Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Mother Tortured Again: Her Eyes & "The Middletons"

My mom said she was leaving to drop something off at the post office and came back with glazed eyes and darker circles.

How her eyes got glazed like that, from a 20 minute trip to the post office is beyond me.

And apparently people are using "The Middletons" as a template for making quips and trying to get back at me. If anyone is vendetta-seeking, they are.

It's "half" this and "middle" that and "2" this and "2" that as if 2 is some magical number associated with William of Wales.

At this point, either the U.S. is selling out to the UK,or my religious hate crime people want to try to turn this into a Middleton charade to cover for all their "Virgin Mother of Mary" hostilities they committed crimes over, or the CIA employed the Middletons and the FBI does favors for them.

The U.S. never had any interest in the UK or England since Princess Diana. Then, the only time they got interested again, is actually when I started blogging about crimes and the case and someone started to worry I was personally involved with royalty and how to make me look bad.

No one was bringing up "The Middletons" from 2000-2004 but then again, if they had, I never would have noticed, because I didn't watch t.v. or news and couldn't care less. I paid as much attention to England as I did Greenland's ancient tribes from year 1860. My interest in English literature was for the lit itself, and I felt the same way about Russian lit.--liked classics from both categories. I didn't like modern fiction. I liked the classical writers and thought they formed better sentences and had better character development and things to say. That is, except for modern poetry--I have always liked all forms of poetry.

People today write out of a can. Including me, and I don't think I write well unless it's poetry.

So all that to say, WHO CARES, except for the fact that I have GUARDS in jail making snotty SNOTTY comments about UK stuff, while playing British accent recordings from Wenatchee jail cells after they falsely arrested me for what?

Either Diana is ALIVE and WELL and hiding out and doesn't even care about this stuff, or when she died, the groups that killed her went after ME.

No one in Portland, Oregon was talking about the English royal family around me...when I was being harassed, it was CONSTANTLY references to "Mary" this and "Mary" that and "Virgin Mary" and how dare you offend the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and "I can't sue on your behalf--the Roman Catholic church is too you know what you're getting into? there is no way."

What was it all over originally? Pissed off monks and lawyer punks. And throw in Middleton's MOSSAD I guess.

Every single bad thing done to me, was done in the Name of the Roman Catholic Church and they were not afraid to let me know either. And yeah, they had some pals in the background of another religion. But all the hate crime began then, and it's destroyed my reputation and life.

Why? was it that the Catholics wanted to have me sullied so no one believed what I wrote about dogmas? and thought I was some trashy trampy woman no one should believe? or was it about Princess Diana and another group trying to sully me so they could ward off something they imagined might happen in the future--which is only possible for them to know about if Diana knew about it first.

Every single person that was directing hate crime though, at the time, was Catholic and then my parents were being pressured to ask me to quit my litigation with them bc I guess they were being tortured.

It was a rape and something weird with CTR and the Rose's and then it was all Catholic.

The only things I can trace back farther would be having a truck hit me when I was leaving Robin Bechtold's house, and some not liking my "I can't date you bc you're not a christian" stance, and then it was 1997 with 2 families from the same agency, and I voluntarily quit with the Thebaults and then with the other family as well. No one ever fired me from a nanny position. Ever. I either quit because I was moving or our agreement wasn't upheld, or the mother stayed home with the kids as a choice. I wasn't fired by the Thebaults, or the Kargman's, or the DelBalzos. Oh, I WAS fired by Lori Cartwright. And that was a small PT job in 1998 or 1999, and it was my fault because I WAS running behind picking the girls up from an afterschool program, but then again, by about 5 minutes, nothing huge. And that was the only rationale firing and it occured after I think the mom was insulted because I gave a Veggie Tales video to her daughter about lying. Not intentionally, but the mom did lie a lot and maybe she took it personally, even though that's not how I meant it. Oh, and her boyfriend didn't like me and when he got closer to her, he edged me out. Probably, I would put money on it--he was Catholic. SHE was not Catholic and she was a very, very, smart woman who I respected for being a single mom and trying to put things together.

I was NEVER fired from a FT nanny position. Ever.

I WAS fired from a PT, after-school until mom got off work job, because of being about 5 minutes late to pick up the girls (even though the program ran late) and it was mainly because I got lost a few times and was still figuring out the timing. That was Lori.

This other woman I did a trial babysitting stint for but I didn't like it and the girls really complained about everything. For Susanne with her Hong Kong connections. It was a lot of "Weeee only eat MUNSTER cheeeeese. Do you even KNOW what Munster cheese is?" (the girls had a headstart on peer pressure to be at the top of the social class, and felt having a nanny who didn't drive a brand new SUV was such a hideous shame they asked me to drop them off 1/2 a block before we got to their school. They didn't want their friends to see what kind of car their nanny drove.)

So basically, up until 1997, I was NEVER fired from ANY job. I had some kind of review with CTR and they were going to train me to be a sales exec. No one fired me in my work as a nanny, or in business, or in ANY other matter.

People got really pissy in 1997.

This was 2 years after my auto accident, so it had NOTHING to do with "a bump on the head." They checked me out at the time, and there was NO damage and NO mental illness and I'm reeeaaally tired of Roman Catholic FBI and police writing up to the contrary before I ever even had an evaluation anywhere. I was getting work and making my own choices and doing well until 1997. PERIOD. No firing. No allegations of mental illness.

I DID have people breaking into my personal residences and cars, after I got back from the East Coast, in 1994.

All of that, strangely enough, DID come after Princess Diana died and I didn't even KNOW THE HELL WHO SHE WAS. Maybe THEY knew who I was, but I was oblivious.

Lorraine Rose fired me. She was the first person to ever fire me from work, in my life, and she did this after I was determined to go to college and she didn't want me to go to college AT ALL.

Lorraine fired me for no good reason, but it was her prerogative. I was then asked by Hong Kong Susanne to work for her and she had the big Princess Di book out on her table. WHich is interesting, now that I know the Rose's have UK connections and after I was fired by Lorraine I was being asked to work for another British connected person. I didn't think of Hong Kong as British though, just Chinese. It didn't occur to me then. Then, I did volunteer work for a couple of years and used all of my money helping others. Then, the second time I was ever fired, in my life, from a job, was for an understandable reason in 1999 I believe, however, her boyfriend was a real shoe. When I was dealing with just her, no problem. When he was part of the bigger picture, big problem, and he actually got involved with her after I had met the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey, so maybe it was 2000 that I worked for her. He proposed, and I was out the door.

1997. Fired by Lorraine Rose. Not a normal reason.
1999 or 2000? Fired by Lori, decent reason but overblown. Yes, it was technically true I was late. By, literally, 3-5 minutes tops. So that got overblown.

I never once had a problem with WORK and employment until I was defamed by the Roman Catholic Church to their friends in law enforcement and anyone who would listen, and the Willamette Week.

Being defamed made it hard for me to get work. And having the FBI, Catholic Judges, and law enforcement work together to block my freedom of travel and falsely arrest me to obstruct my access to court and fixing the problem, was a huge problem that others later wanted to cover up. So I noticed there was a problem with employment all of a sudden, and signed up for FT college and pursued that in 2002. It was never PT, ever. It was always FT and why the U.S. has inaccurate information about me online is not surprising to say the least. They can't even get that part right, and it's easy to find out whether or not it's true. And because they put me at PT attendance in 2002, this meant I was thrown into default status earlier because you're required to make payments. I also know that in 2004 I wasn't PT but FT and that's what I got money for, so if someone went into the system to throw in a wrench and try to immediately default me, they got a headstart. The U.S. Dept. of Ed told me, "That's the information we got from your college (PSU)" and that's not true. So basically, PSU gave the Dept. of Ed incorrect information that put me into default earlier than it should have, and they haven't corrected this and are required to correct this. Since it didn't happen until 2004, it looks more like retaliation for my filing a report of misconduct against FBI.

When I was in college, I was self-employed bc I took so many classes and it was flexible.

My "work history" didn't become Roman Catholic infested and ruined until after 2005 when my son and I were tortured. I got a job fine in Wenatchee, despite what was going on and could have worked anywhere. I worked for the Argentinian Catholic Olga Strong who was married to the Army military guy. After this, after my son and I were literally tortured, the people wanting to give me jobs really quick and then fire me and say I was a bad worker--every single one of them was Catholic.

So, from 2005-2011, since I was tortured, and after making my FBI complaint and being FORCED out of lawsuits I filed to protect my reputation, I was refused work, harassed more, used by military and Roman Catholics who just wanted info and then to ruin my employment history. And, I was tortured for the first time, literally assaulted in the workplace, at the Deli in Nashville, TN where the manager was a FEMA federal govt. worker and Catholic. I already knew I was quitting because I couldn't believe that this happened, and then I was full-blown outright tortured and used for research at Logan's and I was forced to work there and it was Catholics connected to military who had me work for them. And whoever they were, they did favors for some kind of UK interest.

The Roman Catholics didn't like my accusations about being tortured in the workplace and assaulted by one of the women, so they used FBI connections to have me thrown in a psych ward, and Jennifer Winkler knew some of these people. One of the Jennifer's from the Koch firm, KNEW the people in TN at Logan's and I found an immediate RC Archdiocese connection with the employee who assaulted me.

It's not that I can't work because something is "wrong" with me.

It's that I was DEFAMED and the FBI obstructed my ability to defend myself against defamation that then discredited me to the point of my son and I being tortured and then I was called crazy, as a convenient cover.

I'm tired of it.

I am not a member of the Catholic church and I will never be a member. So MOVE on and get over it. In the meantime, your Hate Crimes and use of federal government friends and law enforcement are a problem. I didn't sign up for the military either, or the CIA. So MOVE on and GET OVER IT.

I was a regular and normal person, trying to do what everyone else does, which is go to college and work, and have a family, and I have FBI colluding with other Hate crime parties since 2001 and illegally obstructing me from freedom of travel, education, and access to the court--even to my own lawsuits that I had filed, which they KNEW I would have WON.

How would things have turned out differently if I had not been illegally pulled over for a suspended license that was never suspended and defamed and obstructing from remedy for that?

Imagine that I had WON both lawsuits.

I had an 80% chance of winning 2 major lawsuits I filed and maintained on my own, that would have protected my reputation. If my odds were 70% for the Abbey and Archdiocese lawsuit (and actually, my odds were better bc I had evidence and hadn't even received discovery yet), I had 90% of winning, right off the bat, with the newspaper because it was easy to prove they lied and then did not make retractions as a NEWSPAPER and publication is obligated to do.

I wasn't obstructed because I was going to lose.

I was obstructed because I was going to WIN.

Do you know what my parents were tortured over? MY lawsuits.

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