Saturday, November 12, 2011

FBI Obstruction of College 4 Middletons

I was very upset yesterday about what happened, but then today after they got back from going out with friends for breakfast, I was only able to talk to my mom.

So far, what they're saying sounds like the FBI is telling them to obstruct and block me from going to college.

It was after I mailed my letters for FOI/PA that they started saying this and Debbie wanted to talk to my Mom right away. I was told she's Catholic, back in 2006, so I would assume raised Catholic, but even if she were NOT Catholic, I wouldn't change my opinion about what's happening to my Mom. She was Catholic in 2006 and later she wanted my Mom to lie for her and say she was Protestant when she's not. If, for some reason, Debbie or her former husband were not Catholic, there is someone paying her who is. I also know they are mean to my mom but put on a great show over the phone and wherever they think it might be bugged. Even if they do bugging themselves they are careful about what they say and their tone of voice and if my mother doesn't put on a perfect performance, apparently they call up Dempsey or FBI friends and police, or mafia, to take care of any hint of an attempt at independence.

I picked up my laundry from my Mom awhile ago and thought, "punishing the peacock", like that poem I wrote. I have people who are hateful just bc they can't get over it. I mean, by laundry, that I thought of this because I put a peacock feather on my bag and wrote a poem about punishing the peacock and tonight I was taking some green and blue things to my place.

I don't know if it's more about fear of my having any money at all, fear of my proving I'm not mentally ill, fear of my doing anything that's remotely normal or successful or what.

My parents got trapped into this horrible mess, in my opinion, where the FBI and law enforcement here have even tortured me the only time I tried to use the law library. All around me were police and then the head librarian but it was mainly police around.

Then, all this time my parents are able to pay off my transcript so I can get back into college, but Debbie and others are siphoning off their cash. It appears to be this, and the FBI using their mafia to help THEM out.

The military gave my parents a handful of books on a weekend where they get used for the federal govt. to work on, and every single book was something that some horrific military brat picked out and prayed would be some kind of prophetic thing. Like, picked out a book with a D.C. motif and a seal on it in a color and then the same day wax ran down in the same's all crappy CIA and military psychic research. Then, the next book was laid out and then taken away after I had a conversation about dress-making with my mom, and it's some sewing book,...every single book was something that a military person chose and then it's like these people sit around and obstruct me on the most basic things, just so they can keep their own game going and keep me out of money.

This Devil's Kitchen man and his wife told me they were Protestants. But after I quit working for them, the U.S. decided to punish me and punish my parents.

There's this other book, and it has an eagle on it exactly like the Phoenix University eagle for online classes and I already know what some group wants me to feel forced to do.

These people are Hate Crime groups. They participated in HATE CRIME, not research, and now they try to use their friends with govt. connections to cause more problems for my life.

They want me to feel forced to go to University of Phoenix online, which is some trade school and there is NO way I will screw up my transcript with having some atypical online trade school college credits on my transcript, just to get the money from financial aid.

But that's what they want.

They want everything about my life to be ruined.

I am starting to believe it was the U.S. military that killed Princess Diana. I am seriously starting to wonder if the rumors about it being a collaboration between some Mossad, U.S., some UK and other interests...I am starting to think it's true. Some in the UK have been working overtime with U.S. military and FBI. I already know the FBI had a problem with me because of some of the Roman Catholic and Jewish hate crime that had already started against me.

But I think part of it, if they go THIS far to torture my mom and dad, and this far to keep me out of college, and use UK and Mossad interests, I think that it's not the main thing, but on the side, I think it DOES have something to do with who is responsible for her death.

And if she's not camped out in hiding somewhere, working in secret at a remote location, and really is truly dead, then some of this problem, probably does have something to do with Diana.

Why else would people bring things up to me that I only remember now? about her? And some of our torture started happening more about I simply blogged about what was happening in town, like "the royals" (a real family here) called police because he pushed her down the stairs.." that kind of thing. If there is no fear in the truth about something Diana, then why would my family be attacked over something stupid like that?

No one used technology on me at my house here until I quit working for the Devil's Kitchen. When I quit working for them, then they started torturing all of us.

And no, it didn't take about "1 1/2 months" as if someone wanted what's going on to fit my idea of a pattern that's occured. This starting things up and waiting for that length of time is to create the impression that it's all gang and mafia organization and have nothing to do with U.S. government workers who can stop and start something up, at will, whenever they want. They don't need 1 1/2 months to assemble. They were already here.

Also, it's interesting now to think about how my parents said they'd pay for a lawyer and then they didn't follow through. The whole time they lived HERE and this is where the FBI and police and a Judge obstructed me from traveling to and then tried to keep me from even getting to my vehicle at all.

They had planned for my car to be locked up and have it impossible for me to travel or go anywhere, for weeks to months, and this was right in the middle of litigation and my college.

So it's not like they just made a casual mistake and then a Judge corrected himself. The Judge KNEW it was erroneous and his clerks knew, and he did it anyway, and not only that, the police officer whose Sgt. then might have been Larry L. Larson but I'm not sure (that's who it is right now) coordinated with FBI to have my vehicle locked in an airport.

Now why would anyone choose to lock my car in an airport?

I did not even think about it then, about what kind of favors they were maybe doing not just for hate crime groups, but for people like the Middletons.

They LOCKED my CAR in an AIRPORT. A locked and secured airport, where there is no possible way to walk around. It's a gated airport. It's not even an open field airport.

It's gated.

The FBI and police, along with the Roman Catholic church and I guess some mean Mossad, had my car illegally towed away, and then they tried to make a POINT out of it by towing my vehicle to a gated, security-fronted airport.

It doesn't take any brains to think this was a favor or nod to Michael Middleton, who worked at an airport, got the gangster go-ahead from someone, and didn't like the fact that maybe someone else was getting attention at the time.

They defamed me and started citing me, falsely, for crimes. Then, they LOCKED up my car at an airport which is not where towed vehicles go.

I'm surprised Larry L. Larson didn't get an invite to London. And I only mention HIS name because for some odd reason, he is the Chief and refuses to give me the name of the officer who was instructed to tow my car away when I wasn't even being pulled over for any violation. They hunted me down to do this.

And who was over there in Coquille or Coos Bay area at the time? Supposedly, the same FBI agents I had just reported to the FBI. The FBI was in on it, in my opinion, and it seems either Whittemore or Kaempf had a line to their offices and Judge Gerald Warren.

This is while they were torturing my parents over here in Coquille, and my parents were suddenly saying they could NOT help me pay for a private attorney. My parents wouldn't say yes, they'd help with something that big, and then back out of it, unless they were pressured and coerced to back out.

Do you know how long my car would have been locked up, how long they had PLANNED for my car to be locked up? They had estimated it would take me over 1 full month to get it straightened out.

All of my legal papers and boxes of legal motions were in Washington state. My college was in Oregon. My lawsuits were still active, in Oregon. If I couldn't get back to Washington state, I couldn't file motions in time. Not only that, I couldn't stay as "a guest" with friends in Oregon without having the landlord force me out if I was there longer than a certain period. I took my classes all at once in a day or two and then left and lived in WA. If I had to stay in Oregon, I would lose my place to stay bc I couldn't stay there the whole time, and not only that, all of my work that I did for my lawsuits, was done in Washington.

So when the FBI and law enforcement colluded with Catholic Judges and adversarial law firms, to obstruct my freedom of travel over a false charge of suspended license, they figured I would lose more than I could regain.

And even though I managed to get some things back faster than they expected, I was so shocked that the FBI refused to investigate this, and that this Judge told me to my face he wasn't making any corrections, they had threatened me and forced me to be unable to commute between Oregon and Washington. It wasn't possible for me to drive the commute anymore because then, in 2004, the FBI refused to provide FOI/PA and also refused to investigate what this Judge had just done, in collusion with law enforcement in WA.

So why the airport? I didn't know anyone with a connection to an airport. They didn't have to tow my car to an airport and do this knowing it was ruining my chances of WINNING TWO lawsuits that I had filed, one to correct gross defamation of my name and character.

Who has a connection to an airport, that would also feel a smug satisfaction at the idea that Cameo Garrett, or Bob and Dicksie's daughter was going to be forced out of college AND kept from winning 2 huge lawsuits? Yeah, and her car is locked up at the Eugene Airport and she can't get to it.

Now, it's several years later, and I'm just trying to go to college, and the FBI is standing in the way again. When did I notice my parents getting upset, after the military "pastors" ganged up on them and they were assaulted by out-of-towners as well? They got upset when someone whacked my Uncle Howard the same day that I mailed my mail to the federal courthouses and Catholic women at the library saw where it was going (bc they made copies). That was just a few days before my Dad's birthday, and I could tell that by his birthday, they were depressed and someone had been beating up on them and threatening them.


So now, my Mom goes over to Debbie's offices and she's the one coming back with the ideas all the time and she is getting these ideas through her workplace and Patty. All of the ideas my mother comes back with, after talking to Debbie or Patty, is something that my Mom doesn't even want to discuss because she already knows it's bogus.

The latest idea for stalling and their request for my mother to lie, is to tell me to go "HALF TIME".

Do you know why they are telling my Mom to tell ME to go "half time" or "PT" or "why don't you take TWO classes?" because these men and women are so catty, they try to make some kind of punishment point if I blog at all about the Middletons. So WHAT. It wasn't ultimately about them, or so I thought. It was religious hate crime. First it's Mary and all your talk to harass me about "Mary" and now it's "half" and "Middle" and "take 2 classes".

My mom already knows I can't take just 2 classes because regardless of where I go, they are requiring ALL of my transcripts and I already checked. So it's not possible to go half-time.

Then my mother was saying today, "We can't pay the whole thing. We could pay for maybe half of it" and they already know that the entire thing has to be paid before they'll release it and that I can pay it back when I get my financial aid disbursement.

So my parents are not IDIOTS. They don't need to be told something 10x. They get it the first time, and if they go around what I say, while I notice they're being tortured and oh yeah, forced to work for the U.S., and Bill O'Reilly's crew I guess.

They had the money to pay it months ago, before I mailed for court and for FOI/PA and I told them to hold off. They STILL have the money, but now they have the FBI controlling them and telling them through their gangster friends, NOT to pay it.

But they're supposed to pretend like they can do whatever they want to do with their money.

They can't.

These pastors here are military. They are also Catholic rooted, NOT protestant. They also have the same connections and many of these people have an odd connection to New Mexico as well.

So religious hate crime basically tied in with military.

My Uncle Howard already told me, and was the one to tell me, "Your parents have the money so why aren't they helping you?" and then after that I was told I could come over here. Now he's dead.

Why aren't they helping you? that's what his wife told him to ask. And that's what my ex, whom the U.S. is hiding (why?) asked.

All of the Dept. of Ed problems happened, and 700 club people in Virginia got nasty, when I said something about a man named John and his wife Linda. I was tortured AT their house, and they knew it, and they pull strings to shut down my college education?

My parents apparently got beat up and assaulted and then were forced to ask them for help. THEM. The same people who tortured ME in their house, and have a Bible certificate for Bible college on their wall and some "French Jewish" connection with military. He works for the post office. Had I NOT been tortured at their house, would I EVER say anything about them? NO! because what would I ever have against 2 seemingly nice people who had us over for dinner?

You TORTURE me and/or my FAMILY right to my face, in my presence, and do you THINK you should be the people pulling strings with government? or is that how U.S. govt. works now? EVERYONE is corrupt? You don't get "made" as a politician until you torture someone over dinner first? not only did they use technology on me at their house, she smirked about it and made comments about it.

They torture my parents to be forced to work with others. They torture my parents to lie for others and put on a show of friendship while they and their daughter have their lives ruined.

That's obstruction of justice and tampering with witnesses. It's coercion, use of threats, and I'm tired of having the Roman Catholic church and Mossad attempting to run my life through govt. contacts and I'm tired of military in the U.S. doing as they're told and not questioning anything. If you don't ask questions, when you're told to do something in the middle of a battle on the field that's one thing. If you don't ask questions when people are being injured and killed in the U.S. on their own soil and they're U.S. citizens and you're just supposed to "do as told"...that's a lie.

And any superior who told a bunch of people to "do as you're told" to assault U.S. citizens on their own soil, for any kind of excuse, didn't give them a book called "Know Your Rights" first or explain to them how it's illegal to assault civilians. And it's illegal to cover it up like the FBI has done.

I want my son back and the least someone could do is not interfere with my going back to college. I don't want to see my parents tortured anymore, or feel it when I walk to their porch and stand there.

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