouldn't be surprised in this area.

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