Saturday, November 12, 2011

Haven't Seen My Dad

I haven't even seen my Dad all day so I have no idea what kind of shape he's in. I know I stood on their porch a few times and something to do with technology was happening, the buzzing ink bursts out of pens thing and maybe something else.

But I probably won't see him until tomorrow so I don't know. My Mom is the only one coming to the door and I already wrote about that.

I've heard him say a few things from the other room, but that's it.


    you are such a joke that people are actually dressing like you for halloween.

  2. Marvelous.

    Have you read my recent post about examples of my parent's gifts and talents?

    I wonder what these "people" you refer to give eachother for Christmas to make up for what they will never possess.
